How do you like your steak prepared?


Me? Medium-Rare. Not quite mooing but not ruined to the point where I can't taste the flavor of the meat anymore. When my wife and I first started dating, she would only gets steaks Medium-Well. It took about 6 years but she finally started getting them Medium and she loves it. Now just to bring her down one more notch. :D

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A Wicked Kendragon
I like them so well done that I can almost, not quite, but almost, taste ash.

I always have family members and friends comment "you've forgotten your steaks on the stove" "aren't they done already?" "They're going to burn" etc. :)

When my husband and I first started dating - I was a well-done girl. However, his influence eventually convinced me that the juice was *not* blood and that it tastes better if it's red.

Now: medium-rare to rare depending on my mood and how thick the steak is. Mmmmm. Meat.


I like mine "medium", so I generally order them "medium rare". In most restaurants in my area your steak will be overcooked :(

Lhorgrim said:
I like mine "medium", so I generally order them "medium rare". In most restaurants in my area your steak will be overcooked :(
Isn't it the truth?! That's something that it took me a while to adjust to here in the "city" - back in South Dakota it wasn't nearly such a problem. Blah.

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