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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Yield, Sir, We Have The Advantage!

Your math is slightly off; you said the charge crit without Power Attack was 9d8+71.
It should be (by my reckoning) 9d8+63.
So instead of 126 pts., you actually inflicted only 118 pts.

Thug #1: Max Hit Pts = 50.
118 damage = -68!! Ha ha ha ha ha!

He is INDEED a lifeless meat sack at this point!

Vega eyes the held Captain, with rage in her eyes. It occurs to her that she could easily remove the cretin's helmet and plunge her dagger into his eye socket, but she refrains from doing so. Instead, she plunges her short sword into the chainmail joint behind his right knee, figuring that if he somehow escapes the enchantment that is holding him still, he won't run very far.

Coup De Grace, non-deadly version.
Instead of Fort Save or die, this one is Fort Save or be temporarily crippled / unable to move.
Automatic hit, automatic crit.
Damage: 8 pts. Fort DC: 18
Captain has -1 to his save from Vale's spell.
Captain Fort Save +11 (reduced to +10) = 21 (Success)
Even with the save, however, the Captain will be at 1/2 move, no running or charging until the wound is healed.
Move rate = 15 ft.

RESPEN: It's your turn! What do you do?
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Aust Thale

Kasnik roars a battle cry and charges into the frey. Reining his mount to a halt just before the held captain, his lance lashes out at the Thug 1 to the north of Lieutenant Benquist. The man is run through, the lance exploding from his back and spraying gore all across the wall behind the lifeless sack of flesh. At the same time his steed rears and hammers Thug 2 in the chest with its hoof.

His voice a threatening growl, he utters but one word to the remaining thug, "Yield."

OOC: Ride check 19. Natural 20 on attack. Confirmed with a 22. Did 118 points of damage to Thug 1.

Mount 24 on attack. Hit Thug 2 with hoof for 11 damage.

20 Intimidate check on Thug 2.

~ This battle seems well in hand. This fellow seems to be done. He might not know it yet, be indeed he appears to be. ~

Respen shifts his stance, seeing Kasnik charge and come off the "Captain", instead hitting Thug #1, caving in his chest and spearing him again the wall. He sees Vega's attempt to hobble the Captain. Xavier incapacitated the warrior, magically rending him inert. Sparing his life was truly an act of bravado, a celebratory capstone on this skirmish and an insult to the Captain. This fellow wasn't Beringer; lithe and shifty, but ultimately weak-minded. This guy was a monster. So the only reason to allow him to survive this exercise was for information. So be it.

~ You get to live a few more minutes, Captain. Although after having effectively committing treason, a lot of good that'll do you. ~

Respen shifts his line of sight to Thug #2, seeing the downed Angus behind him. "Time to beat the children." Respen twists his hands again, this time slapping them together as electric fire jolts from them, moves around other party members and connects with the Thug's leg. Respen's intent is to cook the Thug inside his banded mail armor, or at least give him a raging sunburn while he contemplates the futility of this fight as he gazes up at Kasnik on his horse. Indeed, his day wasn't going well.

OOC: Rolz Attack = 22 (16 natural roll +5 ranged attack +1 Vale's spell) w/ 12 damage (4d6)

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Winding Down The Battle...

Thug #2 seems unimpressed by the Intimidation attempt by Kasnik. He does, however, cry out in pain as the hooves strike him.
Respen's spell bends Thug #2 over in agony, and he screams violently, as the lightning burns and boils his skin!
Thug #2 has now taken a total of 46 points of damage, but he's still up, and doesn't look like he's going to surrender!

Father Xavier eyes Thug #2 scornfully, and commands him to surrender!

Spell: Greater Command: DC: 22
Rolz isn't working for some reason, so rolling dice at home.
Thug #2 = Roll 14 (Will +4) = 18 (Fail)

The thug gets a glossy expression on his face, dropping his weapon, and kneeling down, placing his hands on top of his head. He is clearly not in control of his own actions.

Father Xavier lets out a sigh. "I memorized these hold and command spells in case Mr. Crestwall had any thoughts of escape. Little did I know I'd be forced to use them against treasonous guardsmen!"

Lieutenant Benquist lowers his weapon. "My threat of no quarter still stands, but since this one is enspelled, I suppose there is no need to kill him immediately. He can stand trial, and face the gallows through due process."

Thug's turn: second chance to break Command: Roll 19 (Will +4) = 23 (Success!)

The thug says, "There shall be no gallows for me. I am a loyal servant of the Scarlet Flag!" and with that, he reaches into his belt pouch, and pops something into his mouth! He screams and writhes in agony, as his entire body instantly melts into a puddle of green goo!

5-Foot Radius: Splash damage, acid, 1d6, Reflex save (DC 13) for half.

Angus: No save, 2 pts. damage. (Now at -7)
Captain: No save, 1 pt. damage. (Has now taken total of 26 pts. damage.)
Father Clarence: roll 11 (Reflex +3) = 14 (Save), half of 6, takes 3 damage.

Lathir and Sylvar need to make Reflex saves, DC 13.

Full damage will be 6 for Lathir, and 6 for Sylvar. (Wow, the dice are being sort of mean today. If you make the save, you will only take 3 pts.)

Father Clarence winces in pain, and reaches into his belt pouch. He pulls out a small vial, uncorks it, and drinks the contents. He instantly feels better!

Cure Light Wounds: 1d8+1 = 4 pts. healed.

Lathir: It's your turn! What do you do? There is still a chance to save Angus!
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Lathir, seeing opportunity has lent fortune his favor, slides over to his fallen companion and begins running his hands in a pattern over his body, mumbling to himself.

[sblock=Healing]Cast Cure Moderate Wounds
Cure Moderate: 14​[/sblock]

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Conflict Resolution

And now, it's time for a breakdown.

Acid splash (6 pts.) Reflex DC 13 for half.
Sylvar = 14 (Saved) 3 pts. damage.
Lathir = 17 (Saved) 3 pts. damage.
We are now out of combat rounds.

Lieutenant Benquist calmly walks over to the Captain, who is still held. He relieves him of his weapon and shield. He reaches into his belt pouch and retrieves his manacles, which he places on the Captain. Then he removes the Captain's helm, and crowns the held traitor twice with his own shield! Benquist checks the Captain's eyes, to see if they've rolled back under their lids... they HAVE NOT. "Wow," Benquist chuckles, "You're one tough, old bastard, aren't you?"

Coup De Grace, non-lethal.
Automatic hit, automatic crit.
Damage = 2d4+10. Damage = 13 Non-Lethal.
Fort save = DC 23.
Captain's save = +11 (reduced to +10 by spell): 30 (Save)
Benquist is surprised. He hits him again!
Damage = 17 Non-lethal.
Captain's Save vs DC 27: 28 (Save)!!
Benquist refuses to try further, he doesn't wish to engage in torture / senseless cruelty.
The Captain has now taken 26 pts. of real damage, and 30 points of non-lethal damage. He is one tough old crow!

Beringer and Eldonius come out of hiding. Beringer says, "Wow, what a bloody mess. And what is that stench? What is that pile of green goo?" He staggers for a second, shakes his head, and says, "Wow, I'm still a little weak on my feat. Thank you, Father Xavier, that ring of yours saved my life. I am extremely grateful. And as to the rest of you, I apologize for trying to escape. I wasn't sure if any of you were going to be alive at the end of things, and I was merely trying to preserve my own life."

It is Beringer's comments which remind everyone that there are indeed many who are in need of healing.

Angus: 12 Damage. (7 of Max 19)
Guard: 4 Damage. (46 of Max 50) (Manacled.)
Kasnik's Horse: 23 Damage. (54 of Max 77)
Xavier: 10 Damage. (33 of Max 43)
Benquist: 7 Damage. (103 of Max 110)
Captain: 26 Damage (30 Damage.) (86 of Max 112)
Lathir: 3 Damage. (41 of Max 44)
Sylvar: 3 Damage. (24 of Max 27)
Beringer: 17 Damage (1 Damage.) (4 of Max 21)

Benquist begins removing equipment from the Captain: his belt / belt pouches, his gloves, his two rings, his weapon and shield, his helm, his necklace, and his boots. When he notices all of you looking at him strangely, he says: "I don't want the Captain here to pull any surprises, and turn himself into a goo puddle like his lackey, over there."

Just as Benquist finishes saying that, the spell wears off, and the Captain roars in anger! "Sumarlo! Sumarlo!" he yells. Then he notices his rings on the ground, along with the rest of his accessories, and becomes violently angry, straining against the manacles!

But as strong as the Captain is, he's not strong enough to break a pair of Masterwork Manacles. He growls at Benquist, "You won't get anything out of me, weakling! I serve a master whose power you cannot comprehend! You stand there, leering at me, with that smug look, in judgment of me! You have no clue what you're up against. Go ahead and hang me, it matters not. I am not finished here, and I will not fail my master! Scarlet Slayers do not fear death! Death is temporary for us, I assure you. Your days are numbered, Lieutenant! And the same goes for your little group of pups here, as well! I shall NOT forget your faces!"

Everyone: What do you do?

Sylvar B.

Sylvar Speaking to the whole group: As interesting as pursuing the Scarlet Slayers sounds, wasn't there a matter of a Drow Queen and a giant spider we were originally going to investigate? I feel anxious to return to that adventure, this distraction has been time consuming.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
A Little Housekeeping

Lathir stands from tending his bear when the Captain/Assassin starts his loud tirade of blathering, walks over too him in the middle of his diatribe, calmly cuts a piece of his clothing, and ties a gag around his mouth. He then leans in to directly face him.
Look closely. I wouldn't want you to mistake me for someone else, should you so happen to acquire the opportunity.
Sylvar Speaking to the whole group: As interesting as pursuing the Scarlet Slayers sounds, wasn't there a matter of a Drow Queen and a giant spider we were originally going to investigate. I feel anxious to return to that adventure, this distraction has been time consuming.
Lathir then stands again and faces Sylvar.
From this one's loud boasting, it seems we should have no need of pursuing the Scarlet Slayers. According to him, they will come to us. I, for one, am of the thought that one who is prepared for trouble when it finds him is more suited to handle the situation than one who goes about looking for it.
Lathir then returns to his still injured companion to lend him more aide, running his hands in a similar pattern as before but mumbling less words.
[sblock=Heal:]Cure Light: 13[/sblock]

+500 xp. to Lathir for bravery, and for excellent roleplaying. Your post brought a smile to my face!

P.S. Angus is now at full hit points. He licks your face in thankfulness.
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Removing any equipment from the Wizard, I nod in agreement with Sylvar and Lathir. "We have completed our promise. What say you all we spend a day or two in town preparing before we head out? I am in favor of retiring to my manor for the evening as soon as any other tasks and duties are finished. You each are welcome to come too, of course. Lieutenant, is there anything you need of us before I depart?"

Ha ha, you ain't gettin' off that easy. New post is forthcoming. But what it will boil down to is a public trial, and the party standing in court as eye-witnesses.
+100 xp. for the good chuckle you gave me!
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
The Spoils of Battle!

Lieutenant Benquist says, "If you don't mind, gentlemen, I'd like you all to stick around for the trial. This is not a request, it is a command, by the legal authority invested in me as the Mayor's Judiciate. It appears that we have a situation on our hands which will involve some degree of investigation, thus, you may be delayed here for some days. But don't think me unkind; I shall allow you and your fellows the right of spoils for this battle, except for the city's property, which will be re-claimed. If any of the items in their possession turns out to be magical, a full report must be made as to the properties of those items, by a court-appointed Wizard. We won't confiscate minor magical items, but we will want to retain any items that might prove useful as evidence as to the plans and allegiances of these traitors. Once the trial is over, the retained items will be returned to you, unless the Mayor gives reason for doing otherwise."

Father Xavier replies, "I shall be happy to remain in town as long as is required, my good lieutenant. And Father Clarence and I have no need of the baubles from this fray, so that matter can be handled by Mr. Moresby and his fellows. As to other matters, I have a wand here in my belt which should alleviate the wounds suffered in this fray."

GM: Father Xavier heals everyone to full hit pts., including Lieutenant Benquist, Kasnik's mount, Beringer, and the two captured traitors.

To speed things along, I am going to assume that either Respen, Vale, or Sylvar casts Detect Magic on the collected items.

398 gp. total, from the Captain and the 4 traitorous guards. [Party can split this.]

The Wizard had several jewels in his purse: [Party can split this, also.]
2 Black Opals
1 Blue Sapphire
1 Black Pearl
4 pieces of Amber

3 Suits of Banded Mail Armor [Faint Abjuration] - Reclaimed by Dyvers
3 Gauntlets [Moderate Transmutation] - Reclaimed by Dyvers
3 Chain Necklaces w/ Metal Whistles - Reclaimed by Dyvers
3 MW Greatswords - Reclaimed by Dyvers
3 MW Bolas - Reclaimed by Dyvers
3 Blue Silk Capes [Faint Abjuration] - Reclaimed by Dyvers
3 Steel Epaulets - Reclaimed by Dyvers

Loot that is fair game:

Full Plate Armor [Faint Abjuration]
Mithril Heavy Shield [Moderate Abjuration]
Flail [Moderate Evocation]
3 Masterwork Throwing Axes
Belt [Moderate Transmutation]
Black Silk Cloak [Faint Abjuration]
Gauntlet [Moderate Transmutation]
Ring [Strong Transmutation]
Ring [Strong Abjuration]
3 Milky White Potions [Faint Transmutation]
2 Blue Potions [Faint Evocation]
3 Dirty Brown Potions [Faint Transmutation]
Bracers [Faint Abjuration]
Ring [Faint Abjuration]
Ring [Faint Transmutation]
Masterwork Quarterstaff
Masterwork Dagger
Ring [Moderate Abjuration]
Amulet [Moderate Abjuration]

Lieutenant Benquist closes by saying, "Since a report is required by a Dyvers Wizard, and we know that there is at least some magic involved, I shall summon one for you, post-haste; he shall be here within the hour, you have my word. He will identify all of the items for you, free of charge. Of course, that process might take some time. Also, he can identify items you already carry for you as well. Consider it a 'Thank You' from the City of Dyvers for your service. And by the way, Mr. Moresby, thank you for delivering the message from Sir Denby. Your service is sincerely appreciated."

As he is saying this, the ten guardsmen from the barracks, who took this long to hastily don their armor, come running out to see what was the matter; only to find that things are already well-in-hand. Lt. Benquist orders nine of them to help with the cleanup, and the remaining guardsman to fetch the Wizard. The men begin their assigned tasks immediately, without delay.

Everyone: What do you do?

Aust Thale

Respen Begins Accounting For Their Gear

Lieutenant Benquist says, "If you don't mind, gentlemen, I'd like you all to stick around for the trial. This is not a request, it is a command, by the legal authority invested in me as the Mayor's Judiciate. It appears that we have a situation on our hands which will involve some degree of investigation, thus, you may be delayed here for some days. But don't think me unkind; I shall allow you and your fellows the right of spoils for this battle, except for the city's property, which will be re-claimed. If any of the items in their possession turns out to be magical, a full report must be made as to the properties of those items, by a court-appointed Wizard. We won't confiscate minor magical items, but we will want to retain any items that might prove useful as evidence as to the plans and allegiances of these traitors. Once the trial is over, the retained items will be returned to you, unless the Mayor gives reason for doing otherwise."

Father Xavier replies, "I shall be happy to remain in town as long as is required, my good lieutenant. And Father Clarence and I have no need of the baubles from this fray, so that matter can be handled by Mr. Moresby and his fellows. As to other matters, I have a wand here in my belt which should alleviate the wounds suffered in this fray."

GM: Father Xavier heals everyone to full hit pts., including Lieutenant Benquist, Kasnik's mount, Beringer, and the two captured traitors.

To speed things along, I am going to assume that either Respen, Vale, or Sylvar casts Detect Magic on the collected items.

398 gp. total, from the Captain and the 4 traitorous guards. [Party can split this.]

The Wizard had several jewels in his purse: [Party can split this, also.]
2 Black Opals
1 Blue Sapphire
1 Black Pearl
4 pieces of Amber

3 Suits of Banded Mail Armor [Faint Abjuration] - Reclaimed by Dyvers
3 Gauntlets [Moderate Transmutation] - Reclaimed by Dyvers
3 Chain Necklaces w/ Metal Whistles - Reclaimed by Dyvers
3 MW Greatswords - Reclaimed by Dyvers
3 MW Bolas - Reclaimed by Dyvers
3 Blue Silk Capes [Faint Abjuration] - Reclaimed by Dyvers
3 Steel Epaulets - Reclaimed by Dyvers

Loot that is fair game:

Full Plate Armor [Faint Abjuration]
Mithril Heavy Shield [Moderate Abjuration]
Flail [Moderate Evocation]
3 Masterwork Throwing Axes
Belt [Moderate Transmutation]
Black Silk Cloak [Faint Abjuration]
Gauntlet [Moderate Transmutation]
Ring [Strong Transmutation]
Ring [Strong Abjuration]
3 Milky White Potions [Faint Transmutation]
2 Blue Potions [Faint Evocation]
3 Dirty Brown Potions [Faint Transmutation]
Bracers [Faint Abjuration]
Ring [Faint Abjuration]
Ring [Faint Transmutation]
Masterwork Quarterstaff
Masterwork Dagger
Ring [Moderate Abjuration]
Amulet [Moderate Abjuration]

Lieutenant Benquist closes by saying, "Since a report is required by a Dyvers Wizard, and we know that there is at least some magic involved, I shall summon one for you, post-haste; he shall be here within the hour, you have my word. He will identify all of the items for you, free of charge. Of course, that process might take some time. Also, he can identify items you already carry for you as well. Consider it a 'Thank You' from the City of Dyvers for your service. And by the way, Mr. Moresby, thank you for delivering the message from Sir Denby. Your service is sincerely appreciated."

As he is saying this, the ten guardsmen from the barracks, who took this long to hastily don their armor, come running out to see what was the matter; only to find that things are already well-in-hand. Lt. Benquist orders nine of them to help with the cleanup, and the remaining guardsman to fetch the Wizard. The men begin their assigned tasks immediately, without delay.

Everyone: What do you do?

Respen removes the assorted sacks from the paddy wagon, as well as the contents of the chest on top. He hands over Beringer's belongings with the formal letters of transfer and explanation from Sheriff Denby regarding Beringer to Dewydd for formal transfer. He gathers the party's contents among the bag, intent on securing them, and separates the bag of magic items gathered from their Dyvers encounter.
[sblock="Dyvers Inventory-Magic Items"]

- Rumpled Hat, was a comb? (magic) - .25 lb. - Respen wants
- Cloak (magic) - 03 lbs. - Sylvar wants
- Ornate Belt (magic) - .05 lb.
- 1 vial of clear liquid with a blue tint (magic) -.10 lb.
- Ornate Ring (magic) - 00 lb.
- 1 set of Ruined studded leather armor (formerly magic/masterwork) - 17 lbs. (400 gp. to fix+wizard re-enchant) - Dewydd wants


He takes his parchment and begins inventory of the newly acquired loot with notes about what the detect magic spells describe. He also takes notes on the encounter, including detailed descriptions of the men, their manner, and their tactics. ~The memory of a wizard is keen indeed. Helps to write it down.~

Respen: "Lt. Benquist, might I trouble you to ask the city Mage if I could have a word with him privately when he arrives? As well, we have several items we acquired en route to Dyvers that we could use similarly identified. We believe that they are connected to Beringer and these cretins. It would be useful to know if there any additional surprises. Additionally, we have gear here that we'd like to store briefly until we can dispense with it or retire to our own devices or perhaps to Moresby Manor. "

[sblock="Remaining Dyvers Inventory"]
Party & Transportation: (does not count Fr. Xavier, Clarence, Eldonius)

Dewydd - warhorse, 2 extra saddlebags
Kasnik - warhorse
Lathir - light riding horse & 2nd light riding horse (Sugarfoot), 2 extra saddle bags
Sylvar - light riding horse, 1 extra saddlebag
Vale - light riding horse, 1 extra saddlebag
Respen - light riding horse, 1 extra saddlebag w/ 3 weeks iron rations
Vega - light riding horse
Gus the St. Cuthbert
Angus the Bear
( Horse Carrying Capacity: Light load <=150 lbs; Medium load, 151–300 pounds; Heavy load, 301–450 pounds. Drag load 2,250 pounds. )

Items Carried, Status, & Location:

All current coinage (blended total): IN VALE's BACKPACK, in which it magically fits perfectly with little to no encumbrance.
847 gp. (16.94 lbs.)
322 sp. (6.44 lbs.)
1527 pp. (30.54 lbs.)

Group Stash:

- 48 manticore spikes - 24 lbs. - Lathir wants share or all
- Composite Longbow - 03 lbs. - Sylvar wants
- Quiver/ 20 arrows - 03 lbs. - Sylvar wants
- Venison - 300 lbs. (paid butcher 60 lbs.)
- 2 Chainmail Shirts (on whomever can carry it) - 50 lbs.
- 50 ft. silk rope - 05 lbs.
- Greatsword - 08 lbs.
- 2 waterskins - 08 lbs.
- 1 Short sword - 02 lbs.
- 1 Dagger - 01 lb.
- 3 vials of dark liquid - Carrion Crawler brain juice; hunters use to paralyze prey -.3 lbs. (140 gp. ea. vial.x3=420gp.) - Respen wants

Respen decides to divvy the remaining venison among the party, forcing an additional 33.33 lbs. of encumbrance for everyone. He and Vale decide to split 20 lbs. between them, give Gus 6 lbs. or so of venison that he promptly makes a meal of, and give the remaining 40 lbs. to the innkeeper as a gratuity and goodwill for future stays.


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