For More Than Glory (Emiricol's Campaign)

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Finally finished updating Zerash's character sheet! But I forgot your email evandariel. If you feel you can post it here, go ahead, if not we could meet on OpenRPG?


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Sorry about this guys, but I'm going to have to cancel the game next week. Lisa just had a stomach bug, so she is fine, but a friend of mine (old gamer!) that I haven't seen in years is going to be near where I live. So I am going to have to go see him this weekend while I have the chance, and won't get back until 10 or 11pm on monday.

I am, however, excited about DMing. I've got several different avenues lined up, so we will see where the group leads itself. Email me ( if you need anything.



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evandariel said:
Sorry about this guys, but I'm going to have to cancel the game next week. Lisa just had a stomach bug, so she is fine, but a friend of mine (old gamer!) that I haven't seen in years is going to be near where I live. So I am going to have to go see him this weekend while I have the chance, and won't get back until 10 or 11pm on monday.

I am, however, excited about DMing. I've got several different avenues lined up, so we will see where the group leads itself. Email me ( if you need anything.


I was wondering if we were pre-treasure redo or post-treasure redo so I can be ready for next session (if its post).


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I'm actually supposed to work in the evening this monday (3-05-07)... I should be there for the beginning if we start on time.. but I'll probably be only on for an hour or so unless I finagle something.


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The recent near-demise of my main character has prompted me to develop a backup character. In the process, I have found him to be so interesting as to want to use him now. He is a dwarven ranger pretty much straight out of the 3.5 PHB and DMG who has giants as a favored enemy. I'm going to find a way to work him in and Valdir out if the DM approves of him.

See you tonight.


First Post
Ezieer said:
I'm actually supposed to work in the evening this monday (3-05-07)... I should be there for the beginning if we start on time.. but I'll probably be only on for an hour or so unless I finagle something.

actually... snafu planning rules are in effect

I wont be there at all tonite.

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