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Heroes of Highdale IC


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Viktor looks at the hobbit appraisingly. "An astute question. I'd guess they came through here about three days ago. I don't see any sign that there have been others about besides those we've seen." He strikes a spark into the tinder he's prepared and blows into it briefly until small flames spring up. Then he and Girble arrange a few sticks over it. "Even so, I agree we should keep the fire small and discreet. But it's going to get cold tonight and whoever is on watch will need the warmth."

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Ery sighs "I hate watch" she says with a note of resignation in her voice "Don't suppose any of you big, strong boys will do my watch for me? I'll give you a back rub" she says teasingly.


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GARGH! Had a nice post written and it vanished into the ether! Oh, well.

A resounding silence greets Ery's suggestion and everyone gets to work setting up camp. Less than an hour later the horses are all tended and the hunters have eaten a spare dinner. Viktor bids the others good night as they shuck their armor and climb up into the extradimensional space. Each quickly falls to sleep, tired from the day's exertions and lulled by Viktor's deep baritone as he absently sings an old Osserian folk song to himself.

The frigid night passes quietly. The stars blaze so brightly in the moonless sky, one can almost read by their light. The only thing of note to happen is that at one point during her watch Ery's keen ears detect something large moving in the trees some distance away. The horses stamp and snort nervously for a moment, their breath forming clouds in the still night air. But then the creature, whatever it was, moves away before she really has a chance to decide what to do.

In the morning, the group share a Spartan breakfast before getting back on the trail. Frost rimes the grass and rocks, and Viktor notes, "If we get moving at least we'll be a little warmer."

Let me know about any changes in spells prepared, etc. and what you might want to do beyond the obvious. Believe or not something might happen soon! :)


"Nothing like the cold, teeth-shattering hard tack of a good breakfast," Sirius barks spitting out an overly resilient bit of hard tack. "Ain't right... bloody horses..." he murmers complaints at the animals and the very prospect of having to deal with them, eventually mounting up.


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Girble puts on his armor, with some help (anyone helping him), "Oh, it's only a little chilly." He gets on his mighty steed and trots with the party, toward the back.


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Ok, make any spell changes on your character sheet. Lord_Raven's away for a bit, so we'll leave his spells as-is.

Viktor shakes his head a bit at Sirius' obvious discomfort with riding. "It's not the horse's fault, you know," he says. His voice is even but a twinkle of amusement lurks in his eyes. He then looks up the steep slope you've been climbing. "If this gets any rougher we'll end up walking anyway," he observes.

The group gets underway and makes slow progress up the steep winding trail. Soon the rocky terrain is softened by snow cover as the group leaves the tree line behind. Within a couple of hours, Viktor's words prove prophetic as the trail gets too steep and rough for even girble's surefooted pony small horse.

About Noon, the chill wind is whipping around the heroes and swirling ice crystals into the air. The brilliant sun reflects off the white and grey landscape forcing everyone to nearly shut their eyes against the glare. Suddenly, Girble spies something odd as he trudges up the trail.
[SBLOCK=Girble]You spot (Spot check 14+5=19) a couple of people huddled against a tall rock outcropping a couple hundred feet up the trail. You squint a little and the scale imposes itself on you. They're very BIG people. Looks like more fathach. Where they are is a narrow spot where the trail is even steeper than usual. It doesn't look like they've spotted you yet.[/SBLOCK]


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
"Hold on." Girble looks through the ice crystals--it's getting cold up here, but Girble can see plainly enough. "Fathach ahead. There are at least two behind that outcropping overe there." He draws his morningstar, and looks for a place to tie his stallion for now.


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Listening to Girbles words Lucas begins to rub his hands in excitement and whispers to the others "Okay I'm going to release my two stored spells, so for the next 10 hours you're going to magically protected from ranged attacks as well as having your defences bolstered slightly" turning to Viktor "The others are familiar with these spells, but you'd best be aware that you won't be immune to ranged attacks, rather my spell will act as a buffer and absorb some of the damage intended for you, also be aware that the spell can only absorb so much damage before it is spent, but you'll be able to tell once it's gone"

OOC: At the beginning of the day Lucas cast Endure Elements (24 hour duration) on everyone thru the weave, so we're all protected from the extremes in temperature, also Lucas is releasing his Greater Mage Armour (+6 Armour bonus) and Protection from Arrows (DR 10/ magic, absorbs up to 100 points of damage) spells from the weave.


Ery follows Girble's lead and secures her mount "Nice spotting" she says to Girble "so how are we going to handle this, frontal assault?" she grins. Hearing Lucas' chants, and feeling his magical powers flowing over her body, the lithe female elf nods her head and winks at the spellcaster in thanks.

Voidrunner's Codex

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