D&D 5E [IC] Against the Slavelords


[section]With the fleeing orc downed by her companions, Levanna focused her attention on the remaining ogre. The beast was almost at the limit of her range. Quickly,Levanna hurled another ball of acid its way.

[sblock=Actions]Casting Acid Splash at the ogre. Dex save vs. DC 15 or take [roll0] acid damage.[/sblock]

[sblock='Mini Stat Block']
Levanna (Wizard 6)
Initiative: +1 Perception: +2
Passive Perception: 12
Passive Investigation: 17
Speed: 30'

AC: 16
HP: 27/38

Inspiration: 0 Luck: 3

In Hand:Quarterstaff
Off Hand: None

Spell Save DC: 15

Prepared Spells:
1st: Mage Armor, Shield, Magic Missile, Protection From Evil and Good
2nd: Misty Step, Suggestion, Invisibility, Flaming Sphere
3rd: Counterspell, Fireball

Spell slots remaining/Spell slots total:
1st: 1/4
2nd: 1/3
3rd: 0/3

Spells contained in the Ring of Spell Storing:
Charm Person, Feather Fall

Active Spells: (c) denotes concentration
Mage Armor, Water Breathing, Comprehend Languages, Unseen Servant

Character Sheet

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First Post
Quellathe raced up the stairs and put two arrows into the retreating orc, while Levanna struck the ogre with another acid splash. Kelvyn seeing the orc dead instead shot an arrow into the ogre instead just as Tirion hit it with his mace. The ogre howling in pain as the guardian spirits tore it apart!

With the last enemy too fall the room falls silent...


Fighter 6

Uhtred reigns his jubilation in slightly, not wanting to make too much noise, though the combat they had just won was hardly quite. "Well? How brave are we feeling? He asked looking down the hallway the orc was trying to escape down.

[SBLOCK=Actions and rolls]

[SBLOCK=Mini Stats]
Conditions: None
Action Surge: 0/1
Second Wind: 0/1
Inspiration: 1

Great Axe +1: +7 1d12+4S
Maul: +6 2d6 +3B

Initiative: +1
Perception: +5 (Passive: 15)
Speed 25 AC: 17 (Splint)
HP: 57/64 HD: 6/6d10
Main Hand: Great Axe +1


First Post
GM: I think you normally recover 1/2 your arrows right? The rest get broken and stuff. May not be any Hard and Fast rules though.[/b]

Uhtred peers into the hallway that the orc was fleeing. It was a long narrow (5ft) passage cut into the rock and leading fourty feet to another heavy iron-reinforced door. The dwarf saw a large lock set into the door and a sliding viewing panel for those on the other side too look into the hallway safety from. The panel was presently closed. None of the orcs nor the ogres have any keys on them but the party did collect 18 gold pieces and the ogres each were carrying two pernicious stones on their persons.



Tirion Cayde, Cleric Level 6 (Life)
Where: Port Fury/Beneath the Temple
When: 3.5/Morning
Round 6

OOC: Yes, the rule is you find half your arrows.

“I’m a bit beat up,” Tirion told Uhtred, “and Kelvyn is hurting, but I’d rather not not stop long while my spell is up.” He gestured to the spirits swirling around him.

Saying a quick prayer, Tirion cast a healing spell

OOC: Mass Healing Word: 1D4+9 = [4]+9 = 13
Everyone gets 13 hp. Tirion gets +5 hp from Blessed Healer for 18 total.

“Do you need more healing?” Tirion asked Kelvyn.

OOC: So that’s 4 gold for three of us, and two people get 3 gold. I volunteer for Tirion to get 3. And you guys can decide who gets the two precious stones.

[sblock=Tirion’s Actions]
Bonus Action:
Concentration: Spirit Guardians (96/100r) 15’ radius Wis save DC 15 takes half damage; difficult terrain for enemies in the area covered by the spirits.
Inspiration: 1

[sblock=Mini Stats]
AC: 20 (plate and shield)
HP: 35/45 HD: 3/6d8

Channel Divinity (2/R)
Turn/Destroy Undead (CR 1/2)
Preserve Life (30)

Prepared Spells:
+7/DC 15
Cantrips: Guidance, Thaumaturgy, Mending, Sacred Flame
1st: (Bless, Cure Wounds), Healing Word, Guiding Bolt, Command
2nd: (Lesser Restoration, Spiritual Weapon), Prayer of Healing, Hold Person, Blindness/Deafness, Silence
3rd: (Beacon of Hope, Revivify), Spirit Guardians, Dispel Magic, Mass Healing Word

Spell Slots Remaining/Total
1st: 3/4
2nd: 1/3
3rd: 0/3


Fighter 6

"Does anyone want to scout ahead, or should we storm the door? There is no guarantee we can break through easily though, but I'm happy to lead the charge." Uhtred asks.

[SBLOCK=Mini Stats]
Conditions: None
Action Surge: 0/1
Second Wind: 0/1
Inspiration: 1

Great Axe +1: +7 1d12+4S
Maul: +6 2d6 +3B

Initiative: +1
Perception: +5 (Passive: 15)
Speed 25 AC: 17 (Splint)
HP: 64/64 HD: 6/6d10
Main Hand: Great Axe +1


[section]Levanna offered her thanks to Tirion. She felt almost completely refreshed, except for her mana reserves.

"Tirion's spell is a formidable one and if we can still get use out of it, I think we should hurry to do so," she answered Uhtred.


[sblock='Mini Stat Block']
Levanna (Wizard 6)
Initiative: +1 Perception: +2
Passive Perception: 12
Passive Investigation: 17
Speed: 30'

AC: 16
HP: 38/38

Inspiration: 0 Luck: 3

In Hand:Quarterstaff
Off Hand: None

Spell Save DC: 15

Prepared Spells:
1st: Mage Armor, Shield, Magic Missile, Protection From Evil and Good
2nd: Misty Step, Suggestion, Invisibility, Flaming Sphere
3rd: Counterspell, Fireball

Spell slots remaining/Spell slots total:
1st: 1/4
2nd: 1/3
3rd: 0/3

Spells contained in the Ring of Spell Storing:
Charm Person, Feather Fall

Active Spells: (c) denotes concentration
Mage Armor, Water Breathing, Comprehend Languages, Unseen Servant

Character Sheet


GM: I think you normally recover 1/2 your arrows right? The rest get broken and stuff. May not be any Hard and Fast rules though.

OOC: Yes, as Tirion confirmed that's the rule. So Q finds 4 usable arrows. I will assume they weren't ones with the drow sleep poison on them and/or the poison faded/rubbed off. Q still has 2 unshot poison coated arrows.

Quellathe sighed in relief as the last of her wounds from the previous battle healed. She nodded her thanks to Tirion. Turning to Kelvyn, she said "Do you think you could pick the lock quicker than Uhtred can break it down? I don't to waste time, but perhaps you or I should listen at the door before we act?"

OOC: Having made her suggestions, Q will assent to whatever the group decides.

[sblock='Mini Stat Block']
Quellathe (Ranger 6)
Initiative: + 3 (w/adv.)
Perception: +5
Passive Perception: 15
Speed: 30'
Inspiration: 2

AC: 15 (16 when dual wielding)
HP 46/46
HD 6/6

In Hand:
Off Hand:

Arrows: 10/20 [2 coated with draw poison]

Spell Save DC: 13

Known Spells:
Cantrip: Booming Blade
1st Level: Hunter’s Mark, Speak with Animals, Hail of Thorns (b.act, conc, next ranged hit, 1d10 p creat & within 5 feat. sex save for 1/2)
2nd Level: Beast Sense (1hr, conc, see/hear thru beast; blind/deaf to own surroundings)

Spell slots remaining/Spell slots total:
1st: 2/4
2nd: 3/3

Active Spells (c) denotes concentration
Hunter’s Mark (c)

GP: 99

Consumable Magic Items, etc.
Potion of Healing (0/3)
Dust of Disappearance (1/2)
Spell Scrolls: Animal Friendship, Detect Poison and Disease, Speak with Animals (x2), Fog Cloud
Healer’s Kit: (18/20)

Naeris (Panther)
Initiative: + 2 Perception: +7
Passive Perception: 17
Speed: 50’ climb 40’

AC: 15
HP 24/24

Character Sheet



Tirion Cayde, Cleric Level 6 (Life)
Where: Port Fury/Beneath the Temple
When: 3.5/Morning
Round 7

Tirion nodded in agreement with Quellathe. “Yes, Kelvyn, try and get us through that door,” he told the rogue.

Moving to the door, Tirion listened for any noise on the other side, and anything he could see.

[sblock=Tirion’s Actions]
Action: Perception: 1D20+4 = [17]+4 = 21
Bonus Action:
Concentration: Spirit Guardians (95/100r) 15’ radius Wis save DC 15 takes half damage; difficult terrain for enemies in the area covered by the spirits.
Inspiration: 1

[sblock=Mini Stats]
AC: 20 (plate and shield)
HP: 35/45 HD: 3/6d8

Channel Divinity (2/R)
Turn/Destroy Undead (CR 1/2)
Preserve Life (30)

Prepared Spells:
+7/DC 15
Cantrips: Guidance, Thaumaturgy, Mending, Sacred Flame
1st: (Bless, Cure Wounds), Healing Word, Guiding Bolt, Command
2nd: (Lesser Restoration, Spiritual Weapon), Prayer of Healing, Hold Person, Blindness/Deafness, Silence
3rd: (Beacon of Hope, Revivify), Spirit Guardians, Dispel Magic, Mass Healing Word

Spell Slots Remaining/Total
1st: 3/4
2nd: 1/3
3rd: 0/3

Voidrunner's Codex

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