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[IC] Ever Dream, The Worlds of Life (Closed)


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
@ Prime II

Crath, The Country of Prius
At Moss' behest plants the Plantae begin to die out or migrate to the continent of Crath which is ruled by the blind King Raether. King Raether rejoices as the Plantae start to move to his country. This is a sure sign from the Godlings of their favor. At this moment he is slain by his vizier, Patriarch Paelius, who is a powererful cleric secretly dedicated to Tocarus and begins to twist the Aelves to something more evil and sinister in their lush forested realm.

Mhroth, The Nation of Shaeress
The Aleves on the other side of the world and under the rule Princess Quaeress begin to suffer. Famine takes hold as the plantae shift. Crops no longer grow, animals die and Princess Quaeress tries to find other sources of food as requests for aid from their bretheren are quickly rebuffed with severed heads. The Humans from Malkavia provide a great amount of suport to Shaeress but there are too many of the Ffolk to support.

The desparate queen turns to the worlds below Prime II for sources of plantae. There they find mosses, molds, and a wide variety of fungi to feed upon. This is not easy to harvest and requires more and more Aelves to migrate to farming communities below ground. There is much desparation and many Aelves die and look to the Heavans above for salvation but none comes. Many Aleves over years die and their numbers dwindle as they start to call the caves beneath Prime II home and a new era in Aelven history has begun.

With the fall of Shaeress Prince Albaedi moves to the Country of Ilen to be with his wife and dedicates himself to the advancement of the ffolk with the humans at his mother's request. Shortly after the Aelves move to worlds beneath Prime II Queen Quaeress dies of a broken heart and the Exit to the worlds above is haunted by her vengeful spirit.
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A suffusion of yellow
Suicidal Llama said:
OOC: Good job defending but you made one minor mistake; Umbryn can pick who goes in the pillar so the assasins wont, but they will be banished to their home plane. Also remember in this war that the shadows also have supernatural power but also have armor boosting them to higher levels though i am not saying your men couldn't have driven them off. As of now the shadows aren't fighting the men but going invisible or sneaking around to get at the "soft" targets.

The Avatar of Traume himself follows the Portal system to the War Zone, causing the very foundations of Malkavia to begin to crumble by his mere presence. He calls Kerion before him "The Tienkou have faced a defeat at the hands of Umbryn assasins. But he under estimates the true nature of the Tienkou. Give me your staff"

Kerion gives the blood-wood staff to the Avatar of Traume and as the Lord of Entrophy takes it into his hand the staff shatters into a thousands of tiny splinters.

"Each splinter shall become one with the Tienkou and they shall have the power of entrophy in them also. This shall join their iron spirit and perfected bodies making them as spirits beyond flesh

They shall see with the true sight of spirits able to pierce the shadows, and if a soul is wrestled back from the grasp of the shadow assasins then the Tienkou will have the power to restore it to the bodies of mortals

Umbryn beleives that he gains power from souls he forgets too that the Souls of All Things are mine - even the Souls of such gods as he. I am Death and the End of All Things

ooc Well Umbryn you forget that Traume is the Lord of Entrophy and that the Tienkou are also supernaturally powered, and armed with 'magical weapons' that overcome the Armour of the assasins. Also The Tienkou are not trained in the ways of Light but of the Spirit - they exist to defend mortal souls. Remember Traume has dwealt in Shadows since the beginning of creation he and his followers know about shadow - as such we learn about the assasins methods quickly and are able to counter them...

Suicidal Llama

First Post
The assasins reform from their defeat unscathed.The shadows are already spirit beyond flesh their bodies so perfect they are the shadows; The armour may have been split by godly might but no magical weapon such as the ones the teinkou use are nothing to the armor. All things they use weapons armor and all of Umbryns artifacts and magic were created by the most powerful dark gods in other universes. Also now Eldon joins the shadows as there commander; not even some godly powers can harm him. Also the spirits in the pillar can only be released by the one who created it; the souls the shadows take may be saved only if the teinkou is concentrating and is near it. So in a battle teinkou souls would not be able to be saved usually.

OOC:Remember going to different universes means Umbryn has trained with more and more powerful shadow gods than you can shake a stick at. Shadows dont die they simply retreat until they reform and their armor and weapons is way more powerful than you think.


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The tribbles covering the god Tocarus slowly begin to fall off one by one. Seems they bit off more than they could chew, swallowing the actual blood of a deity as foul as he. They begin sputtering and quivering in the most horrible way, and the multihued light slowly drains out of them, leaving a dark crimson light the color of rusted blood. The devourers then recover from their sickness, filled with a new hunger. No longer satiated by divine energies, they seek out flesh and spirit upon which to feast. Tocarus quickly traps all of them within the 17th layer of the abyss, a fun little playground to dip victims for short spells of time. It's amazing what having your entire essence, flesh and spirit, devoured will do to a person.

Tocarus then hears something he hasnt hear in a long time, Mortal voices. Hundreds of them calling upon his favor. The cleric Paelius, though far more secretive and subtle than most of his devout, has manage to subvert an entire nation, and is spreading the word of Tocarus throughout the populace. Converts, actual willing converts, call upon Tocarus, and the religion slowly gains acceptance and public worship can be seen. Opposition is dealt with quickly and quietly by the cunning Paelius, not allowing them the chance for martyrdom, they simply disappear.
Tocarus takes heart at this, and commands a great city to be constructed, filled with colloseums, arches, and pyramids, and annointed in the blood of innocents. Sacrifices to Tocarus are made of the purest souls in the country, tortured to the point where they call out for Tocarus, and at this point where they've chosen to travel to Tocarus's realm (opposed to the torture currently received, but nonetheless) they are shown mercy and taken to the alter. Tocarus finally has the pure souls so long missing from his realm, and demons begin springing up like daisies. It won't be long till their ranks are back to full.

Tocarus then travels to the plane of shadow, to meet with the new dark god dwelling there. He slugs Umbryn in the face before laughing. "I like you. You are very ambitious. But, I learned the hard way the dangers of facing the lord of death and a coalition of good. To face such a coalition, we should form an alliance ourselves. I created the way of the Tienkou (maybe not entirely true, but gods can boast) and would be of great boon to you in fighting it. In return, I want to share in the spoils of course. Two demands do I have to begin with. First, your star shall not encroach upon those mortals corrupted by mine, after all, why feast upon your own troops :] . Second, I shall receive a portion of the souls that are garnered by the star. What say you?"


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Tensok, finding himself immersed in shadows retreats from the fray and yells at the angel chick, "I think we should find a more expedient path!"
"These shadows are a bane that should be dealt with, but they are not what we are here for and they only drain us of strength and slow our progress."
After retreating a safe distance, he sacrifices a pigeon to the god Umbryn and entreaties him to allow them entrance unto his realm to search for U-Do (ritualistic prayer stuff, how many of those do we get per day?) Then shrowding with cloaks of shadow, slip in the back door.


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Rose makes use of her weapons and powers of light to banish and destroy shadows as she covers Tensok's retreat. When she can, she disengages the battle and joins him.


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Shara @ Umbryn's Plane of Shadows

Shara appears before Tocarus and Umbryn. The envigorating Light of Life rolling off her like a palpable wave of light, forming a tangible shield from the gloom and negative energies of the Dark Lord's Realm. She manages a faint smile to Tocarus and says sternly to him "I have no quarrel with you, Tocarus." and then she looks to the nebulous form of Umbryn whose crimson eyes are the only true features that have him standout from the rest of shadow enshrouded form. "I know not from whence you came, Umbryn, Lord of Darkness, and I do not care. I Censure you!"

Waves of energy, shadow, death, life, light, and the matter of existence flow quickly into Shara's form like a blackhole, sucking the very essences that define existence. Tocarus and Umbryn feel the weight and pressure of the waves rolling into her as the energies gather her being glows more brilliant than the very suns that bring life to the Worlds of Life. Just as quickly as she gathers the energies it explodes forth from her being into a massive shockwave of Light, Life and Divine Energy made from the very material of the Worlds of Life and tempered in the powers of the 'Place that Isn't'. The shockwave is felt all throughout Umbryn's creations and into his very being.

In the wake of this release Shara's being takes on a momentary vissage of Madness and Depravity the likes which only Tocarus (and NOS) can truly imagine. Her form fades momentarily as if her form were being projected and some one waved their hand between her image and its light source. In those moments that her form flickers her visage looks like a twisted, iron willed, vile Shara wrought of Oppression, Wrath and Tyrrany.

She staggers forward a bit while putting her hands to her head, moans, and then slowly straigtens herself up. The great strain is apparent upon her being: vessles bulge and pulse, stray rays of light show through her skin, and a few more moments of a flickering visage. Her white radiant eyes gaze upon both Godlings and they shift to a deep ebony bearing a feel of a relentless strangle hold. She closes her eyes, concentrates for a moment, and her form flashes a bright light and she looks up again. Her eyes are restored to the their pure white radiance and her form nomalizes. She shakes her head and fades back to Zhyreus.

Shara the Light Bringer (Light, Life, and Wisdom)

Unknown to most of the gods it sits in Umbryn's black star. It waits and watches as the foolish new gods draw it's troops from what isn't the true plane of Shadows. It bides it's time for soon Volkath the Ultimate will be rebourn.


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As Shara reenters the paradise that is Zhyreus, the beautiful young Joxandar is waiting for her, garbed in flowing robes of royal blue. He throws a gentle, soft silk blanket over her shoulders and embraces her, kissing her upon the cheek.

"You took such fine care of me when I needed, now let me care for you. I can summon the sarcophagus, it is quite comfortable, or not if you prefer. But none-the-less, rest my love, and I shall help you recover from that blast."

Joxandar speaks with his bizarre stereo voice, but it is soothing and almost musical.

Suicidal Llama

First Post
"I accept the offer tocarus and now withdraw the shadows and abort my plans....for now. I like to first come in strong them slink off. I did some damage spilled blood had fun but I'm bunrt out for now. So Tocarus for now i am your ally and will help but with my dwindling zeal I am not going to do anything drastic,"
Korbins soul is released into his body and is restored sleeping peacefullly.
"Shara I offer you korbin plainswalker and my word that a rigid peace will stand between us for a long while."
he pauses.
"The shadows will be stored away until needed and eldon will study and I will wreak no havoc."
"As for my plans to kill a god...."
He throws a device of great size into the universe portal.
He retreats into his chamber and prepares to watch and listen to what the world will do without his presence.
He now bides his time and begins to experiment with good ideas.
And to whoever offered the pigeon go ahead search if he is here I would Know about it.
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