Ha, well, I tend to use colorful language out of habit, to the detriment of discourse. My bad.Just for curiosity's sake... what ttrpg's would you consider masterpieces and why?
I mean to say it's very limited. It does exactly one thing with gusto: class-based anachronistic fantasy combat. Everything else is an afterthought. To be fair, it's deliberately designed this way. But its reputation for flexibility is really just 3PP propaganda, as far as I'm concerned. And it's so specific that it doesn't make sense that it's the best available system to satisfy broad appeal.
So walking back talk of "masterpieces", it's more about what other systems do that D&D don't. For example, I like the worldbuilding of Shadowrun. . . unfortunately, its mechanics are atrocious. Champions does exactly what it sets out to do, but hoo boy is it crunchy. GURPS is far more flexible than D&D ever was or will be, but that's a heck of a double-edged sword.
Not that I'd call it a "masterpiece" but I wound up starting my own project, because that was the only way to make exist the game I want to play.