D&D 5E [IC] Against the Slavelords


[section]Levanna huffed in frustration. Dispel her friend's magic? If she had sufficient mana she might have taken issue with that. She had to settle for hurling a particularly spiteful glob of acid at the two orcs in front.

[sblock=Actions]Levanna casts Acid Splash at the orcs in I14 and J14. Dex save vs DC 15 or suffer [roll0] acid damage.

[sblock='Mini Stat Block']
Levanna (Wizard 6)
Initiative: +1 Perception: +2
Passive Perception: 12
Passive Investigation: 17
Speed: 30'

AC: 16
HP: 38/38

Inspiration: 0 Luck: 3

In Hand:Quarterstaff
Off Hand: None

Spell Save DC: 15

Prepared Spells:
1st: Mage Armor, Shield, Magic Missile, Protection From Evil and Good
2nd: Misty Step, Suggestion, Invisibility, Flaming Sphere
3rd: Counterspell, Fireball

Spell slots remaining/Spell slots total:
1st: 1/4
2nd: 1/3
3rd: 0/3

Spells contained in the Ring of Spell Storing:
Charm Person, Feather Fall

Active Spells: (c) denotes concentration
Mage Armor, Water Breathing, Comprehend Languages, Unseen Servant

Character Sheet

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Tirion Cayde, Cleric Level 6 (Life)
Where: Port Fury/Beneath the Temple
When: 3.5/Morning
Round 13

Tirion grunted, but shoving against the ogre was like trying to push down a wall. Luckily his spirits were having a much better time as they tore into the great creature, sending the ogre whimpering away from the cleric.

But that only made room for the others to attack, and a human woman and several orcs rushed him. The spirits tore into them, killing a couple of the orcs, but the others charged him. The woman attacked him with a flurry of blows from her fists, but only one got through his defenses.

Concentration check: _: 2D20.HIGH(1)+4 = [17, 8]+4 = 21

With an orc blocking his way again, Tirion lowered his shield once more, trying to shove the creature back and clear the way into the room for the others even as his spirits ripped into their enemies.

[sblock=Tirion’s Actions]
Action: Athletics shove attack to knock orc back 5 feet: 1D20+4 = [7]+4 = 11
Bonus Action:
Concentration: Spirit Guardians (89/100r) 15’ radius Wis save DC 15 takes half damage; difficult terrain for enemies in the area covered by the spirits.
Spirit Guardians damage: 3D8 = [6, 3, 4] = 13
Inspiration: 1

[sblock=Mini Stats]
AC: 20 (plate and shield)
HP: 21/45 HD: 3/6d8

Channel Divinity (2/R)
Turn/Destroy Undead (CR 1/2)
Preserve Life (30)

Prepared Spells:
+7/DC 15
Cantrips: Guidance, Thaumaturgy, Mending, Sacred Flame
1st: (Bless, Cure Wounds), Healing Word, Guiding Bolt, Command
2nd: (Lesser Restoration, Spiritual Weapon), Prayer of Healing, Hold Person, Blindness/Deafness, Silence
3rd: (Beacon of Hope, Revivify), Spirit Guardians, Dispel Magic, Mass Healing Word

Spell Slots Remaining/Total
1st: 2/4
2nd: 0/3
3rd: 0/3


Kelvyn hesitates unwilling to shoot a companion in the back by mistake. He mutters a curse and waits for his chance to push into the room and get a clear shot at one of the foes.


First Post
Uhtred waits for Tirion to push past or kill one of the orcs to move in for the kill against the monk. Quellathe and Kelvyn both follow the dwarf’s lead, not willing to threaten the cleric, while Levanna shot and burned one of the orcs with her acid spell! Tirion tried to push the orc out of the way but it suborning held its ground against the cleric!

Then the female monk unleashed a torrent of attacks against Tirion and struck him multiple times with fast fist and swift kicks. This was too much for the cleric and he fell back onto the ground with a hard thud!!!!

Quellathe sees her opening with the cleric falling…

GM: Initiative
18 – Uhtred
17 – Quellathe
14 – Selattee
13 Levanna, the Ogre and Dutch Diamonds
12 – Kelvyn and Khalil
4 – Tirion
3 – Orcs

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]Uhtred Readies his action
Quellathe Readies her action
Levanna shots Orc #1, Dex save: 1D20+1 = [8]+1 = 9, fails he suffers 5 damage (bring him down to 3 HP).
Kelvyn Readies his action
Tirion maintains his spell, and tries to push Orc#1, Strength (Athletic) check: 1D20+3 = [17]+3 = 20, but the orc held on!!!

Selattee makes two Unarmed Attacks vs. Tiron, then uses her bonus action to make an additional unarmed attack; Unarmed (martial arts) attacks and damage if she hits: 1D20+7 = [20]+7 = 27; 1D6+4 = [1]+4 = 5; 1D20+7 = [11]+7 = 18; 1D6+4 = [6]+4 = 10; 1D20+7 = [13]+7 = 20; 1D6+4 = [6]+4 = 10, wowsa, hit all three times, the first one a crit, for an extra crit damage: 1D6.OPEN(6) = [2] = 2, and that is 26 damage, knocking Tirion to 0 HP. Next round he needs to start making Death Saves.

The held actions of the rest of the group go off. Quellathe can shot the orcs if she wants… BUT up to her. Then Kelvyn and Uhtred can attack if they want.

NOTE if Quellathe attacks the orcs she will hit both times and kill both of them. I just want that to be clear before Kelvyn and Uthred move and attack…[/sblock]
[sblock=Conditions]Kelvyn HP 22/33
Levanna HP 38/38
Quellathe HP 46/46
@ Naeris HP 24/24
Tirion HP 0/45 (unconscious)
Uhtred HP 64/64

Ogre HP 2/69
Khalil HP 42/42
Dutch Diamonds HP 54/54
Selattee HP 25/48
Orc Guard #1 HP 3/18
Orc Guard #2 HP 8/18
Orc Guard #3 HP 8/18
Orc Guard #4 HP dead
Orc Guard #5 HP dead[/sblock]

NOTE I did not update the map yet as everyone is more or less where they still were. Tirion is prone and so someone can occupy his space if they want.

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