Ginny Di interviews WotC's Kyle Brink

Continuing the D&D executive producer's interview tour, gaming influencer Ginny Di asks a WotC's Kyle Brink about the OGL and other things.

Continuing the D&D executive producer's interview tour, gaming influencer Ginny Di asks a WotC's Kyle Brink about the OGL and other things.


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It's also a bit of a power move to ensure that Evergreen D&D remains an Evergreen strategy: many at WotC have believed and advocated for this for years, and now this makes it harder to ever break away from pursuing.
I don’t know, if they learned one thing recently, then that is that promises of something going on indefinitely eventually end up conflicting with their then current interests.

I do not find someone tying their own hands and then declaring that this strengthens their position all that convincing.

Particularly as the game becomes less important than merchandising.
that can indeed make an edition change less important, I guess we will see how long they stick with an evergreen strategy

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The profit and revenue mainly comes from MtG. Top end estimate is that D&D made $150M of more than $1B of revenue and that is very recent.

WoTC (and Hasbro) has been carried along by MyG for a while. D&D only recently started getting mentioned in earnings calls.
Considering Hasbro considers a core brand to be 50 million… that’s not small. And it’s been getting mentioned on earnings calls for about 6 years now.



They alienated their most loyal fans, they jumpstarted two competing RPGs and they reduced their influence in one fell swoop.
If they keep having these kinds of wins, they might as well shut D&D down ;)

Not sure that’s entirely true. Often the loudest voices disavowing WotC are the same voices that have spent years proudly proclaiming how they don’t actually buy anything from WotC and feel that WotC is no longer “their” DnD.


Not sure that’s entirely true. Often the loudest voices disavowing WotC are the same voices that have spent years proudly proclaiming how they don’t actually buy anything from WotC and feel that WotC is no longer “their” DnD.
Some, but not all.


Not sure that’s entirely true. Often the loudest voices disavowing WotC are the same voices that have spent years proudly proclaiming how they don’t actually buy anything from WotC and feel that WotC is no longer “their” DnD.
there is no ‘only’ here… you want a ‘mostly’?



They alienated their most loyal fans, they jumpstarted two competing RPGs and they reduced their influence in one fell swoop.
If they keep having these kinds of wins, they might as well shut D&D down ;)

This was the biggest mistake since 4e, the one saving grace is that this time they cut their losses after a few weeks
Voices on the internet are usually and rarely reflective of the majority or even the most loyal. They are the vocal minority. Most players and fans probably didn’t care either way and we don’t know what the financial impact is/was on WOTC with regard to the OGL incident because it was a very small time span and made zero impact on, for example, Amazon sales rank, where the PHB remained a top product. Yes all these other games sold through, and that’s wonderful, and a sign of an impact on the brand, but was it the most loyal? Was it a blip? Do those sales translate to new, sustained players or are they short term gains with minimal impact for those games?

The average player, again, doesn’t care about OGL or how this impacts everything and it won’t impact their games or their buying dollars. Many don’t even know what it is and just buy their D&D books, minis and other products because they love playing. This will be the majority. Some might blip out for a short term and then blip right back in. OneDnD will pull more back in.


Voices on the internet are usually and rarely reflective of the majority or even the most loyal. They are the vocal minority.
they are a vocal minority, agreed, never claimed they were not
Most players and fans probably didn’t care either way and we don’t know what the financial impact is/was on WOTC with regard to the OGL incident because it was a very small time span
I agree, I said the same things in my posts (spread out, not all in one), including right after what you quoted from this one ;)
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