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Heroes of Highdale IC


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Blasco "The Wolverine"

That wall is not going to hold for another round.” Stats the Halfling as he looks from the Wall of Stone back to the group. “Is there anyone who can move or hide us all?” he asks. Instinctively he begins to reach with his cloak and delicately fumbles his fingers around a small flask. Well I know ‘I’ can get myself out of this…

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Alex nods. "I can only take a few of us. Viktor, come here. If I take Girble, I think I can squeeze Max in too...that'll put a good fighting force right behind them."

She looks up, gauging the distance and space...then pulls an odd contraption looking like a tangle of copper tubes out of her satchel. Quickly rotating the tubes around on well-oiled elbows, she urges, "Viktor, Girble, hang onto me."

The devices starts to look more orderly...like a shape within a shape, when suddenly a blue light burns within its center, and Alex reaches out to touch Max.

"Here we go!"

Azure fire eats the world...

(dimension dooring Vik, Max, and Girble up the path behind the fathaches, with Vik and Max arranged to be facing the fathaches at a range of about 20 feet, and Girble with Alex in the back rank)


First Post
Blasco "The Wolverine"

Nodding his head he looks towards the rugged terrain above him and decides that the underbrush should provide enough cover for him to move in. With a feral grin he turns from his colleagues and moves like a panther into the underbrush. Quietly and deadly. Dying time is near…

Free Action: Draws weapons
Move Action: Moves off the trail 10’ (20’ divide by 2)
Standard Action: Hide in Shadows (+29), Moves Silently (+27) and moves another 10’ (20’ divide by 2)


First Post
OOC: It's the surprise round. The ogres were planning to catch you by surprise, but they are surprised instead by your sudden actions! Initiative rolls:

Girble 1 + 5 = 6 (blech!)
Lucas 12 + 6 = 18
Blasco 8 + 6 = 14
Kay'nar 5 + 4 = 9
Alex 20 (special case...everybody was waiting for Alex, so we'll arbitrarily set her init at 20, but she gets no action this round other than the dim door)

And Bargulg! I forgot about our illustrious barbarian. Anybody heard from Rino recently?
13 + 2 = 15

Alex activates her bizarre device and she, Viktor and Girble all feel a momentary sensation of...purple...and find themselves looking at half a dozen prone fathach, one of which is in the process of smacking another on the head. The fathachs stare dumbly at the sudden manifestation for a moment. Alex's head spins for a moment as her proximity to the device briefly throws off her equilibrium.

Lucas rises into the air, drawing his wand and taking aim at one of the brutes.

Bargulg leaps off the trail and roars in rage, running at the incline toward the ogres.
[SBLOCK]Bargulg rages for the enhanced Strength to help his Climb check[/SBLOCK]

Blasco also leaps off the trail, but then vanishes into the rocks.
[SBLOCK=Bloodweaver]Blasco ends his move near the base of the rise. It's a DC 15 climb check to ascend the loos shale slope next round if that's what you'd like to do (that's what Bargulg is doing).[/SBLOCK]

Kay'nar flashes into existence as arcane power rips from his hands and rips into the distracted lead ogre! The great brute screeches in a shockingly high-pitched scream as his armor and skin sizzle and reek in protest.
[SBLOCK=Kay'nar's numbers]Attack roll is 6 + 11 = 17. Lousy roll, but he's prone and flatfooted, so his touch AC is abysmal. 8d6 damage = 22 points of damage. He's not happy, but still plenty feisty.[/SBLOCK]

Girble shouts a battle cry and charges forward, dodging around the dumbfounded Viktor in the process. He rushes to the nearest fathach and cracks the brute across the nose with his morningstar. The fathach grunts in response, but doesn't seem much hurt.
[SBLOCK=Girble's Numbers]Attack roll 14+8=22, easy hit. Damage 1d6 - 1 = 5 (good roll). Let me know if I missed any buffs.[/SBLOCK]

OOC: In the new round, the ogres roll a mighty 1 on their init check which gives them a grand total of...0. Where's my rolleyes smiley? :) Ok, everybody gets to go again before the ogres. Actions?


First Post
Kay'nar, telepathies to his charmed 'friend', "Oh it looks bad, better keep holding that rope and surrender now. Let the cheif die... and *you* will be chief." Then he makes with the zappies on the leader looking brute again.


+6 for opposed cha tests for charm

Lets burn an empower SP ability 3/day use to give zappies 8d6 + 50% on el jefe. And don't forget the last zap still has 2 rnds of 4d6 continuous dmg action on him left as well.
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First Post
Alex shakes off the momentary disorientation and says sharply, "Max! Attack!"

The mule simultaneously blurs in eye-hurting ways, and starts to stretch. It's grey furred hide fades away, revealing a black-brown mottled, segmented carapace. Thick, jointed insectile legs seem to burst out of its flanks. Worst of all, rearing up nearly to the height of a fathatch, is a thick armored torso, with two limbs termining in oversized crablike pincers that each look big enough to hold a grown man, and with serrations on the inside, that holding would not be pleasant for the man in question. Its head is squat, neckless, like a helmet pressed directly onto its shoulders. A mass of tendrils dangles below that head, looking obscenely like a beard made of dead snakes.

"Max" shambles forward at a fast walking speed, and draws back one giant claw to batter at the nearest fathach.

Before it can get away from her though, Alex manages to draw a wand and touch it to the tail end of Max's carapace with a murmured command word. The air around the terrible thing shimmers slightly as it attacks the massed ogres.

(Alex draws wand of mage armor and uses it on Max. Max enters combat, attacking the nearest fathach. +17 to hit, 2d6+9 damage. Max is AC 27 (with Mage Armor), DR 5/adamantine, 96 hit points)


First Post
Shayuri said:
The mule simultaneously blurs in eye-hurting ways, and starts to stretch. It's grey furred hide fades away, revealing a black-brown mottled, segmented carapace. Thick, jointed insectile legs seem to burst out of its flanks.

Kay'nar looks with surprise and interest at the kinda ugly creature Max has become, and says, "Please don't cast whatever spell that was on me Alex. I may not be the most handsome guy around, but uh... dang.", and trails off.
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First Post
Blasco "The Wolverine"

He takes advantage of the larger warrior’s raging strength and jumps onto his back as he begins to ascend the cliff face. This should be interesting…

OOC: Will have Bargulg's help him climb up the cliff face.


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Girble, having landed a solid blow on the ogre, prays to Yondalla to strengthen him against the oncoming blows.[sblock=OOC]Now casting Shield of Faith defensively (I have +15 Concentration). He's hoping he'll draw a lot of fire the next few rounds so everyone else can deal damage/arrive to the scene without worrying too much, since I can boost my AC more and cure myself.

Attack roll 14+8=22, easy hit. Damage 1d6 - 1 = 5 (good roll). Let me know if I missed any buffs.
post 140, Divine Power.
[sblock=RtN]Running the Numbers.
Sorry, didn't list all the effects for you previously.
Calling upon the divine power of your patron, you imbue yourself with strength and skill in combat. Your base attack bonus becomes equal to your character level (which may give you additional attacks), you gain a +6 enhancement bonus to Strength, and you gain 1 temporary hit point per caster level.
Gain 3 BAB (BAB now +10/+5, attack +11/+6) and Str mod goes up by 3 (attack +14/+9, damage 1d6+2--I believe it'd be 8 points of damage on that hit)[/sblock]Summary:

AC: 29
hp: 82 + 10 temp
Attack: +14/+9
Damage: 1d6+2

Active Spells:
Divine Power, 8 rounds left
Shield of Faith, 100 rounds left[/sblock]


First Post
Alex shakes off the momentary disorientation and says sharply, "Max! Attack!"

The mule simultaneously blurs in eye-hurting ways, and starts to stretch. It's grey furred hide fades away, revealing a black-brown mottled, segmented carapace. Thick, jointed insectile legs seem to burst out of its flanks. Worst of all, rearing up nearly to the height of a fathatch, is a thick armored torso, with two limbs termining in oversized crablike pincers that each look big enough to hold a grown man, and with serrations on the inside, that holding would not be pleasant for the man in question. Its head is squat, neckless, like a helmet pressed directly onto its shoulders. A mass of tendrils dangles below that head, looking obscenely like a beard made of dead snakes.

"Max" shambles forward at a fast walking speed, but before it can get away from her, Alex manages to draw a wand and touch it to the tail end of Max's carapace with a murmured command word. The air around the terrible thing shimmers slightly as it attacks the massed ogres. It draws back one giant claw to batter at the nearest fathach, ripping the giant's side open with it's wicked claws.
[SBLOCK=Max's Numbers]Attack roll 10 + 17 = 27, hit. Damage roll, near max: 20 points! He's badly wounded, but still alive.[/SBLOCK]

Lucas calmly levels his wand at one of the still-prone ogres and arcane bolts leap forth to batter the fathach like hammers falling from the sky.
[SBLOCK=Lucas' Numbers]Magic Missile damage = 20! Another bruies, bleeding ogre.[/SBLOCK]

Bargulg tries to scale the loose shale, but the ground gives way in his hands and his armor restricts his reach, preventing him from making any progress. The halfling on his back doesn't help much, either. ;)
[SBLOCK=Bargulg's Numbers]Climb check 6 + 2 (rage) - 1 = 5. Not going anywhere[/SBLOCK]

Blasco (presumably shaking his head in disgust) vault's off the big human's shoulders and scrambles up the slope within striking distance of the fathachs, just behind Girble.
[SBLOCK=Blasco's numbers]Climb check 13 + 2 = 15. Just made it![/SBLOCK]

Kay'nar looks with surprise and interest at the kinda ugly creature Max has become, and says, "Please don't cast whatever spell that was on me Alex. I may not be the most handsome guy around, but uh... dang.", and trails off, his mind apparently occupied for a moment. He quickly snaps back and sends even more intense bolts of energy into the largest of his foes, who shrieks again, as he staggers to his feet.
[SBLOCK=Kay'nar's numbers]You'll see the results of the charm test below when I get to the ogres' actions. Attack roll 8 + 11 = 19. He's STILL flat-footed so you hit. Damage not spectacular at 27 * 1.5 = 40, plus 12 for the lingering acid is 52 this round, added to the 22 from last round is a grand total of 74 HP. He's still up, but very, very unhappy.[/SBLOCK]

Girble, having landed a solid blow on the ogre, prays to Yondalla to strengthen him against the oncoming blows.
[SBLOCK=Girble]No need to cast defensively, they're all still flat-footed. Consider yourself divinely powered! :)[/SBLOCK]

OOC: Ogre actions coming, but this took forever to type and I have to get back to work! ;)

Voidrunner's Codex

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