D&D 4E Greyhawk 4e: Back to the Beginning...


. IMO Greyhawk fans will feel the same only moreso because the nostalgia pull of Greyhawk is so strong for the true fans of the setting.

Yes, but this 576 CY Greyhawk pushes my nostalgia buttons and feels far closer to 'canon' (ie 1e Gygax!) Greyhawk for me, than did 2e or 3e Greyhawk.

I think this approach is good for:

1. Fans of 1e Gygaxian Greyhawk.

2. Newbies new to D&D.

It's bad for fans of metaplot 2e Greyhawk and 3e Greyhawk.

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Irda Ranger

First Post
Tieflings and dragonborn shouldn't be shoehorned into Greyhawk or any setting.

4e's every setting is a generic 4e setting is a bad idea.
Agreed. "Same setting, different Map" is not a good value. I think Tieflings could actually work in a number of places (children of Iuz, etc.), but the Dragonborn just don't fit.

I also don't think this will happen because of the "Campaign Setting/Player's Guide" business model WotC is using. The Campaign Setting is basically a gazetter. If I wanted to run a 1E Gazzetter of Greyhawk I could just go on Ebay or to RPG Now and buy it. What's the value in reprinting that? There's some value, but not a lot. Moving the setting forward, like they did with FR, presents an opportunity for all new material.


First Post
I think a reboot would be a great idea (which is why I doubt it would actually happen). I actually think Greyhawk Wars and From the Ashes were pretty cool, but I'd rather play out the wars in my campaign, rather than have them already have happened. Maybe the PC's can stop Iuz from overrunning the Shield Lands and north Furyondy. If they do do this, how will they handle the deities?

The Little Raven

First Post
Agreed. Sounds like the kind of audacious thinking that brought us the new Battlestar Galactica over the howls of 'purists'.

I'd definitely take a look, should this rumor prove credible.

Agreed. I've never been particularly interested in Greyhawk for my games, but my first DM loved running it, so I kinda grew up playing some of it. A BSG-style reboot would probably make me at least pick up the books.


First Post
The ideas presented in the blurb from the other site sound awesome- I really hope this is true. Greyhawk has always been my favorite official D&D setting- I grew up playing in it in 1e and 2e, but like others, 3e did Greyhawk a disservice and didn't work well there. If this version of Greyhawk actually comes to pass, I'd buy several copies in a heartbeat just for reference in future years.


First Post
Greyhawk reboot is a great idea! Like others have said, it appeals to the 1E fans and owners of the original folios and boxed sets by resetting the timeline to the 'golden age', and recaptures the glory of Greyhawk for new players.

Even though the the initial post might be idle conjecture, I imagine enough positive reception on the interwebs would help facilitate the decision. Unfortunately it's looking like 2011 or 2012 at the earliest - Eberron (and then Dark Sun) seem somewhat locked in...


Agreed. I've never been particularly interested in Greyhawk for my games, but my first DM loved running it, so I kinda grew up playing some of it. A BSG-style reboot would probably make me at least pick up the books.

I think I could "sell" the campaign a lot better to some of my gaming buddies who aren't so familiar with the setting - the reboot will make it easier to focus on regional aspects as opposed to a somewhat strongarm metaplot.

Furthermore, I think this reboot would be a nice tribute to Mr. Gygax. :)


Well I stand corrected.

According to the responses here, I guess Greyhawk fans would like this idea. As a disclaimer I have to say that I don't like what they did to FR for 4e. It has the same basic map (broadly speaking) and even has some ideas that are good. Unfortunately, the setting will never be what it was because of WoTC's decision to limit support. Compared to the 2e and 3e versions of FR, the 4e version is, and will contiinue to be, skeletal.


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