
Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Sphynx smiles at his taller friend. "He's dead. It was not a once and done situation, but I his the body after the deed. I loosed the mounts from their corral. We will likely see them wandering around, which is going to make the nomads suspicious."

He switches his gaze to Nimbar, then back to Hawke. "We can take the day. Let's hole up in the ogre cave. I had to spend a spell on that bandit. We need to keep an eye on the nomad's activity, too. If they split off into smaller groups, we should lay into one when convenient for us to do so."

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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Hiding Out In Plain Sight

The party makes their way to the Ogre cave without being spotted. The cave is of an unusual shape, which is to the party's advantage. Until a person is almost completely inside the mouth of the cave, they cannot see very much of the interior. Hawke suggests a 2 rest / 1 guard rotation, in the positions noted. Everyone agrees to the wisdom of the plan.

The green dashes indicate the field of view that someone coming into the cave would have; until a person actually gets all the way into the cave, they will not be able to see the party members.

The red R's indicate the position that resting members will take.

The red G indicates the position that the guard will take.

The yellow S indicates the position of the secret door which leads back into the Goblin area.

There is much tree cover in front of the Ogre's cave on the outside, so aside from the cave being hard to see into, it is also well-hidden in the first place. If the denizens of this place do not yet know of the Ogre's demise, then it is doubtful that they will come anywhere near the cave to begin with.

The party is able to rest a full 24 hours undisturbed. During the rest period, shouts of Human voices speaking in Eryptian can be heard nearby, as the missing tribesman and the loose horses are discovered. The voices are far away, and their exact conversation is hard to discern.

GM: Sphynx, if you'd like to try, make a Listen check, and tell me what DC you make.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
An Overheard Conversation

Sphynx's roll = 16 (success.)

A Man's Voice (Speaking in Eryptian): "Grethek has vanished. Vode and Dorek are out looking for him. The horses got loose as well. It will probably take a few hours to round them all up again. Hopefully, most of them will just come back on their own when they get hungry. But the newer horses aren't used to being fed yet, so they will constitute the majority of the problem."

Another Man's Voice (Eryptian): "The Priest Mother will not be pleased when she hears about this. She'll blame us, because Grethek's our little brother, and it's our responsibility to keep him in line."

First Man: "Maybe we can blame the Kobolds. Those little cretins are the least cooperative out of all the Priest Mother's allies. She knows that they can't be completely trusted. If she blames them, it will give us the excuse to go and kill them. I like those swords they use; they're the perfect size for a brush knife, and they keep a clean edge."

Both men laugh greedily at the thought of depriving their Kobold allies of both their lives and their equipment.

SPHYNX: Your Thoughts?


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Sphynx translates in a still, quiet voice what he hears from the men who are speaking. "If the opportunity presents itself, I would like to see if we could eliminate those other two who are out looking for the one I already killed."

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Since this thread was so "young" I went ahead and edited all the posts with SBLOCKs in them, changing them to SPOILER. But unlike the old forum, I am unable to edit your posts, @MacConnell so you will need to edit your own posts by yourself.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Sphynx, it quickly becomes obvious that the two tribesmen who went to look for their missing kinsman have probably traveled far past where you killed him; they probably failed to notice his body, hidden in the bushes, and went further in that direction, heading away from the ravine.

After explaining this to your comrades, Nimbar says:

Nimbar: "We should go back near the corral, and wait for them. When they return from their scouting, their guard will be at its lowest as they are approaching the perceived safety of their home. I think we could deal with two of them quite quickly. What say you?"

Hawke nods, "I'm in. I'll drop on one of them (the one on the right) from a hidden perch above, and at the same time, you two should rush out from the bushes, and attack from the left."

SPHYNX: Do you go along with the plan?

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Wendol: Listen: 19, Spot: 19

1d6 Rounds To Prepare Ambush: (Roll = 6)
(The PCs receive a +6 bonus to Hide/Move rolls)

Hawke: Move: 17+6 = 23; Hide: 25+6 = 31

Nimbar: Move: 13+6 = 19; Hide: 22+6 = 28

Sphyx: Move: 25+6 = 31 Hide: 22+6 = 28

Wendol WIS Check (Tied Listen Roll): (Vs. DC 15): 19, 11

One makes it, one fails.


The ambush is prepared perfectly; all of the party members are nearly invisible among the surrounding foliage; no one is making a sound, and all is ready.

At the last moment, as the two Wendol tribesmen are coming into view, Nimbar shifts his weight, preparing to spring up; the sound is very subtle, and almost imperceptible, except for the fact that the woods are almost completely silent. Both of the Wendol register the noise, although it seems that only one of them realizes the danger. As the ambush is sprung, the alert Wendol is moving to defend himself.



Sphynx: 24
Nimbar: 18
Wendol #2: 13
Hawke: 10

SPHYNX: You anticipated such an event; these tribesmen are very aware, but you have the advantage of speed! You will strike first, while both of them are still flat-footed! What do you do?
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Voidrunner's Codex

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