D&D 5E Have You Started Planning How You Will End 5e Yet?

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
A new edition has not been announced. In fact, WotC started the announcement by emphatically stating that they are NOT doing editions any longer, and that it will just be "D&D," based on the 5e rules with incremental change over time. You will still be able to use all your 5e materials because it will still be 5e, in effect.

So I haven't thought about switching anything over because I don't need to. Any more than I worried about wrapping things up in preparation for Tasha's, etc.
You're not going to get agreement on the edition question. Neither am I. No matter how many times either of us state our opinion.

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Probably win things down gradually in 2024 if One D&D is any good otherwise 2024-28 playing other games on occasion (clones, Star Wars).

On the fence about new rules though anyway.


A new edition has not been announced. In fact, WotC started the announcement by emphatically stating that they are NOT doing editions any longer, and that it will just be "D&D," based on the 5e rules with incremental change over time. You will still be able to use all your 5e materials because it will still be 5e, in effect.

So I haven't thought about switching anything over because I don't need to. Any more than I worried about wrapping things up in preparation for Tasha's, etc.

Edit: honestly, a lot of these responses indicate that people either are not actually watching/reading WotC's releases, or just refuse to accept their words.

It's a new edition regardless of what weasel words WotC uses.

At best it's a 5.5 or call it 6E.


I'm not intending to "end" running 5e. I've got too many campaigns I'd like to run for my groups. I expect we'll switch to the newer rules when they come out in 2024, or else I'll end up running a hybrid version that takes the parts I like best from both versions of the rules. I have to wait and see. I like a lot of what's come out in the 1D&D playtest so far, while I haven't been so keen on other parts, but since it's a playtest, none of it is final yet. Given how dependent my groups have become on D&D Beyond, how the new rules are implemented on that platform (and whether the old rules are kept on as "Legacy" options or whatever) will also be a major factor.

Long story short: I intend to keep running D&D campaigns using some form of the 5e/5.5e ruleset into the foreseeable future.


I'm making no plans whatsoever. We'll likely transition to the new classes, but otherwise not much will change. Should be able to still play all of the current 5e games with the updates as well, so no need to quickly finish them up before onednd hits the shelves.


Yeah, I'm not intending to move to 1D&D, I'm sticking with 5E for the forseeable future. Never did a "one last hurrah" for an edition change - was in the middle of a 1E campaign and we just transitioned into 2E, at the end of 3E we just converted to Pathfinder and kept going.


I'm going to keep running my Theros campaign until it reaches what I see to be a satisfactory ending. At that point I will see what else is happening in my gaming circle and whether I decide to start up something new-- D&D or otherwise-- or if others are running enough other stuff that I don't feel like DMing for a bit and will just play.

The release of the 2024 books will have nothing to do with that decision.

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