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How many folks are still playing/running 3e?


I run a weekly 3e game, running through Paizo's Curse of the Crimson Throne AP. I allow any WotC or Paizo materials (after vetting), but mostly the players stick to WotC stuff.

I also play in a weekly 4e game. Our regular campaign was running through the WotC modules, but we found them a bit bland and that high Paragon/Epic levels were problematic (at least with the published adventures). So we've recently started again at 1st level running a 4e conversion of the original Dragonlance saga. We still crack out the Epic levels now and then for home brewed adventures (such as when the Dragonlance DM can't make it). We pretty much allow anything WotC.

I also run a fortnightly SW Saga game, and I'd really like to run or play in a 4e Eberron game. I think 4e is the perfect system for Eberron.

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I want know how many of you are still playing in 3e games (on either side of the DM screen). More importantly, I want to know what source materials are being used in those games.

So if you are playing 3e, tell me how often, as a player or a DM, and what source materials you are using, and any other information that is pertinent to your game please.
I am both playing and DMing 3rd Edition games, and will for the forseeable future. My last face-to-face group dissolved over a year ago due to work schedule changes and stuff, but I'm still running and playing 3E D&D over the internet on OpenRPG, a virtual tabletop program, and on EN World's play-by-post forums. If I could just find some consistent players again that aren't too far from my corner of Phoenix/Glendale, I'd try to form a new face-to-face group for D&D and stuff.

For now, I'm DMing the For More Than Glory campaign (3.5, The 13 Kingdoms, not an official D&D setting but one available on the Internet), which is around level 14 now and started at 1st-level. I'm not the regular DM for FMTG, but it's been round-robin for the past few years since the original DM had to go on hiatus. This campaign uses the 3.5 core rules and the T13K Setting Guide PDF (free), but other material is used when approved by whoever's DM at the time (for now, we have a few Draconomicon feats in use by the half-dragon ranger/Ceomyrian Pathfinder (renamed Horizon Walker), and I don't think there's any other non-core, non-T13K materials in use there). Several PCs have come and gone in FMTG, and some of the earlier PCs used other non-core materials. FMTG started before 3.5, and converted around the time the PCs reached level 3 under the original DM (had it been my own campaign, I would've kept it using 3.0....).

I'm also DMing a "non-canon" T13K 3.5 D&D game called Fall of the 14th Kingdom, taking place in an alternate/possible past and on a different continent that isn't part of the established T13K setting. This game is smaller and lower-level, since it's recent, PCs between 4th and 5th level now. I'm allowing most 3.x D&D materials in this game, but only a little of that has actually seen use so far. We've have one soulknife, one telepath psion, one dragon shaman, a crusader, and nothing else non-core so far in the party, but it's still early in the campaign so that may change if we get any more players in that game. The current party is the dragon shaman, the crusader, a sorcerer, and a fighter. Nothing 3rd-party has been used in this campaign yet, but I think I'm one of the only folks in the group that has any 3rd-party material.

I'm playing in another T13K 3.5 D&D game, called Perils of Thunder Island, in which I am now playing a mud dwarf sorcerer 5 (mud dwarves are a T13K race that could be likened to gully dwarves from Dragonlance/Krynn). My human evoker-wizard got impaled and trampled by dinosaurs after the group's melee and summoner types totally failed to even slightly delay the onrush of dinosaurs in one battle (actually most of the battles, really, but my wizard narrowly survived the first time a dinosaur started eating him in his bedroll)..... That game's much like the first in materials allowed, just core rules, T13K Setting Guide PDF, and what little the DM of that game has that he's willing to allow if anyone asks.

I'm also DMing a PbP here, A Hard Time In Harrowdale (FR 3.5), that is recent and just about to reach 2nd-level. I'm allowing a few materials in that game, from the core rules to the PHB II to the few FR 3.x materials I have, and a few bits and pieces outside of that material. The party's bard has a non-core feat, the wizard has an FRCS feat if I recall, and the party has a duskblade PC, but nothing else non-core has been used so far (aside from me throwing Bonebats at the PCs early on, from Monsters of Faerun).

I'm playing in several other PbPs of 3.5 D&D, and one Pathfinder Beta PbP. They're all pretty stingy in the area of allowed materials, though I can understand that some DMs just don't have many books. I'm only barely starting to play a 1st-level crusader in one slow PbP and a 1st-level duskblade in another, and have been playing a halfling rogue/swordsage for about a year in another PbP, but that's the only non-core stuff I've been able to use so far.

At some point soon, when I can manage to finish my prep-work, I'll be starting up two more 3.x PbPs of my own, one based on Final Fantasy and allowing various non-core stuff including EQd20 and Monte Cook's Arcana Unearthed/Evolved and other 3PP stuff, as well as official D&D materials. The other is also going to be a mixed-material campaign, loosely based in Oerth/The World of Greyhawk (in that I'm mashing Rokugan, Dor-Erthenos, and other places onto Oerth's continents). At some point in the future I'll run other PbPs using 3.0 D&D rules instead and most likely using my own homebrew settings (I only own a few materials for published settings).


First Post
Pathfinder is our game of choice here. I'm currently running Legacy of Fire, and after that most probably I'll play in Curse of the Crimson Throne.

We've played some games of Labyrinth Lord, HackMaster Basic or Trail of Cthulhu, and planning to try Spycraft, Shadowrun and Marvel Superheroes (and Rogue Trader when it's out), but for our stable bi-weekly game, Pathfinder it is.


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havent played any D&D in our weekly group for about 6 months (lots other stuff to do)

vague discussion on pathfinder, i think 2 or 3 are keen, so will see how that develops


My 3.5/BX mash-up campaign is currently on hiatus (since May) and I am 2 sessions into running a short 4e campaign. I should be resuming the 3.5e/BX game towards the end of this year.


Not at the moment, but only because we're playing SWSE at the moment (and WFRP next). 3.5e remains our "D&D of choice", although there is a possibility that Pathfinder may replace it.

When we do play 3.5e, the available works vary considerably based on the campaign. The last few have allowed anything in the core rules, anything in the first batch of Complete books (Warrior, Priest, Wizard, Adventurer, Psionic), the Expanded Psionics Handbook, Player's Handbook II and the Spell Compendium. The DMG2, Magic Item Compendium and the full range of monster books have been in use also.

From the third party publishers, we've mostly used the Dragon Compendium and the Complete Book of Eldritch Might. And yet more monster books.

(I have about three shelves of 3.5 material from vario publishers, a lot of which is rubbish, but quite a lot of which is really good. Unfortunately, I don't host the game, and my ability to transport loads of books is rather limited. So, while I'm not opposed to the idea of using other materials, it is difficult for my players to get an idea of just what is available.)

Sacrificial Lamb

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I'm a player in a 3.x campaign (mostly 3.5). I decided to take a break from DMing, so another player took over my DMing duties. We play on a weekly basis. :)


Ah, forgot to list the books.

Any books are allowed - including third party, though that's mostly jsut for psionics (DREAMSCAAAARRRRED) - but anything retarded or CharOps-y has to be run through the DM first. It's a pretty tight community, and the DMs talk to each other, so if you try to cheese and be a jerk, you can kiss any future games goodbye.


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3.5 going strong

Gm-ing one 3.5 campaign (Age of Worms), playing in two others (Savage Tide and Curse of the Crimson Throne). Pretty much any WotC supplement is allowed, though we tend to restrict to core books until mid-level.

Also playing and running loads of other stuff ( see sig.)

All four Dms in my group have decided that 4e's not for them so I suspect we will be sticking to 3.5 (probably with added Pathfinder) for the forseeable future.


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