Aust Thale

Vale & Respen Initiative


~ Damn the luck! ~
Vale's travel through the portal disorients him slightly, if only for a moment, throwing off his timing in launching silence at the demon-woman.
He's an instant behind her in reacting, so instead he drops the smoke stick several feet in front of him and retrieves the magical mace at his side.

To the group: "Don't allow them to flank us."

OOC: Initiative Roll = 9


~ Behold. We meet death in the eye. ~
Upon coming out of the portal, Respen releases the last word of his spell centered on the demon-woman and emanating out from her in a 30 foot radius, the radiant red energy emitting a low throated crack of thunder.


Initiative Roll = 20

Shock & Awe:
Casting Time: 1 swift action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One creature/level, no two of which are more than 30 ft. apart
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell distracts its targets, preventing them from reacting with the deftness they might otherwise possess. Only effective when cast in the surprise round of combat and against flat-footed creatures, this spell causes those it affects to take a -10 penalty on their next initiative check. Targets that cannot be caught flat-footed (such as a rogue with uncanny dodge) cannot be affected by this spell.

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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Tam-Tam acts first. Tam, you are in the same, dense undergrowth you were previously hiding in, only you are on the other side of the alarm runes, safely out of their activation area. You can see the woman and her Orc companions clearly, standing near the well, adjacent to the ominous-looking dead oak tree.

Movement through green squares costs double.

What do you do?


Tam-Tam whispers:"I'll sneak up behind these trees and shrubs to the Orcs nearest me (#'s 3 & 5). I should be able to take one of them out before the other attacks."

OOC: I'm looking at the battle grid as having the alphabet A to Q at the top and the numbers 1 to 12 along the side.

Tam-Tam grabs his Adamantium (+1 damage) Punching Dagger and moves from his square in the shrubs (N, 10) to square the open square (O, 9) proceeds to the square by the tree (M, 8) and the Orc #5 (M, 7), via open square (O, 8) and attacks Orc #5 from behind (Sneak Attack/Backstab).

I roll an 18 to hit.

If successful...5 doubled for 10 hp of damage.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Initiative Chart For Battle:

Tam: 23
Respen: 20
Dewydd: 19
Vega: 18
Lathir: 17
Sylvar: 16
Woman: 10
Vale: 9
Orcs: 1

BAB = +4; Roll = 18; Total Attack = 22 (Hit)
Your dagger only crits on a 20. A result of 18 is not a critical threat.
The +1 from Adamantine only applies to attack ("to-hit") not damage; therefore, with an 11 STR, your max damage is 4.
Sneak Attack = 9 pts.
Total Damage Inflicted: 13 pts.

Tam, you leave the cover of the bushes to come up beside the tree. The Orc is turning to look behind him, but he is far too late; you punch straight through his chainmail shirt, delivering a serious wound. The only thing that saved him was the actual act of turning around. Because of the motion of his body, you miss his spine by less than an inch. Nevertheless, the dagger pierces his lung, and blood spews from his mouth as a scream of pain escapes his lips!

Orc #5: -13 (Still alive / standing) -5 to movement rate (serious injury)

Respen: It's your turn. The woman is 40 feet away, which is 5 feet out of your spell range. You can move 20' diagonally, to the space just above Dewydd, if you like, which will place you well within range. That's the nearest square which isn't occupied. Well, the square just above Sylvar would also be 20 feet distance. So you could go to either square. What do you want to do?

00 - Skorane Map 001d.jpg

Aust Thale

Respen Presses His Attack

~ shaejaer eir paer "Weakness and death" ~

Respen focuses his spell to center on the she-demon, which should catch all or nearly all of the orcs. Almost simultaneously, he moves northeast out of bushes 10 feet but only in line of sight as orc #3 in front of the dead tree. Gripping a piece of wool in his spell pouch, he casts a 2nd, more lengthy spell centered toward the well as far as 40' will allow. The effect is immediate; the sound of a stampede of dire-boars emanates from the focal point of the spell at the well entry.

Whispering to himself, "Poralol eil sael eiras."
OOC: "Distraction, then attack."

Respen looks closely at the dead tree as he finishes his 2nd spell. Obscured partly by Tam, bushes, and Orc#3, it is very large. He doesn't recall the mention of it in any of Maxwell's stories.
Concern furrows on his brow. What else don't we know?

OOC: Casts Ghost Sound - Illusion as standard action w/ range 25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels w/ duration 7 rounds allow Saving Throw: Will disbelief (if interacted with) & no spell resistance
Noise as much as four normal humans per caster level (max 20 humans) - spell at full volume
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Respen Sets The Stage...

Respen Caster Level Check (Shock & Awe): 26 [Success]
Respen Caster Level Check (Ghost Sound): No spell resistance allowed, but he rolled 19 anyway. [Success]
Woman's new initiative: 10 - 10 = 0 (minimum 1)
Orcs new initiative: 1-10 = -9 (minimum 1)
Woman and Orcs both technically go at 1, but Orcs are still slower, so she will go, then the Orcs.

Saving throws for Ghost Sound (the sound will cause them to look around for the stampede, and when they don't see anything, they'll begin to wonder, hence, they have interacted with it, and get a saving throw.)

Ghost Sound DC: 13

Woman: 14 (Saved)

Orc #1: 5 (Failed)
Orc #2: 3 (Failed)
Orc #3: 11 (Failed)
Orc #4: 18 (Saved)
Orc #5: 3 (Failed)
Orc #6: 4 (Failed)

Initiative Chart For Battle:

Tam: 23
Respen: 20
Dewydd: 19
Vega: 18
Lathir: 17
Sylvar: 16
Vale: 9
Woman: 1a
Orcs: 1b

Respen is chanting as he steps out of the brush. He quickly moves to a defensible point between a tree and a ruined wall. His first spell happens with lightning speed, after only a couple of syllables. The woman and the Orcs look as if they have just received the worst possible news. A look of despair crosses their collective faces, as they begin to slow their movements. They look like balloons in the process of deflating.

Respen's second spell comes a few instants later, as the entire party hears a thunderous cacophony of snorting, squealing, and oinking. Most of the Orcs wear a look of confusion mixed with fear.

Current Positions:

00 - Skorane Map 001e.jpg

Dewydd: It's your turn. What do you do?


I'll have to put my all into this and hope to take her down before she takes flight. I think, steeling myself for combat.

Charging at the winged woman I leap when 10 feet away, tumbling past the Orc with practiced ease. In a frenzy I slash my greatsword down from my right for an upper body strike, transitioning into a middle strike launched from my left on a return swing before whirling around to follow through with a strike aimed from below.

Battle Leader's Charge makes it so there's no Attack of Opportunities while I charge. Jump result of 26, allows 10 foot jump distance since I don't get a running start, exactly what I needed for my ability! I'll use the full 7 available for my Power Attack, leaving me with a 14 AC thanks to Shock Trooper's Heedless Charge. Leap Attack doubles the Power Attack bonus. Powerful Charge and my constant Punishing Stance tack on a little damage for good measure. Hopefully a 16 hits her while she's flat-footed!

Attack 1: 26. Damage: 60.
Attack 2: 23. Damage: 67.
Attack 3: 16. Damage: 67.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
To Face A Demon Queen!


Your downward strike rakes across her bare torso, encountering some resistance as it cuts through her tough, leathery skin. You cut her from the left shoulder to the right hip, inflicting a GRIEVOUS wound that would have killed three normal men! Your follow up to the middle, which should have skewered her through the abdomen, misses the mark slightly, as she somehow manages to roll with the blow, but you still manage to gouge out a large chunk of putrid flesh from her left side, just above where her kidneys should be (if she has kidneys?) This is also a serious and deadly wound, a fate which only her demonic heritage (now evident from the smell of her burning blood) saves her from. Lastly, your third attack misses, deflected by some sort of magical force.

First attack: 60 - Damage Reduction (10) = 50
Second attack: 67 - Damage Reduction (10) = 57
Total Damage: 107 pts.

The Succubus, for that is truly what she must be, is still standing! She screeches in pain, "You will pay for that, mortal! I am Dorinda The Damned, heir to the Infernal Throne of Desteran! I will drink your SOUL for what you have done!"

Vega gasps in horror as she watches the events unfold through the lens of the magical mirror; she is tempted to charge through the portal and help, but she knows how important it is for her to prevent enemies from coming through the portal, and for her to keep the mirror pointed at the party, should they need to escape. Thus, trembling with anxiety, Vega holds steady, keeping her focus on the mirror.

Vega WIS check DC 12 = 13 (Success)

Current Positions:

00 - Skorane Map 001f.jpg

Lathir: It's your turn! What do you do?

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