D&D General From Another Edition

the Jester

I love pulling resources from old editions- monsters, spells, adventures, etc. I convert old kits from the 2e brown books into subclasses; I update old feats; etc. What are some old edition things you brought into your game (or for that matter, for those playing older editions, what are some new edition things you brought into your older edition game)? How did it go?

Last night, in my 5e game, I used two old edition monsters- the xag-ya from 1e (and its conversion in 3e, which was my actual starting point for conversion) and the crawling apocalypse from 3e's Sandstorm. The crawling apocalypse had been awoken by an earthquake and was pursuing the creepy, haunted, undead-drawing "ghost wagon" that the pcs drive around. They had to lure it back to its cradle, fix up a broken tank and refill it with dirty brine, and then enter the proper sequence of commands to put it back to "sleep". When they touched the control banks, a magical trap summoned up four xag-ya guardians, making for a dangerous encounter, but nothing like the danger presented by the crawling apocalypse (CR 18 and legendary, with the pcs ranging from 4th to 12th level but averaging a little below 8th).

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Like you, monsters and magic items are the first things that I reach for. I don't really use mechanics from earlier editions; I strongly prefer 5e's take on D&D. I'm much more likely to home-brew my own mechanics when I feel a need, or to incorporate mechanics from a completely different game.


If the campaign demands their inclusion, I will use the Companion Set/RC rules for Domains and Warfare in any edition of the game. I have never encountered another system, official or 3PP, that handles these things as elegantly.


For me old edition setting stuff and lore is likely to be the backdrop, with older edition modules requiring conversion.

I am currently running a 5e conversion of the Pathfinder 1e Iron Gods adventure path set in a mashup homebrew setting of mostly 3.5 Golarion and 3.0 Ptolus.


Shirokinukatsukami fan
What are some old edition things you brought into your game (or for that matter, for those playing older editions, what are some new edition things you brought into your older edition game)? How did it go?
Monsters! Most recently, I used a destrachan in a Spelljammer game with a sonic-theme. I'm lazy, so I found someone else's homebrew version on D&D Beyond and used that. (Thanks to whoever shared it.) The encounter went really well, as one of the characters had just leveled up and selected silence as a new spell. Neither I (the DM) nor the other players had noticed this before the session started, but the player was delighted with his fortuitous choice. The players of other spellcasters were less impressed, and had a crash course in figuring out which of their spells had verbal components. My players also struggled a little with not being able to shout their usual tactical advice to each other during the fight, but that challenge made it more fun.

Last night, in my 5e game, I used two old edition monsters- the xag-ya from 1e (and its conversion in 3e, which was my actual starting point for conversion)
Is there a particular reason your starting point for the xag-ya was the 3e version and not the D&D Next version? As an aside, I suspect we'll get an official xag-ya in Quests from the Infinite Staircase.


the Incomparably Shrewd and Clever
Is there a particular reason your starting point for the xag-ya was the 3e version and not the D&D Next version?
Was this in a D&D Next playtest package? I never used the energons much in prior editions, but I always loved the artwork for them and the concept of them.


Shirokinukatsukami fan
Was this in a D&D Next playtest package? I never used the energons much in prior editions, but I always loved the artwork for them and the concept of them.
Yes, the 041113 DnD Next Playtest Packet:


Spells and monsters for me mostly. 1E/2E has quite a few spells that didn't carry over to 5E (many are simply not needed, others are a bit niche), and 3E has quite a few interesting spells that didn't make the jump.

Monsters are always just fun for me to introduce to players - especially those that had read the MM cover to cover.

Beyond that, there's whole swathes of 2E/3E lore that I've carried up with me as I've rejected a lot of 5E (creature/plane) lore.


Been planning a new campaign (no time to GM campaign now), and there are Shadow themes so I converted the Shadow Walker as a rogue subclass from the old AD&D Wizards and Rogues of the Realm softcover. It’s part of my effort to breathe new life into the Sea of Fallen Stars region and more unique elements of the Forgotten Realms that distinguish it from “kitchen sink fantasy.”

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