Ginny Di on the OGL

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5ever, or until 2024
I honestly doubt they know who she is, which all things considered is their myopia toward anything or anyone that isn't also someone they'd consider a competitor.

They likely don't know Pointy Hat, Dingo Doodles, Mr Rhexx, XP to Level 3, Jo Cat, Dungeon Dad, Blaine Simple, Runesmith, or any of the other people they owe for the community being what it is, that aren't companies they feel they need to fight.

And that's frankly a huge mistake on an order I figure even most people here don't fully grok.

I had been thinking about this, and Ginny Di really helped make the point.

These days, there is such a thing as "influencers". Also, there is the related phenomenon of the "internet" As the name implies certain people can influence the spending of others, largely through this internet. In fact, even we are sort of an influencer collective, perhaps, collectively, beyond what we realize. And if something goes "viral" like, influencers saying WotC is a bunch of meanies, this can spread via the internet very quickly.

At points WotC has seemed very aware of this reality, but they seemed to have a lapse of understanding.


I can't be the only one noticing how dismissive of Ginni D some people are in a way they aren't of similar figure who happen to have a different set of attributes, can I?
She's also young, perky and a professional cosplayer. People probably also underestimate Ginny's talent and drive. Her videos are often very funny. I love how she doesn't just talk about her sponsors, she creates amusing ads. Her music videos are also really good. Ginny puts a lot of work into her videos.


I can't be the only one noticing how dismissive of Ginni D some people are in a way they aren't of similar figure who happen to have a different set of attributes, can I?
Don't be coy. If you've got something to say then say it. Have the courage of your convictions instead of tip toeing around it.


I'm not a regular viewer, but I like Ginny D well enough because I think she gives some pretty good gaming advice. I think sometimes we're a bit unfair towards people like Ginny D, expecting them to lead the charge or say exactly the right thing, you know, so long as we're in agreement I guess. I think the one comment that hit the hardest was the end when she half-jokingly said something about having to reevaluate her career. I think she'll be able to bounce back after this, but there's uncertainty in the market right now and that's stressful for anyone.

As I've alluded to elsewhere I think we are going to see a lot more of the generally D&D brand-positive internet personalities make videos denouncing WotC's actions the next couple weeks (give or take some fence sitting on the official "OGL" 2.0 being officially released) and those are going to have a lot greater impact than the videos by people who generally take a drama and dirty laundry approach to WotC, or really statements by anyone else. There's always someone trying to stir up controversy on the internet, and many people will discount such controversies accordingly, but a brand catching flak from the people who have basically built their followings around endorsing it, many of whom are very mild-mannered and controversy adverse, is a horse of a different color.

Whether or not you ever paid attention to online "D&D influencers" (broadly meaning everyone with an ounce of online fame and a heavy association with D&D) they are one big part of what made 5e era D&D a massive fad rather than just a comparatively successful game. And the thing about being someone famous in the D&D and D&D adjacent space is that producing your own D&D compatible product is both part of how you monetize that fame and, often more importantly, just something anyone whose whole career or side-hustle centers around talking about D&D all day would naturally want to do sooner or later. WotC has directly attacked the finances, creative endeavors, dreams and ambitions of most of the loudest and most persuasive pro-D&D voices. I don't think it will kill D&D as a brand, but D&D as a massive fad of the mid 2010s to early 2020s almost certainly dies in 2023, the year WotC decided to alienate it's most effective cheerleaders.


B/X Known World
As I've alluded to elsewhere I think we are going to see a lot more of the generally D&D brand-positive internet personalities make videos denouncing WotC's actions the next couple weeks (give or take some fence sitting on the official "OGL" 2.0 being officially released) and those are going to have a lot greater impact than the videos by people who generally take a drama and dirty laundry approach to WotC, or really statements by anyone else. There's always someone trying to stir up controversy on the internet, and many people will discount such controversies accordingly, but a brand catching flak from the people who have basically built their followings around endorsing it, many of whom are very mild-mannered and controversy adverse, is a horse of a different color.

Whether or not you ever paid attention to online "D&D influencers" (broadly meaning everyone with an ounce of online fame and a heavy association with D&D) they are one big part of what made 5e era D&D a massive fad rather than just a comparatively successful game. And the thing about being someone famous in the D&D and D&D adjacent space is that producing your own D&D compatible product is both part of how you monetize that fame and, often more importantly, just something anyone whose whole career or side-hustle centers around talking about D&D all day would naturally want to do sooner or later. WotC has directly attacked the finances, creative endeavors, dreams and ambitions of most of the loudest and most persuasive pro-D&D voices. I don't think it will kill D&D as a brand, but D&D as a massive fad of the mid 2010s to early 2020s almost certainly dies in 2023, the year WotC decided to alienate it's most effective cheerleaders.
I hope most of them can pivot to RPGs in general rather than just D&D. There’s a lot of talent out there. The drive and passion is still there, it just needs to be refocused to other games rather than all pointed at…whatever kind of pseudo video game this mediocre lifestyle brand will become.

Voidrunner's Codex

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