Hey, I enjoy battles and like a fast-paced game too. I'm sorry if I gave the impression that I'm some major storyteller DM.
But there's things I'd like players to be able to do after 6+ months of play. For example,
1) Name one fellow party member. Maybe have an idea of how their character might behave in a given situation. ("Oh, that's Oswald Brummelbuck the halfling rogue. He's quick-witted but snarky with authority figures.")
2) Name a prominent location, such as the capital city they've been exploring for months.
3) Name an NPC connected to their character. (For example, a cleric able to name the high priest of their order.)
4) Have a general concept of the threat facing the setting. (Is there a necromancer releasing an undead pox on the land? High five if you can name the villain.)
5) If we're playing weekly, it would be awesome if someone could tell me the party's immediate goal. ("When we left, we were planning to investigate the thieves' guild.")