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Fighters vs mages at high level.


jrients said:
Once you step away from a stand-up fight to any scenario other than a planned duel the wizard should just leave. Tell me how the fighter prevents the wizard from escaping. I don't run high level characters but if I was an epic wizard my first line of defense would be some sort of Get Me The Hell Out of Here spell.

The fighter cant stop him from running away. Lol ever watch wrestling though? If your out of the ring for a 10 count you lose. So the fighter still wins. The mage just survived.

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boredgremlin said:
The fighter cant stop him from running away. Lol ever watch wrestling though? If your out of the ring for a 10 count you lose. So the fighter still wins. The mage just survived.

I agree, if the Wizard leaves it would be the same as a forfit


Thanee said:
Oh, I think I misunderstood you then. I was thinking about an adventuring wizard, of course.
You know, the kind, that actually fights.

So, if your fighter wants to slaughter a peaceful scholar, then go ahead and have fun. ;)

Though, good luck reaching him in his super-secure* wizard tower. :p

* Hey, he creates items and researches spells all day long (which is quite some time, if he is 30th level now), not to mention, that he has long divined the fighter's arrival with all those divination spells. You won't become a 30th level wizard-scholar, if you don't know how to protect your place. :D


Lol the scholar is far more in need of killing in the long run. Who is the bigger threat to humankind? A special ops soldier, a politicain or the guy in a lab who developes bio weapons? Nothing more dangerous then a scholar.

boredgremlin said:
The fighter cant stop him from running away. Lol ever watch wrestling though? If your out of the ring for a 10 count you lose. So the fighter still wins. The mage just survived.

I'm sorry - when was the time limit introduced?

Also, didn't you previously argue that your Epic archer could hit anything within line of sight?

Doesn't that mean, on a clear day or so, anything within a good 7 miles is fair game for the "ring"?

And that doesn't even consider the potential of extra-planar and other-planar spaces - or are you planning on limiting the wizard to an even smaller subset of his prepared abilities?


First Post
boredgremlin said:
The fighter cant stop him from running away. Lol ever watch wrestling though? If your out of the ring for a 10 count you lose. So the fighter still wins. The mage just survived.

Let me get this straight:

boredremlin further upthread said:
Wizards research, create items and generally do all sorts of other things every day rather then sit biting thier nails and preparing to kill the next fighter who shows up.

Under your scenario the encounter could start by the fighter showing up uninvited to the wizard's tea party. The fighter is clearly looking to kill the wizard. My solution is for the wizard to leave. Clearly your swordman has failed to fufill his intended goal. And you say the fighter wins? It would be an odd victory if you fail to make your victory conditions yet still get to claim a win. Now if you want to discuss a scenario in which the two combatants are having tea together and a fight breaks out, that's fine by me. Both are equally underprepared. The wizard may have a suboptimal spell selection but the fighter probably didn't come to the tea party armed and armored to the teeth. Or you can look at both of them gunning for a fight, with both sides prepared. But if you want a scenario where the one participant ambushes the other then the defender escaping ought to be a win for the ambushed party. Otherwise, why aren't we also examining a scenario in which the wizard goes gunning for the fighter?


Its like boxing. You both step into the ring. The bell rings, then one guy hops over the ropes and runs like hell. What are we to assume except that he has lost?

boredgremlin said:
Its like boxing. You both step into the ring. The bell rings, then one guy hops over the ropes and runs like hell. What are we to assume except that he has lost?

I think you mean, "You both step into the ring. The bell rings, and one guy runs to the corner, forcing the other to lose sight of him."

Unless, of course, you are seriously positing that this battle should take place on a 15' by 15', 2d, square?

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