Ginny Di on the OGL

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Reeks of Jedi
Nothing against her but being a D&D fan girl on YouTube will only take you so far.

Luckily there are a ton of great games out there for her to gush over.

Though again, they will only take you so far.

The again what do I know about YouTubers and income?


Reeks of Jedi
And this attitude is exactly the problem.

People act like a career choice that's more than a decade old is some newfangled flash in the pan fad and turn their noses up.

I’m saying I don’t see it taking her into retirement. Or maybe it could.

I’d def say it’s a career where you want to hav other options if the bottom falls out. The internet can be fickle.

I’m saying I don’t see it taking her into retirement. Or maybe it could.

I’d def say it’s a career where you want to hav other options if the bottom falls out. The internet can be fickle.
The Internet didn't do this, though.

This is a sponsor turning out to be carp, like when that "buy a plot of land, become a lord, and we'll plant a tree" thing turned out to be bogus.

I’d def say it’s a career where you want to hav other options if the bottom falls out. The internet can be fickle.
Buddy, do you think ANY job is THAT safe right now? "To retirement" for someone who is 20 or 30-something now? So like, 30-40+ years?

I don't. The era of technological change we're in, particularly re: automation means basically any job could be eliminated or vastly reduced in importance.

Voidrunner's Codex

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