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Gamer Love Life

Ranger REG

the Jester said:
Sigh... don't know any gamer girls who are single and stuff, though.
Attend many gaming conventions, including GenCon. You'll find them.

Then again, it would be nice to find a girl who have shown interest in RPG hobby but is a virgin to it. ;)

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Dungannon said:
Check out http://www.mmodating.com. They bill themselves as the online dating service for gamers. Discovered that link on Something Positive, btw.
I signed up for the site, just because.
However I must say, there is nothing that makes that place suited to gamers as a dating service.

The questions are cut from the SAME cloth as other dating sites.

It doesnt ask what systems you like, it doesnt ask what type of player you are, it doesnt ask any of the "gamer" questions.

Sure, you can add all that in the 3 fields at the last page, but again, its pointless.

To top it off, the place doesnt even offer a free trail for messaging. I know for the "first month" it costs 1 dollar for unlimited, but thats "too good to be true" if you ask me.

This site is a scam to get peoples credit card info. IMO.


First Post
I was a gamer virgin until my husband (then boyfriend) showed me the light of DnD. I cook for the group, and am the unofficial secretary; Makeing sure everyone's schedules work out for us to play. Our group has been lucky; out of all of the 6 guys only 1 has a girl friend that just refuses to understand gaming.
The others, either are cool with it. Or want to play. I have even started a Significant others game where the women all get together and play with out the guys.


diaglo said:
you just need to find someone who is understanding of your hobby. and your love of pugs.
The latter may be more difficult than the former, if you ask me.

I'd say find a gal and date her. Don't hide your game. Maybe she'll want to come watch or even play.

That's what happenned with my wife -- who has recently threatened me with bodily harm if she was not allowed to play in a game. Of course, that all started 11 or 12 years ago, so it wasn't a short road.

Djeta Thernadier

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Eosin the Red said:
As a married fella let me offer some oats to chew on. If you hide your gaming hobby from her (or him) in the beginning of the relationship then you are asking for later problems. After the third or fourth date with my wife she asked about going out on a saturday night and I said "I game with my buddies on saturdays, we been doing it for 15 years, how bout we get together on sunday?"

Now as a married man - my wife knows that gaming is important to me but takes a back seat to birthday parties, annaverseries, holidays and other special occasions. The nice part is while she does not like games, she does not resent me or gaming. It simply is a part of our life, like exersize, work, or watching TV.

I agree 100%. Do not feel like you have to hide who you are or what you do from anyone.

Djeta Thernadier

First Post
diaglo said:

you've met my wife. she doesn't game.

you just need to find someone who is understanding of your hobby. and your love of pugs. ;)

Are there any women anywhere who wouldn't love a man who loves cute puppies?!?!?!



In terms of female relationships, I think the most important thing is that you are really good friends.

Of course, big breasts don't hurt, either.

Ok, I kid, I'm a kidder.

My wife is not a gamer. I did date a few girls that could be considered gamers. One was very strange. We called her "psycho Sally" for a reason. I just wasn't attracted to her, although she was actually fairly attractive, slender long brown hair.

I also dated a girl that was a former model. She was hot, and knew 100 times more about the Star Wars universe than I ever could. She even had Star Wars legos in her cube at work. Oddly enough, we didn't have anything in common. And I don't think she ever gamed, but she probably would have been into some d20 Star Wars if it was offered.

But, good luck. Most gamer girls I've ever met, aren't exactly best-in-show, if you know what I mean.


Well, us gamers tend to be a little obsesive with our gaming. This might turn her off to it. I have found it best to take it slow to introdouce her to gaming.

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