Ginny Di on the OGL

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“Be patient with me…as I reevaluate everything about my career.”

Yeah. Several thousand people right there with you Ginny.
Yeah, that's the important part of this story.

A lot of us will be sad that our favorite brand just flipped us off. But what we should be focusing on is the careers and lives left in the lurch. I wish people would think about that before driving by to go 'lol, I don't care', or 'that's just business'.

Still kinda never, as that video isn't discussing it. She just links to other videos but doesn't really comment herself on it.
I'm not sure it matters...Ginny D is a personality affected by this, and she is plainly sad and pissed off. All she'd have to say has been said much better by others, and she chose a number of good content creators to boost (I'd personally have linked to one of the streams Ryan Dancey has done, too, but I'm not running a channel).

What would you want her to say more than she's saying here?


Still kinda never, as that video isn't discussing it. She just links to other videos but doesn't really comment herself on it.
She's posted several times on Twitter to make her displeasure known, and was actually cited by several news articles as a driving force behind the D&D Beyond cancellations. I don't think she deserves any flack for not adding another angry video to the growing heap on what was apparently supposed to be a month off. Her stance is pretty clearly against the OGL 1.1 (2.0?) and specifically in calling for WotC to pointedly declare the OGL irrevocable.

I quite like Di's work, she's generally insightful, her content is very measured and approachable, and I sincerely hope this situation doesn't throw her career plans into a tailspin.
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I'm not sure it matters...Ginny D is a personality affected by this, and she is plainly sad and pissed off. All she'd have to say has been said much better by others, and she chose a number of good content creators to boost (I'd personally have linked to one of the streams Ryan Dancey has done, too, but I'm not running a channel).

What would you want her to say more than she's saying here?
Nothing. I'm just saying she didn't say much in that video. I'm not busting on her for that; it's her prerogative. Just that for the casual viewer, they aren't getting a lot of her analysis on the matter as she's just linking to other videos. Which again isn't a bad thing. Just that there's not a lot of content there in that video. It's less her take on the OGL, and more "here's what others are saying."

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