D&D 5E From Nobles to Knights


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Having rid the tavern of the vampire scourge the Barkeep informs you that they offered to perform for free, and he couldn't pass up the offer.

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Quentin equipped his shield and advised the patrons to go straight home after he made sure the vampires aren't lurking just outside the tavern. If he saw any threat he kept the people inside.
After the warlock warned about imminent return of the Red Lady, he took position with ready shield and dagger.


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Peeking outside you see a humanoid figure across the road, a white beard visible under his cloak. You see two swords on his back, as well as a shortsword and a hand crossbow on his hips. He seems to be just staring at the tavern. It doesn't appear to be a vampire but something seems strange about the man.

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Whisper stays where she is, dagger still in her hand, held seemingly far too loosely to be of use in a fight.

She keeps her eyes on the spot the Red Lady vanished from, ready to take action when she re-appears.

(Readying an action to attack!)


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The Red Lady reappears, and at the same moment the mysterious man from across the road bursts into the tavern, striking the Red Lady down to the ground with one of the Bastard Swords from his back. He then readies himself for a second swing, saying "You will not elude me again, you foul creature!"

OOC: The Red Lady is back, but now prone and weak. [MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION] roll your attack and damage.

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The vampire appeared, and Whisper stepped forward and with a surprisingly quick lunge, stabbed her with that ludicrously ordinary dagger she was holding.

Except, the sharp eye would see that in mid-thrust, the blade of it changed. The edges lit up with light that wasn't light; that cast no shadows and didn't hurt the eyes. It seemed to compress...becoming as thin and flat as a drawing of a dagger blade. And finally it changed to a dull, featureless grey that burned and twisted in the mind just to look at.

From its effect on the undead, it didn't feel any better to have it shoved into one.

The payload delivered, Whisper stepped back and peered curiously down at the vampire to gauge its reaction to her attack.

[roll0] to hit, and [roll1] damage (counts as magic due to Psionic Weapon focus), plus [roll2] psychic damage from Lethal Strike with 5 points on it.
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First Post
The dagger thrusts into the Red Lady's heart, leaving her dead. The large bearded man looks at you with a look of frustration and says "Gah! Ye stole me kill! I hunted this band for 36 days and ye stole me quarry from right under me blade! Ye're lucky I've already been paid for this, or ye'd be feelin' me blade yerself!"

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