Why don't the two of you play together than??? I'm sure you can find more Enworlders who share your taste and form a playing group of people with like minded tastes!That is very depressing. You and I have similar tastes in some respects, and I really feel for you.
They left out things like: Player agency, immersion and verisimilitude.It's the old issue of when people describe buzzwords or what they think you want to hear.
Yet, their characters are named like "Farty McButtface" and spend their time trying to nail the wenches.
- "Deep, tactical play."
- "Extravagant character customization."
- "Mysterious political machinations."
- "Rich tapestry of world building."
- "Moving roleplaying experiences."
The only one who is honest with me is my wife.
Here are some quotes. "Basically, I just want to be powerful and kick ass. I want to roll 41 points of damage. I don't want to talk to the NPCs or follow a story. I want to be a rogue and sneak attack for lots of damage. I don't want to guess where to search for a trap - I want to make a check and have that determined. All the other stuff between the fights is just fluff that takes away our time that we could be having fun."
Battletech is what she wants to play, but probably not what you want. Hex based movement no tape measure!The only one who is honest with me is my wife.
Here are some quotes. "Basically, I just want to be powerful and kick ass. I want to roll 41 points of damage. I don't want to talk to the NPCs or follow a story. I want to be a rogue and sneak attack for lots of damage. I don't want to guess where to search for a trap - I want to make a check and have that determined. All the other stuff between the fights is just fluff that takes away our time that we could be having fun."
Yes. I have run a couple campaigns of 13th Age for other groups in the past, and it was on my short list (along with Dragonbane). The reason I didn't pick it this time is its similarity to 4E structurally, which I thought would be confusing having just finished that campaign recently.Have you looked into 13th Age? It has a lot of similarity to 4E -- but not so intense and much easier to play in a casual fashion. It allows players to play with a range of levels of engagement and the character classes allow people to choose how much crunch they want to deal with. I've found that very tactical people (while preferring 4E) enjoy it, as do people who'd prefer something more narrative like FATE.
Shadow Walk
You gain the shadow walk at-will power:
As a move action before you have used your standard action this turn, if you are not engaged, you can make the following ‘attack’ against all nearby enemies, targeting the enemy among them with the highest Mental Defense.
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD
Hit: Remove yourself from play. At the start of your next turn, return anywhere nearby that you could have moved to normally during your turn, and deal double damage with your first rogue attack that turn.
Miss: No effect. You can’t attempt to shadow walk again until your next turn, but you still have your standard action this turn.
Adventurer Feat On a miss, you can still use your move action normally (but still can’t shadow walk this turn).
Champion Feat Twice per day, you can reroll the rogue attack that follows your successful use of shadow walk.
Epic Feat Twice per day, you can reappear from your shadow walk in a nearby location you wouldn’t have been able to reach unimpeded physically, for instance, on the other side of a portcullis or door, or high up a wall.
Yeah. They might prefer a "roller-coaster" (as opposed to a "railroad") type of pre-scripted adventure.They left out things like: Player agency, immersion and verisimilitude.
These buzz phrases seem to contradict the original list.
They said "no." I asked if they would prefer just to play a boardgame, but they said "no, we want RPGs." Lord help me if I can figure out what kind of RPG they would like to play.Is it really possible that they just want to get together and hang out?
Yeah, it would be great if she wanted to play any of the complete, fully-painted Warhammer armies I already own. But Alas!Battletech is what she wants to play, but probably not what you want. Hex based movement no tape measure!
As much as its derided as the bane of all RPG existence online, among players its not uncommon.Yeah. They might prefer a "roller-coaster" (as opposed to a "railroad") type of pre-scripted adventure.
They want advanced Heroquest or something between board game and RPG which is also pretty common.They said "no." I asked if they would prefer just to play a boardgame, but they said "no, we want RPGs." Lord help me if I can figure out what kind of RPG they would like to play.
Warhammer is pretty intimidating, but would be a good fit.Yeah, it would be great if she wanted to play any of the complete, fully-painted Warhammer armies I already own. But Alas!
I was thinking the same thing when I read the final list of group wants.