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Gaming W/Jemal: Legends Chapter 1


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"I didn't say I *wanted* to die.... but that it's an acceptable end as long as it's done valiantly and just.... Arineil stands to her full height of six foot five inches.. she straitens her plate a bit and checks her rather awe inspiring Falchion at her hip... moving to Oroz she extends a muscular yet still sleek and feminine arm... "Arineil Silverwing... Arm of Heironeous... views aside... I ask you to stay and help us here... we are ALL hear for some reason or another... lets all do this together and get it done and over with" she says while waiting for Oroz to take her hand in peaceful greeting...

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Oroz grabs his head for a moment and shakes it, then flames in his eyes fade away as he grasps Arineil's hand.

"Oroz Brook. Pleased to meet your aquantance."


"The Raven speaks wisely, young ones. Fighting amongst yourselves will only lead to disaster. It is only natural that you have questions as to how, and why you have been chosen. If you will but listen a moment, I will answer what I can."

He turns to the bird-man "You came seeking answers, and perhaps a way to atone for past misdeeds. should the Warlord awaken, the world itself will tremble in fear.." His gaze wanders over to Damian then "Which brings me to your question - How do you stop him when so many have failed? Well, in all truth you cannot, not with your current abilities. That is why you must stop him BEFORE he awakens, BEFORE he breaks free. To fight this dark one in your present state would be suicide. You must destroy the artifact that is breaking his shackles, this vile sword that seeks to free him."

"And you must do so together. You are all heroes, whether you realize it yet or not. You will go together and stop this evil, to save the world."

As he finishes, the three of you each hear his words in your head, a private message for you alone.

[sblock=Oroz] "You will find the answers you seek only when you embrace your bloodline. Your family will never be able to rest if this Warlord is set loose."[/sblock]

[sblock=Raven] "You hide much of what you are, and even more is hidden still from you. You are stronger than even you suspect."[/sblock]

[sblock=Arineil] "Should you die before your time, You may not find the afterlife you desire. You have much to do before Heironeous will take you to his side."[/sblock]
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Arineil hangs her head as she hears the words in her head.... she realizes then and there this would not be an easy task... and this threat could be the defining moment in her life that shows her deity where she stands with him..... with a soft sigh she sinks back into her seat with more thoughts now to go over in her mind.....


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Oroz begins heading in the direction of the swamp. He calls back to his new companions.

"Well I know I won't find the answers I seek hanging around here. You all coming?"

"In a moment."

Damian sets the small bag he had on the floor. From this he draws a dull mithral shirt and a strange harness that he wraps around his body. Next from the bag he draws Four greatswords and a heavy flail. The great swords all cross his back a hilt over and below each shoulder the flail is attached to his waist. Three wands find a place at his belt with thin chains attached to them. Last he draws a piece of shadow which he draps across his shoulders like a cloak. His fform becomes faint and his pressence fades from the mind.

"While I don't think I'll be much help, I will do my best not to slow you down." As he follows Oroz he steps from shadow to shadow vanising, only appearing in those few places that light exists.

Myth and Legend

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From the side, previously remaining out of sight due to her short stature, came forth a blond, frail looking Sun Elven woman with a slight glow emanating from her skin. Her face was stern, her hair - tucked away in a tight bun at the back of her head, and her whole persona emanated power and calm control. The woman's eyes were a strange mixture of green, gold and emanated a blue glow, and as such did not help soften her appearance at all.

Not knowing who her parents were at all, Silivrenniel's top priority and the sole reason for her to break off from her secluded studies, was exactly this promise of answers revealed. She was not one to babble, but possessed eloquence when it was called for. Now, the Elven woman felt she had to make herself present: "It is quite obvious that all of us gathered here are beings of skill and aptitude. You may jest like children but I can see how you weigh each other trough eyes that have seen much - it is all too apparent that none of us here are simple folk."

The last thing she said to the young man that had claimed to be no more than a merchant. Sila eyed the him and tried to examine the man with her treasured analytical mind. "Young and quite the charmer. This one is full of confidence, a trait acquired trough numerous victories no doubt."

The Elf looked around, each of the others was holding about him or her an obvious aura of strength and confidence. Silivrenniel was right, of course. "I for one have no intention of committing to any task before more is made known to me, no offense to our host."
The tiny woman nodded towards the old man, her arms crossed in front of her chest.


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"I will."

The speaker was a human woman with flyaway blonde hair, clad in a cloak that hugged her around the shoulders and flapped dramatically in the wind, as well as a fine dress of lime green silk. She was beautiful, her skin clear and smooth, and her eyes shining like sapphires. Her expression and tone of voice were quiet, and a little sad.

"I know this Warlord's works. I was still a child when he walked the world, but I remember the stories. Nothing that any of us could do is more important than seeing that he does not rise again."

She looks up at the others.



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Arineil looked the other female over and was actually a little relived she was not the only one of her gender among them... her attention was taken back to other matters as Oroz up and headed out with another in toe.... "I am not going anywheres until the two I trust the most here are ready to go with me" Arineil uttered softly as he turned her head to see what Sabastian and Chevik were up to... "Are you ready to go my old friends?" she added checking to see if they had any questions before donning her pack and double-checking her things as she stood....


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"Hrm..." Sabastian crooned, melodiously pondering the current affairs as they stood presented. He was no man of the sword, nor of the cloth or tome, like his friends Chevik and Arineil. Truth be told, he lacked any sense of formal schooling in its wholeness. What he lacked in formal training, however, he made up for in cleverness and worldly experience, a vast reservoir of talent and knowledge at his disposal to outwit and out-plan his adversaries rather than meet them head-on in a square brawl. But this... this just seemed silly. A dead warlord who could pose a greater threat than he and the assembled might be capable of handling? It's a bit hard to swallow, really.

This "Bloodline" nonsense was another matter all together. Caring little at the time Chevik pitched the idea to visit the old seer, Sabastian now found himself rather unmoved by the turn of events. Sure, the catchy title of Schemer was a nice touch, but otherwise uninformative. Frankly, Sabastian felt a bit cheated by the lackluster turn of events. If it weren't for the potential excitement that might be entailed in this fiasco, he would've left right there and then, leaving the assortment of colorful characters to bicker amongst themselves.

"So, just to sum it all up, we're supposed to be the only folks who can stop this warlord whom -- back in his prime -- was nearly a match for a bunch of legendary heroes, who will destroy the Prime Material if he gets his hands on some two-bit rusted sword." Raze finally says, his long and awkward silence well-deserved as he dwelt on the circumstances he and his fine fellows found themselves in. "We're expected to trudge our way through a swamp that makes minced meat out of anyone foolish enough to step foot on its soil, meander our way through this abandoned civilization where he's buried, and destroy the sword. What's our exit strategy should he escape, hmm? What about those generals of his you mentioned, old man? Lets say he does manage to elude us -- not counting 'Oroz who Skims the Sea' or whatever his name was, of course -- this warlord would still have to amass an army before he could even consider invading the realm. That's men, weapons, armor, and siege equipment to buy us time. That leaves two viable options, as I see them: we either split up and begin the formation of our own armies 'just in case,' or we hit this chump fast and hard." the guileful rogue prattles, raising the occasional finger to list the various pieces of equipment and options as he does so.

"Just my two crowns and all that. Thoughts, Chevik?"

((OOC: Cripes you guys move quick >.>))
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