D&D (2024) How excited are you for the new 2024 edition d&d?

What is your excitement level? (1-5 with 5 being the highest)

  • 1

    Votes: 70 35.0%
  • 2

    Votes: 34 17.0%
  • 3

    Votes: 27 13.5%
  • 4

    Votes: 46 23.0%
  • 5 Most excited

    Votes: 23 11.5%

  • Poll closed .
That is not how it was written.

I disagree. Wizards does not have a messaging problem. They are clear about their messaging. It's a Community Expectation and PR problem. The Community is fractured in differing what they want from D&D, and they are also suffering the blowbacks from their PR problems.

Most people in the world aren't tracking the playtest. They have too much more important stuff going on to read and watch what Wizards puts out. They get their news from hearsay and social media. And a lot of the vocal people, whether in-person, or on social media (of those who care strong enough to provide commentaty) are those who are angry.

Wizards has blundered enough to anger people, who now see Wizards as antagonists. These angry people are fighting any narrative that Wizards uses to try and create a positive groundswell. These people have become antagonists in their own right, even if they feel they are being legitimately reactive. Not everyone who disagrees with Wizards is this way, but just look at the social media comments. There is a lot of snide mockery exclaiming "6E!", "Pinkertons!", and "OGL!" and the like. Some call Wizards liars, purposefully spread their own narrative that does not match Wizards' narrative (calling it 6E or 5.5E, for instance) and otherwise actively try to harm Wizards efforts, sometimes to the point of spreading misinformation or spreading word that Wizards has explicit plans to harm the community in the future.

And it's not just those legitimately angry people. Some people have legit different definitions for themselves, and they vary to the extremes! Some say 5E doesn't need to be changed, and any changes are a cash grab. Some say 5E is boring, and they want something new, and rather than go somewhere else for what they want, they demand that Wizards makes D&D that way they envision. And each of those factions actively present their narrative as truth and One True Way.

When the 2024 books come out, we'll see what happens. If I don't like it, I'm going to bow out and stick to my own way of playing and not yuck everyone else's yum. I'm not going to troll and spread hate fertilizer in the D&D community because my desires were not catered to. Whatever game I play, I don't want to cause, or be subject to, rage-inducing trolling. I don't want ENWorld to turn into a cesspit. It's not fair to ENWorld, or the fans. We should find our own peace and joy and fun, even if it isn't technically core D&D anymore.

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I'm not terribly excited. It's good, solid updates to everything. IIt'll be fun to play. Definitely worth the switch. Looking forwards to see how my favorite classes (hint- it's warlock and the half-casters) shake out.

It's not exactly NEW ideas though. It's not inspiring me in new ways. I'm sad there's no Ardling nor Artificer, so I'm going need to put in the work to update the class, Warforged, Aasimar and Shifter to appropriate 5.5e style.

I want the updates, but I also see more work for me.


To be honest, sort of surprised at how meh the forum is in total. As of this writing, the average rating is 2.6, which is pretty much the definition of "meh." Not sure if we're just old, jaded, or turned off by WotC. Or some combination of all of the above and more.

Even I voted above that (3), but that's mostly because I'm semi-retired from playing. But I'm still curious enough to be a 3 (or rounded up, as I'm probably a bit below that but closer to 3 than 2). If I wasn't, I'd probably be closer to 4...which is about what I was at with 5E. The last time I was at a 5 for a new edition was for 3E, thanks in part to the old red-on-black Eric Noah site.


To be honest, sort of surprised at how meh the forum is in total. As of this writing, the average rating is 2.6, which is pretty much the definition of "meh." Not sure if we're just old, jaded, or turned off by WotC. Or some combination of all of the above and more.
that seems to about match the 50/50 split between staying with 2014 and moving on to 2024 in the other poll…

Well, WotC got what they wanted, a compatible new book, to me that automatically makes it less interesting than a new edition. In this particular case most of the stuff I was interested in did not survive the playtest, so there is not much to look forward to. Guess I am not the only one who is not particularly impressed with it


"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
To be honest, sort of surprised at how meh the forum is in total. As of this writing, the average rating is 2.6, which is pretty much the definition of "meh." Not sure if we're just old, jaded, or turned off by WotC. Or some combination of all of the above and more.

Even I voted above that (3), but that's mostly because I'm semi-retired from playing. But I'm still curious enough to be a 3 (or rounded up, as I'm probably a bit below that but closer to 3 than 2). If I wasn't, I'd probably be closer to 4...which is about what I was at with 5E. The last time I was at a 5 for a new edition was for 3E, thanks in part to the old red-on-black Eric Noah site.
It's hard to get excited about something marketed as "Our surveys said you wanted more of the same, and we gave it to you!" :)


2 out of 5.

It's the same game that just tweaks a load of little things while not fixing any of the edition's fundamental weaknesses.

The main benefit for me is I can start a "clean" 5E campaign this winter with no expectations of having to allow a truckload of supplementary stuff. The baggage will be shed and won't again become unwieldy for two or three years.


WotC's clearly has a messaging problem.
While I do think that WotC could easily stand to improve their communication skills, I don't think that in THIS case it would make any difference at all. The trouble is that "Edition" has meant many different things over the course of the life of D&D. They've (IMO) clearly explained what they mean by "Not-an-Edition" this time - the 5e books that will remain in print will remain viable going forward.

Nothing is going to change the mind of someone who wants to argue about it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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