D&D (2024) Here's The New 2024 Player's Handbook Wizard Art

WotC says art is not final.

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A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
Oh, I freely admit my rose-coloured glasses. I certainly wasn't trying to rain on anyone's parade either. It was more just old memories coming out.

And to be fair, I did indeed dig out my Dragon archive. While browsing through, I glanced at the Letters section. And discovered that the sort of discussions going on here aren't as recent as I believed...they just use to happen a lot slower :)
Jealous. I would love to have the Dragon Archive. But I can't justify the cost of buying the old CDs at the prices I see folks selling them for. DMs Guild only seems to sell the 4e-era issues.

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All of us deserve to be loved, flaws and all.

It is ok to have flaws.

We dont need to be perfect to be loved.

We dont have to pretend flaws are virtues.

Flaws are part of life.

Flaws are what make things real.

Owning our flaws is rugged and brave.


All of us deserve to be loved, flaws and all.

It is ok to have flaws.

We dont need to be perfect to be loved.

We dont have to pretend flaws are virtues.

Flaws are part of life.

Flaws are what make things real.

Owning our flaws is rugged and brave.
I agree with all that, but I don't think all flaws necessarily detract from beauty either, and them not detracting them from beauty doesn't make them a virtue as such.


That really wasn't what he was saying... and if you read it as that, I'm not surprised given your responses so far.

Except... he said that was what he was saying?

The truth is hard to face sometimes.

Look, can you stop with the personal attacks? It gets old fast.

Yep, I am well familiar with it. It was one of the post I had quoted before I deleted it all. Basic idea, you read more into his posts than he said, and you seem to like to do that IME.

But, that post doesn't say a thing relating to my post about people projecting.

Look. I get the idea of "only what is explicitly written is truth" but when you go around saying "X wouldn't do Y because it embodies Z" then you are pretty much locking in that Y and Z cannot coexist. And Yaarel had plenty of chances to clarify. Instead, they confirmed.


All of us deserve to be loved, flaws and all.

It is ok to have flaws.

We dont need to be perfect to be loved.

We dont have to pretend flaws are virtues.

Flaws are part of life.

Flaws are what make things real.

Owning our flaws is rugged and brave.

So, wearing glasses is a "flaw"?

You know, I thought the days of my childhood when it was common for people to denigrate those who wore eyeglasses (often via the near-ubiquitous jibe of "Four-Eyes") was part of a bygone era, especially given how many of us wear them. I suppose I was too optimistic.

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