I think I'm exactly who you're looking for; I started with 2e in 1994, played it obsessively (at one point running 3 campaigns and playing in 2-3 others). Switched to 3e and then 3.5 when they came out, though running only one game at a time (while occasionally playing in one or two others). I played other games too (I started my TTRPG experience with Earthdawn in 1993, fore example), but D&D has been my one true love since I first played. I also picked up the Rules Cyclopedia somewhere in the late 90s and loved it, but never actually used it at the time.
I stopped playing shortly before 4e came out, though that was mostly coincidence - I got married to someone who didn't even understand the concept, let alone the appeal, of RPGs. So I had a multi-year dry spell starting in 2007.
After my son was born in 2013, I played in the local Pathfinder Adventurer's League a few times, but I never really got into it and dropped it like a hot potato when the D&D Next playtests started.
I loved what I saw in the playtests, and I was one of the first in line to pick up the 5e Player's Handbook at my FLGS when it came out. I played in the local Adventurer's League mostly to vet players to poach for my own game, and ran (or occasionally played) 5e at least monthly, though generally weekly, for the next several years. And while I enjoyed running 5e, it never quite grabbed me as a player; in time I realized that I really, REALLY dislike the subclass system, especially as it applies to wizards. I actually started writing my own game, based on the old Rules Cyclopedia, when I stumbled across the Dungeon Crawl Classics Core Rulebook in mid 2017.
Simply put, DCC is everything I love in TTRPGs, from the game itself to the people who make it to the amazing community that has built up around it.
So yes, 5e brought me back into D&D (and RPGs in general) when it came out, and even helped kick off my longtime dream of being a game designer/publisher, but I do not play it anymore.