(IC) Against the Giants PBP Group 2


Gimlak stepped through the doors as the orcs closed them behind him and sent a psychic spike into the mind of the adult hill giant. The giant was dumb as a bag of rocks, and Gimlak was surprised to find that in this case, that fact made it harder to confound him, rather than easier.

OOC: Giant made an Int save! Hard to believe.

Mind Sliver dc17 Int Save: HGS2: 1D20-2 = [19]-2 = 17 Huh.

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GM: Encounter: Steading East Wing

(General Features) Difficult Terrain: Beds; Visibility: Very Dim (Low Braziers); Cover: Walls;
Name * AC * HP * Hit Dice * PasPrc * Spells (Etc) * (Notes)
Colonel AC19* HP 32/66 THP 0/13 HD 9/9 PP19* SSdc18 3/4 1/3 3/3 3/3 1/1 CD 2/2
Doc AC14 HP 83/84 THP 13/13 HD 9/9 PP20 SSdc16 1/2 Wls 2/4 Crs 1/1 PL 4/4 Wsp 1/1
Duvrael AC12(15) HP 44/56 THP 2/13 HD 9/9 PP15* SSdc17 2/4 1/3 3/3 1/3 0/1
Gimlak AC17 HP 68/68 THP 13/13 HD 9/9 PP12* SSdc17 4/4 2/3 3/3 2/3 1/1 SP 8/12
Kahru AC15 HP 83/83 HD 9/9 PP16 SSdc14 4/4 3/3 2/3 WS 0/2 Rg 3/3 Stf 5/7
-Kahru-Bear AC12 HP 42/42 THP 0/13
Kaligan AC18* HP 76/76 THP 13/13 HD 9/9 PP14 PD 8/8 DT 1/1 TK 1/1 AS 1/1 2W 1/1 ID 1/1
Donnell AC19* HP29/29 THP 0/13 HD 4/4 AS 1/1 2W 0/1
Hiss AC13 HP 2/2 PP10* ts10'
Orcs AC11 HP15ea PP10*
-Orc1 15/15; Orc2 HP 15/15
Name * AC * HP * PP * (Notes)
Hill Giant (Guard) AC13 HP105ea PP12
-HG1 0/105 (dead); HG2 105/105; HG3 105/105;
Young Hill Giant AC12 HP42ea PP10
-YHG1 16/42; YHG2 42/42; YHG3 42/42; YHG5 0/42 (dead);
-YHG6 2/42; YHG7 42/42; YHG8 42/42; YHG9 42/42;
Hill Giant Schlubs AC13 HP59ea PP8
-HGS1 0/59 (dead); HGS2 59/59; HGS3 59/59
GM: End Round Two; Begin Round Three


A suffusion of yellow
Sometimes things move too fast on a battlefield, especially with the oncoming rush of beastial rage driving action and blinding reason. It could only be hoped that any allies in his path heard his roar and got out of the way as he dashed headlong towards the giants…

OOC: Kahru has gone for this round (I'll call your post a pre-emptive next round).
OOC: Oops sorry for jumping the gun, too much enthusiasm to get things rolling! :p, - but actions remain except I see now that YHG1 will intercept my charge (assuming Doc gets out of the way :O)

Steve Gorak

Stoically with clenched fists, Gimlack silently stares down the room, tickling the minds of two hill giant youths

OOC: Action: twinned psionically cast Hashas Hideous Laughter targetting YHG7 & 9. Wisdom save DC 17 or incapacitated & prone laughing. If any of the two suceed its save, cast silvery barbs as a reaction psionically
Bonus action: telekinetic shove on Kahru to help him cover more ground if applicable
Move: to AY43 for some cover
Reaction: silvery barbs psionically if applicable (cost 1 spell point), or shield if attacked.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Duvrael curses as the javelin pierces his side. The pain breaks his concentration and the giant doorman escapes his magical hold, dropping dead to the floor.

Not bothering to get the necessary components, the yuan ti wizard instead points his staff at the fireplace and, shouting a few words in Primordial, pulls the flames that burn there across the whole room. From his vantage point, an opaque wall settles where the fire crosses the room, but Duvrael knows that the other side is a blazing inferno.

OOC: Casting Wall of Fire, creating it between AY-58 and BJ-58. The northern side (facing us) is harmless, the southern side burns.

Giant 2 and Shlub 2 need to make a Dex ST; failure means they take 5d8=15 fire damage, success means half damage. On their turn, each creature within 10 feet of the southern side also needs to make that save (see spell description in the spoiler below).

You create a wall of fire on a solid surface within range. You can make the wall up to 60 feet long, 20 feet high, and 1 foot thick, or a ringed wall up to 20 feet in diameter, 20 feet high, and 1 foot thick. The wall is opaque and lasts for the duration.
When the wall appears, each creature within its area must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 5d8 fire damage, or half as much damage on a successful save.
One side of the wall, selected by you when you cast this spell, deals 5d8 fire damage to each creature that ends its turn within 10 feet of that side or inside the wall. A creature takes the same damage when it enters the wall for the first time on a turn or ends its turn there. The other side of the wall deals no damage.

Duvrael AC12(15) HP 44/56 THP 2/13 HD 9/9 PP15* SSdc17 2/4 1/3 3/3 0/3 0/1

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
As had been planned outside, young Donnell found himself at the first set of doors when they entered the chamber. The Colonel had given him orders -- hold the doors; keep them closed. That's whathe was going to do. "We don't know where the ginats will come from, lad -- your job is to make sure that it's not from that first door. I'll be at the second gate."

So here he was, uncertain of all that was happening, but knowing he had been given a task.

OOC: Donnell tries to bar/lock the gate at AV 41-2, assuming it enters in to the chamber he is in. If that's less than an action, he'll also DODGE any incoming rocks.

Meanwhile the colonel is moving towards the second gate, now that the access is cleared of giants on this side. Even with his swiftfootedness, he does not quite make it to the door.

OOC: Colonel moves to AY51. Action: DODGE.
Spells left: 3, 0, 3, 3, 1
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Morkus from Orkus

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
Doc stiffens slightly as he feels the guiding spirit that was possessing him leave. Never gets easier. Hearing the bellowing from behind him, Doc sidesteps slightly to let crazed bear-Kahru lumber by him, and then stridently follows, concentrating his wrath and his fire on the bear-Kahru's target.

Doc allows Kahru to pass, and moves to BA53.

Bonus action- Doc moves HEX to Schlub2.
Action- Doc shoots twice HGS2 (first shot with cunning, as HGS2 is engaged)

First shot, cunning, hex: 1D20+9 = [19]+9 = 28
1D10+5 = [7]+5 = 12
2D6 = [3, 5] = 8
1D6 = [6] = 6

Second shot, hex: 1D20+9 = [12]+9 = 21
1D10+5 = [7]+5 = 12
1D6 = [1] = 1

Two hits, total damage to HGS2 is 39.


The room erupted into further chaos as the front line pressed forward. Kahru rushed toward the second guard, but a youth intercepted him. Just before the bear leaped on the youth, Kaligan stepped in and cut the young giant down. The bear leaped over them, and barrelled into the adult giant as Duvrael's firewall cut across the room, splitting it in two. The curtain to the side room went up in flames and two giants within were trapped inside, one of them singed.

Gimlak tickled the minds of two of the youths, who fell to the floor in fits of laughter. This made it so that they could not back away from the wall of flames, and they lay there, not quite on fire, but too close for comfort, pointing and laughing at each other's reddening faces.

With military discipline, Donnell and the Colonel followed the plan. The young squire secured the northern door with its wooden latch, and listened at it for trouble. The old soldier ran toward the second door that led to the west (most likely to the great hall).

Finally, Doc sauntered forward and shot the second guard as the giant was struggling with Kahru-the-bear. The big giant, on fire and bear-mauled, fell dead as two holes appeared on his double-chin, accompanied by the dull crack of Doc's pistol.

The remaining giants scattered, gathering anything they could throw. A hail of javelins came down on Doc and Kaligan, which Kaligan blocked, protecting them both. The giants caught in the side room gathered large rocks from under their beds, and they flung them through what was left of the flaming curtain at the nearby bear, knocking him down under heavy stones. Another giant that had come from a room to the south, flung a rock that struck the bear in the nose, and Kahru lost the form, reverting to a northman with a welt on his face.

One of the young giants opened a curtain to a room in the northeast corner, calling out :: Ma! Pa! Smalls are thumpin'n burnin' us!::

::Yeah, we're comin'.::
told a deep rumbling voice from inside, ::And I'm gonna eat the first small I see.::

OOC: Gimlak made YHG7 & 9 laugh; Duvrael burned HG2, HGS2, & YHG9 for 15, & YHG7 for 7. Donnell locked the door; Colonel Dashed; Kaligan killed YHG1; Kahru did 18 to HGS2 & Doc finished him off for 39. Giants scrambled and hurled stuff, getting Kahru for 54 total. Beat the bear right off him.
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GM: Encounter: Steading East Wing

(General Features) Difficult Terrain: Beds; Visibility: Dim (Low Braziers, Fires); Cover: Walls; Spells: Wall of Fire (Elongated Flame);
Name * AC * HP * Hit Dice * PasPrc * Spells (Etc) * (Notes)
Colonel AC19* HP 32/66 THP 0/13 HD 9/9 PP19* SSdc18 3/4 0/3 3/3 3/3 1/1 CD 2/2
Doc AC14 HP 83/84 THP 13/13 HD 9/9 PP20 SSdc16 1/2 Wls 2/4 Crs 1/1 PL 4/4 Wsp 1/1
Duvrael AC12(15) HP 44/56 THP 2/13 HD 9/9 PP15* SSdc17 2/4 1/3 3/3 0/3 0/1
Gimlak AC17 HP 68/68 THP 13/13 HD 9/9 PP12* SSdc17 4/4 2/3 3/3 2/3 1/1 SP 8/12
Kahru AC15 HP 79/83 HD 9/9 THP 0/13 PP16 SSdc14 3/4 2/3 1/3 WS 0/2 Rg 3/3 Stf 5/7
-Kahru-Bear AC12 HP 0/42
Kaligan AC18* HP 76/76 THP 13/13 HD 9/9 PP14 PD 8/8 DT 1/1 TK 1/1 AS 1/1 2W 1/1 ID 1/1
Donnell AC19* HP29/29 THP 0/13 HD 4/4 AS 1/1 2W 0/1
Hiss AC13 HP 2/2 PP10* ts10'
Orcs AC11 HP15ea PP10*
-Orc1 15/15; Orc2 HP 15/15
Name * AC * HP * PP * (Notes)
HG Chief (Nosnra) AC14 HP 148/148 PP13
HG Chieftess (Grutha) AC14 HP 136/136 PP14
Hill Giants AC13 HP105ea PP12
-HG2 90/105; HG3 105/105;
Young Hill Giant AC12 HP42ea PP10
-YHG1 0/42v(dead); YHG2 42/42; YHG3 42/42;
-YHG6 2/42; YHG7 352/42; YHG8 42/42; YHG9 27/42;
Hill Giant Schlubs AC13 HP59ea PP8
-HGS2 0/59 (dead); HGS3 59/59
GM: End Round Three; Begin Round Four

Voidrunner's Codex

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