A bit of something I don't recall if anyone posted about yet is including the massive damage rules:
View attachment 365784
I just don't care for the effects, a bit to soft IMO.
Ah, but see, there's the rub.
We often talk about hit points in the abstract, which of course they
are, but as I posted above, hit points in 5E are:
Nothing about skill, dodging, turning with the blow, etc. which we commonly attribute to how damage is mitigated narratively and was common in prior editions.
While it is harder to imagine protecting yourself from lava, etc. with hit points being "durability, will to live, and luck" it is (as many attribute) a huge part of plot armor for PCs.
I would argue it isn't easier to find a way to avoid the brunt of the dragon's breath. You failed your save, you are caught very possibly in the center of the blast (or close to it!), what did you do? Nothing. YOU BURN! In stories and movies we see creatures turned to cinders in such cases. You can't just say, "I ducked behind my shield" or something, as if we're being honest, your shield would likely melt right there on your arm. Fire wraps around obstacles, you still get burned.
So, narratively, we
have to justify it... But if someone is going to rule "wading through lava" is instant death, failing a save versus one of the most damaging attacks in the game should probably be the same IMO.