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[IC] Ever Dream, The Worlds of Life (Closed)


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Another Usurper!

Tocarus senses the arrival of the new fledling god, and personally travels to the newly created plane of Deja Vu II to question the being and see where he stands. Tocarus storms through the doors, causing many patrons breeches to moisten, and marches straight to the private chambers of Silvertongue. The next few hours are a blurr, but he vaguely recalls being handed a strange drink by the friendly patron, flirting with some satyrs (maybe *shudders* more), and devestating several songs on stage (followed by devestating the stage), before returning home and disembowling some nearby worshipers.

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A moment after his newfound friend sauntered off a happy camper Vagary smiled to himself, “I know what I will do!”
He took from his finest ales the most potent and mixed them mysteriously with some toast, a half eaten fruit, and dropped them inside a carpet. What sprang forth was a pink elephant, some eight feet high, and it smiled at him as it knew what to do. It followed his friend home to make sure he got there safely and then hurried back to see the next friend out.
“There, and let no man nor god think that the Greatest Fool cares little for any of them, for as long as there is ale (and toast) so shall there be the great pink elephant of Vagary!”
With that done he went about getting the stage fixed. And tending to getting something done about the parking of several large floating ships.
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Albedo smiles. He looks around the room, first at Rose and Tensok, then at Endovior. "I might have found a way to stop U-DO. Let me start from the beginning. As I went through my research, many aspects of the God soon became obvious. First, his omniscience is a major factor in the difficulty of taking him down. For all we know, he is listening to this conversation as we speak. But that does not matter for this plan. The second part of U-DO that needs adressing is his lack of followers and marks on the world. This means that he can't be hurt absractly, as well as the fact that he must be deriving his powers from something else. He claims to be the representative of the universe, so that must be what sustains him. Now, because of his lack of followers and artifacts, we must take the fight to him. But his shows much skill in the art of magic, so the only being that could make a match of it with him would be Endovior in that respect. A powerful enough being could always physically try to kill him, but U-DO has shown a knack for teleportation, as well as a total disregard for planar barriers. Both of these ways I believe will be totally ineffective for our purposes. But an idea came to mind, one that won't be easy but might just do the trick. My idea is we make a prison plane to hold U-DO. This is were Endovior, and anyone else who would care to help, comes in. This barrier needs a special propery to it though. We must be able to suspend it between universes. If we cut him off from the thing empowering him, victory is assured. We might not be able to kill him, but he would become harmless to us in his little plane with no way to get back here or effect us. The trick to this plan is we have to trap him in the plane. This means we have to figure out how to convince him to go to a place of our choosing. This is were I have drawn a blank. With a god us unpredictable as U-DO, I can't think of any time or place we can know he will be before hand. What are all of your thoughts?"

Suicidal Llama

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"I have been thinking and I am asking everyone to help create a university that will contain more knowledge than even an individual god knows. If created it should be on its own plane and well organized and very large for magical experimentation."

Tocarus only noone else read and I dont care what you say: "Tocarus in the university shall be the book of infinite knowledge that could help us dearly."

I think we should tell the new god that most of our early creations get destroyed a few posts later.(my black star *hint*)

Suicidal Llama

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"OH albedo the solution is easy, put him through the universe portal onto a universe that is early in its life with no gods to speak of; wipe out the chance of gods and he has no way back to us."
Umbryn snickers.
" of course we will need the book of infinite knowledge and no one said i was letting you use the portal. We could also seal him in permanent stasis once there."


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"Why try and make him come to us, let the trap come to him." Rose steps forward to address the assembly. "If I can show you, Endovior, the technique of Alchemy which Jo'Karr invented, then a God such as yourself could simply transmute a given area of a plane into whatever we needed, even another plane."


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
@Zhyreus with Joxandra

Shara smiles maternally at Joxandra and looks to them like a son that has learned a lesson and is growing up. "You are understanding Joxandra. The time is coming that the Worlds of Life will need you. You fought before because you felt that the mortals could not recover from the devastation that was about to happen. They woud have recovered, in due time. Something is stirring in darkest edges of existence and it is waiting, posied like a predator ready to pounce its prey. I am not a hunter, I am a healer and mentor. War and battles are not my home. There is one who might fall in the horrors to come and it is not me, as I have already played my part in this.

Hopefully, I have sealed off the Worlds of Life from other realities that are not directly associated with ours. We have our cosmology and that is all that we should have. No more interference with existences that are not ours. I will recover in due time, my son. Now it is your time to prepare for the trials that are ahead.


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Endovior thinks for a moment.

"I am unaware of his plans, at the moment... they are ambitious, to be sure, but not much has been revealed to us... I could attempt scrying, but I doubt it would reveal much, against a being so powerful. I could seek him out myself, and find him without TOO much difficulty... but that is quite the opposite of setting an ambush. I could perhaps lure him by attacking the universe directly... perhaps if I intentionally created a large number of Spheres of Annihlation, or attempted to destroy a planet... or even used the one to do the other... but that seems excessive."

Turning to Rose, Endovior smiles.

"Jo'Karr was not the first mind to conceive of Alchemy; I knew of it's secrets eons before Jo'Karr existed. A transmutation of that scale IS, theoretically, possible... but it is far more efficient to use magic."
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In a time long ago when reality itself shook with the confrontation of the wills of Valkrath and Volkath , what would later be known as the Progenitor War, Nos returned home. He approached the greatest concentration of Valkrath’s will and paused. Still in awe of the great being.

He had existed as a separate being for almost as long as Volkath himself had, but he had finished what he had been “born” to do and it was time to rejoin Valkrath, for he had plumbed the depths of existence and beyond and had returned with an understanding of how Volkath came into being. He had an understanding of existence that had previously been unknown. He knew.

He watched the entities clash, knowing like him they were just pieces of the Will of the Sublime, the will of Valkrath or the will of Volkath. While an individual person would see a conflict of billions of entities, it in truth was only a battle of two.

His moment of reverie over, Nos stepped forward, surrendering any individual will, remerging with Valkrath and Valkrath knew.

The effect was nearly instantaneous as Valkrath achieved enlightenment, those pieces of himself that fought remerged. Volkath responded by refocusing his will as well and what had appeared as a conflict between billions, became in fact what it had always been, a conflict between two. Streaking at each other at unimaginable speed, Volkath could only imagine that the result of this would be the same result that had happened every time previous this had happened. They would collide and try and destroy the other, splintering off pieces of their will to probe for weakness, the other would respond and again the conflict would spread across “What Is.”

What actually happened was beyond Nos’s comprehension. Valkrath and Volkath ascended to some different level of existence in a titanic, violent, expulsion of energy.

Nos knew this, it was the moment he had ended, his functional “death” and a great mystery to him. Of course not existing was no barrier to him. He understood existence in a unique way, ceasing to exist was only a minor obstacle. He had willed himself back into existence before. But it was curious to him that the memory of those events chose now to come flooding back.

Perhaps it was time to seek Selanial out, a piece of the Sublime will sent back to shepherd that which remained, whom had been quiet almost since the beginning.

But Selanial could wait, for now he had an egg to deal with, a godling seeking a path and a stillborn god looking for a purpose.

He looked at the egg and thought fondly of Shara. Her path was still a long one, but this reality, her reality though she herself did not accept ownership of it, was an interesting crucible. The Phaenix Egg was a dangerous gift, a part of her will, given into hands who understood it could be dangerous indeed, but Nos had no desire to harm her.

I accept you offer, Wise One, but I imagine she will have many questions. Shara could feel Nos communicating with the infant Phaenix and then he was gone. Moments later the egg flared mightily and then the shell cracked and split. What was inside was gone as well.

Voidrunner's Codex

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