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Heroes of the Worlds- The Hunt Begins

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"This food and these people are not known to me." Samanosuke is a bit confused as to what is edible and what is not. "I don't recognize your food... can someone please tell me what you offer?" Samanosuke, knowing his own clumsiness at dancing, as opposed to his grace with fighting, is rather... reluctant to do anything other than eat at this time.


Filia you head back outside and as you call out Thelia, the fae from before appears.

"Hmm, so you do have some sense after all?"



One of the musicians tells you

"Thelia is a fuddy duddy, always helping out strangers for no reason. Never relaxes enough to party. Where are you? Why this is the realm of Faerie, the place we Fae call home. As to the hunt it happens about once a century, the Master calls prey to this place from across the multiverese, then he lets them escape, so he can chase them across the planes, entirely too much effort for me. He claims that the prey get better when they flee, says that by the time he catches them its a decent challenge. Meh, the guy has entirely too much energy."


Ash dances with the fae, who's grace and beauty I can't actually describe other than to say close to divine. As the dance comes to a close she offers Ash a lock of her hair to remember her by.

"A gift from me to you, for your wonderful company. I am Helian"


Black Mage manages to find some pie, unfortunately its not evil.


Samanosuke, absolutely anything you want to eat or drink that could conceivably exist is on the table. Seeing your confusion the prior partner of the Fae who is now dancing with Ash, wanders over and points out whats food and whats table decorations. Noticing your swords he grins.

"A fighter are you? If you have the time or the inclination I would like to test your skills sometime. "


First Post
"Thank you for coming Thelia. Ash came screaming into the cavern down the hall so it sounds like this hunt is right on our heels, but I did not think you would have wanted to talk if he was there.
Where were you taking us and is it still possible to get there from where we are. The rest of the hunted is in the cavern down the hall dancing with fae."

"Thank you for the offer of food... I will eat heartilly. Thank you for your kindness."

Samanosuke looks over at the Challenging Fae.

"What type of sparring do you prefer? Iaijutsu Dueling, to the first blood, submission dueling, wrestling, or are you challenging my honor? I am proficient in all of these, but if you offer to introduce me to another type of duel I will consider it the same, honored friend."


Kalanyr said:
Ash dances with the fae, who's grace and beauty I can't actually describe other than to say close to divine. As the dance comes to a close she offers Ash a lock of her hair to remember her by.

"A gift from me to you, for your wonderful company. I am Helian"
Ash dashingly sweeps the lithe fae into his arms, looks deep into her eyes....

"Give me some sugar, baby."


OOC: anyone who's seen the movies HAD to know this was coming... ;)


First Post
(ooc: saving the thread from page 2 - where have you all disappeared to?)

Filia waits patiently for Thelia's answers..wondering why the music in the room behind her has switched to a slower tempo.
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OOC- Gave everyone 48 hours to make a post if they wanted to. There'll be a post in about 8 hours if no new posts are forth coming. (I'll edit this one to it if such happens)

[color=sky blue]Yuna asks a few more questions, "Thankyou for informing me, do your people play a role in this...hunt? And I know this shouldn't be asked but who is the master?"[/color]



The Fae smiles

"I prepare duels to submission. I'm afraid I haven't practised Iaijutsu in a long age and that my wrestling is rusty."

Ash the Fae smiles up at you and returns your kiss.


The bard smiles when you ask about his peoples role in the hunt.
" We play no part, there are those amongst the Seelie who would aid you, and those amongst the Unseelie that would hinder you, but we will do neither"

When asked about the Master he just grins
" The Master is a Spirit of Nature, as all Fey are, he is just one of a higher stature. Nothing like on par with Oberon or Titania, but certainly more than I. You have invoked his name and he watches us even now, he would doubtless interfere but our homes were declared off-limits long ago, a favour another spirit owed us."


"I was taking you to a lighter side of this plane, yes I could take you there from here, but it seems pointless and the journey is long, you are deep beneath the ground and in the realms of those Fae who count themselves neither Seelie or Unseelie, as long as you do not anger them no harm will come to you, but they are malicious and subtle tricksters when slighted. Perhaps if you do not offend them, they can tell you how to leave this plane, there are portals to other places down here as well. "

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