D&D 4E Greyhawk 4e: Back to the Beginning...

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Yeah, it seems like a good rebooting of Greyhawk, aside from shoving the 4e planes into it. I fear for Eberron's unique cosmology.


An instant point of failure to me would be if they actually retcon GH's cosmology and force it into using the "core" PoL cosmology. That would be like a kick in the face, even more than the massive 4e changes and retcons to FR's history. I swear, it's like they're systematically taking apart every setting that I was introduced to in 3e, grew to enjoy, and now like a junky deprived of his heroin by an uncaring dealer, it's starting to hurt. :erm:

For the love of Vecna, can't they allow a setting to have elements that aren't homogenous with the 4e PoL default?


World of Kulan DM
Yeah, it seems like a good rebooting of Greyhawk, aside from shoving the 4e planes into it. I fear for Eberron's unique cosmology.
I think Eberron's "planes" will likely get retconned to fit into the new 4e cosmology. That seems to be a major 4e design element. All the worlds will use the same cosmology.

That's one of the things I really dislike about 4e. If they do that to Dark Sun, then I will be really pissed off.

Im not a Greyhawk fan but come one. Seriously?
I hope this is utter rubbish.

Why do they have to do so many stinkin changes just because there is a 4e. Oh, wait i know why. Cause the edition they created doesnt fit with current settings.
They need to just publish new settings or do old ones that are edition free, and release a players guide that has mechanics for the current edition.


World of Kulan DM
An instant point of failure to me would be if they actually retcon GH's cosmology and force it into using the "core" PoL cosmology. That would be like a kick in the face, even more than the massive 4e changes and retcons to FR's history. I swear, it's like they're systematically taking apart every setting that I was introduced to in 3e, grew to enjoy, and now like a junky deprived of his heroin by an uncaring dealer, it's starting to hurt. :erm:

For the love of Vecna, can't they allow a setting to have elements that aren't homogenous with the 4e PoL default?
The thing about the Realms "pre-3e" is that it used the Great Wheel just like Greyhawk. That was the thing that made Planescape so great (as you well know). It encompassed almost every classic setting (except Dark Sun).

Disposing of the Great Wheel really bothers me but the choice has been made and WotC isn't going to change their minds now.

The Great Wheel is gone for D&D 4e. It's a bitter pill. :mad:

If they redo Greyhawk, then it will use the PoL cosmology. I'm sure the same thing will be done with Birthright, Dark Sun (grr!), Dragonlance, and Mystara (if or when those settings get updated) as well as Planescape and Spelljammer.

And I have this "gut feeling" that Planescape and Spelljammer will become one setting. I don't think that there is room for both settings in the 4e design philosophy. We'll likely know more once the new Manual of the Planes comes out.


World of Kulan DM
Im not a Greyhawk fan but come one. Seriously?
I hope this is utter rubbish.

Why do they have to do so many stinkin changes just because there is a 4e. Oh, wait i know why. Cause the edition they created doesnt fit with current settings.
They need to just publish new settings or do old ones that are edition free, and release a players guide that has mechanics for the current edition.
This just goes to show that no matter what they do they won't be able to please everyone.

Of course, you view has been echoed on Canonefire! by many Greyhawk purists. I gues I'm just not enough of a purist.

Besides, if I want to use the new 4e Greyhawk as my starting point and then add in the Greyhawk canon I like, I could advance the timeline to whenever I like.

I could even add the Greyhawk Wars, which I never hated.

Still, a diehard 3e fan, I might simply buy the campaign guide and use the 3e versions of the dragonborn and tieflings.

It's all conjecture at this point.


First Post
This sounds very much like wishful thinking to me.

Personally I think it would be a retrograde step. I know the Wars were never popular with a lot of GH fans but I thought it was the most interesting thing to ever happen to the setting. Some of it was overdone but at least the setting felt alive and active.

I am surprised the idea or a reboot hasnt received better reception from the diehard GH fans.


It sounds interesting.

I would buy this reboot. I'd then like some conversion articles for the old popular 1e greyhawk modules in dragon/dungeon.
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Honestly this reads very much like those fake patch notes that do the rounds just before a big WoW patch... but I respect GVD as a member of this community so I'm inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt.

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