D&D General Has the OGL/WotC debacle motivated you to create your own Fantasy Heartbreaker or homebrew?

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I'm curious how many folks here have seriously considered writing their own game, homebrew rules or setting for their favorite game(s) after the WotC dumpster fire?

For close to 2 decades, I've been sitting on a pile of notes for my own game system. It'd probably never sell (or at least, I'm not planning to make money off it), because it's way too "realistic" and crunchy for today's TTRPG crowd. I'd do it just because I sense that more people out there will be looking for something "not D&D". So, this slow motion train wreck has spurred me to do more work on it. It'll also give me an excuse to dust off a WebRTC application I was making, because I want my game to be what I've termed CARPG (Computer Assisted RPG), in that it will be best played with the assistance of a computer.

So who else out there has been motivated or inspired to either dust off or create their own game system, custom rules or setting after this fiasco?
For the fun of it gave me the motivation to start developing my own RPG System. I always wanted to do that and now I have the motivation. It will probably not change the world or the TTRPG landscape, but who knows :)

I will put it under a creative commons license and the plan is, that it will be a modular system that people can easily adjust and extend to their own liking. So it will be really more an RPG System Creation Engine than a game itself, but Games will be the endproduct.
The working title is Chaos Common RPG and sofar I'm like halfway through with the first version of the prototype.


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
Oh heck no. 1) I don't have the time and if I did 5e wouldn't have been as useful in the first place because one primary benefit of 5e is it does so much for me that I don't have time to do myself, and 2) I am not a professional RPG writer and my ego is not such that I imagine what I create will be as good as what professional RPG creators create.


Moderator Emeritus
Yes. I have been thinking about making my own edition of D&D. That is the edition I always wanted to exist - taking elements from all four editions + BECMI. It would not be for sale. Just something me and my friends use and that I'd pass on to anyone interested (and that I trust) for free.

That said, I don't know that I will ever have time, but have decided to start a dedicated notebook just to write and doodle in. Maybe some far flung in the future society will find it in archaeological dig and assume that is what D&D always was. :ROFLMAO:


I had a "one day I'll get to it" plan of translating the SRD 5.1 to my native language and releasing it for free so the game can reach a wider audience.

Since the OGL leaks started, I released the small bit of translation I did under OGL v1.0a so that at least some of the rules would be out there. But if I manage to break my games off from D&D, I might start designing my own rules (though they'll be based mostly on the 5E/Level Up chassis, truth be told).


B/X Known World
Maybe. I'll wait to see what's on the ORC license and likely cobble something together. But there are a few games that already just about do what I'd want anyway, so I might just house rule those. Dungeon Crawl Classics, Warhammer Fantasy 2E, and EZD6 among them.


Maybe. I'll wait to see what's on the ORC license and likely cobble something together. But there are a few games that already just about do what I'd want anyway, so I might just house rule those. Dungeon Crawl Classics, Warhammer Fantasy 2E, and EZD6 among them.
I need to look at the ORC license too. I'm kind of splitting my game into two parts, the game system itself which would need some kind of open gaming and/or open source license (since I've also been writing a framework/library for it), but a copyrighted/proprietary license for the actual game setting and world I have envisioned.

I'm actually torn on which one to prioritize, the game system or setting.

Voidrunner's Codex

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