D&D 5E (IC) Fitz's Folly


Round 0

Dellrak didn’t at all like working with the Thayans. He kept his eye on the orc that was sent with them as they returned to the Temple of Moa.

“Well, make yerself at home. Feel free tae look aroon’ f’r yer bluidy cube,” he told the orc before going over to confer with Kasqa about their new friend.

OOC: If we’re Long Resting, Dellrak will use his remaining three spells for goodberries.


30 goodberries

Free Object Interaction:
Attack 1:
Attack 2:
Bonus Action: Planar Warrior (first attack that hits)
Reaction: Opportunity Attack

Dellrak Character Sheet
Initiative: +1
Perception: +4
Speed: 25
AC: 15
HP: 49/49 HD: 3/5d10+3
Bolts: 19
Bolts used: 0

Detect Portal (1/R): Within 1 mile
Planar Warrior: As a bonus action, choose one creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The next time you hit that creature on this turn with a weapon attack, all damage dealt by the attack becomes force damage, and the creature takes an extra 1d8 force damage from the attack. When you reach 11th level in this class, the extra damage increases to 2d8.
Primeval Awareness (action and spell slot): For one minute per level of spell slot, detect within 1 mile (6 in favored terrain) aberrations, celestials, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead. This feature doesn’t reveal the creatures’ location or number.

1) 4/4 Protection from Evil/Good (Horizon Walker), Jump, Goodberry, Longstrider
2) 2/2 Misty Step (Horizon Walker, BA), Healing Spirit

Kasqa: 17/17 HD 3/3

Miss Imogen - female samurai, party member, Zhentarim
Chrysagon - male aasimar paladin, Order of the Gauntlet, Kelemvor
Harb - male human monk
Myrral - Tabaxi bard?
Qawasha (NPC) - Chultan druid
Kupalue (Weed, NPC) - vegepygmy
Hu’plo (NPC) Chultan
Kasqa (NPC) - Chultan warrior

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The Thayan Orc shrugged and rummaged about the shrine. The shrine's traps had been rendered safe by Rodrigo and the crew of the Little Star, who had spent some time turning it into a safe-haven for the Sticks to return to. They had a small amount of food to share, though the supplies were short. If the group did not want to live off of Dellrak's berries, an expedition to the jungle to find food would need to happen in a day or two.

As it turned out, the sticks had earlier found three cubes in the shrine. Two of them (one slightly larger and one slightly smaller) had disappeared and returned to the shrine shortly after they'd left. The third had stayed with them. The two disappearing ones were quickly gathered by the orc. However, it seemed that he was following Dellrack's instructions, rather than simply taking the cubes for the Red Wizard.

Having found them, he stood there and silently offered them to Dellrack, who was quietly speaking to Kasqa while cleaning his axe. (Kasqa had had little to say about the orc. He had no knowledge of Thay, nor of orcs. He did, however, recognise that the orc appeared to be some kind of warrior-slave, probably taken as a child and abused into service. Kasqa thought that this sort of action by the Thayans was reprehensible, and while he did not trust the orc, he was sympathetic toward him.)

"We must be careful not to abuse this man without provocation." he told Dellrak, "Or we will be no better than his masters."

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Miss Imogen does not understand the deception that is bneing played, but she knows enough not to question it in front of the Thayan Orc. She goes to Weed, and together they prepare a meal for the party from whatever supplies there are. Miss Enna's school had taught cookery, of course, and Imogen had been an able but not exceptional student. It is better than what they often eat, and the preparation keeps her busy until it is her watch.


Round 0

Dellrak grunted at Kasqa’s words. “I s’pose yer roight,” he reluctantly admitted. “Still, he makes one violent move, he gets the axe.”

Dellrak accepted the two cubes from the orc. “Found ‘em, did ye? Foine. We’ll put ‘em in ‘ere.” He produced a bit of canvass left over from the flying machine and tied the cubes up into the makeshift sack with a length of rope. “We’ll see if this satisfies yer masters.”

Dellrak turned back to Kasqa. “You an’ me should get an early start t’morrow. We’ll go huntin’ so ye will all hae some fresh food t’ eat while we’re gone.”


30 goodberries

Free Object Interaction:
Attack 1:
Attack 2:
Bonus Action: Planar Warrior (first attack that hits)
Reaction: Opportunity Attack

Dellrak Character Sheet
Initiative: +1
Perception: +4
Speed: 25
AC: 15
HP: 49/49 HD: 3/5d10+3
Bolts: 19
Bolts used: 0

Detect Portal (1/R): Within 1 mile
Planar Warrior: As a bonus action, choose one creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The next time you hit that creature on this turn with a weapon attack, all damage dealt by the attack becomes force damage, and the creature takes an extra 1d8 force damage from the attack. When you reach 11th level in this class, the extra damage increases to 2d8.
Primeval Awareness (action and spell slot): For one minute per level of spell slot, detect within 1 mile (6 in favored terrain) aberrations, celestials, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead. This feature doesn’t reveal the creatures’ location or number.

1) 4/4 Protection from Evil/Good (Horizon Walker), Jump, Goodberry, Longstrider
2) 2/2 Misty Step (Horizon Walker, BA), Healing Spirit

Kasqa: 17/17 HD 3/3

Miss Imogen - female samurai, party member, Zhentarim
Chrysagon - male aasimar paladin, Order of the Gauntlet, Kelemvor
Harb - male human monk
Myrral - Tabaxi bard?
Qawasha (NPC) - Chultan druid
Kupalue (Weed, NPC) - vegepygmy
Hu’plo (NPC) Chultan
Kasqa (NPC) - Chultan warrior


Harb was too locked into hos training, and too naturally distrustful, even of those he knew well to not fall back into his secretive mode. Finding no reason to speak at this time, and practicing his deceptive abilities, he simply refused to speak. He consudered their privacy to have been breached by the multiple, highly interested red mages they had come across. If they didn't yet know something about him, or his allies, he had no intention of letting them know it from him.


The night came, and the Sticks, having eaten, bandaged their wounds, and stitched tatters in their clothing, had one of the best nights sleep that they had experienced since they first ventured into the wet hot jungle of Chult. There were few sight-lines to watch, and many eyes to watch them. Watch shifts were short, and the night was relatively dry (though hot as usual, and a strange smell came from the lava pits far below).

In the morning, the crew of the Little Star prepared to take the airship for a short food and wood-gathering run into the jungle. Before leaving, Captain Bravewing asked, "So are you going to take that cube-thing to the Red Wizards? While I wouldn't turn my back on them if I were you, I have heard that they have a reputation of holding up their end of a bargain, as long as it is in their best interests to do so."


Round 0

Dellrak grunted uncertainly at the captain. “They seem ta know wot it’s for,” he admitted. “Tha’s more’n we ken. Might get us some answers. They seem t’ be luikin’ t’ lift this death curse too.”


30 goodberries

Free Object Interaction:
Attack 1:
Attack 2:
Bonus Action: Planar Warrior (first attack that hits)
Reaction: Opportunity Attack

Dellrak Character Sheet
Initiative: +1
Perception: +4
Speed: 25
AC: 15
HP: 49/49 HD: 4/5d10+3
Bolts: 19
Bolts used: 0

Detect Portal (1/R): Within 1 mile
Planar Warrior: As a bonus action, choose one creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The next time you hit that creature on this turn with a weapon attack, all damage dealt by the attack becomes force damage, and the creature takes an extra 1d8 force damage from the attack. When you reach 11th level in this class, the extra damage increases to 2d8.
Primeval Awareness (action and spell slot): For one minute per level of spell slot, detect within 1 mile (6 in favored terrain) aberrations, celestials, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead. This feature doesn’t reveal the creatures’ location or number.

1) 4/4 Protection from Evil/Good (Horizon Walker), Jump, Goodberry, Longstrider
2) 2/2 Misty Step (Horizon Walker, BA), Healing Spirit

Kasqa: 17/17 HD 3/3

Miss Imogen - female samurai, party member, Zhentarim
Chrysagon - male aasimar paladin, Order of the Gauntlet, Kelemvor
Harb - male human monk
Myrral - Tabaxi bard?
Qawasha (NPC) - Chultan druid
Kupalue (Weed, NPC) - vegepygmy
Hu’plo (NPC) Chultan
Kasqa (NPC) - Chultan warrior


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"We don't really care if they get the credit. That's politics for the outsiders. We just want the curse lifted. I suggest we help them, but be careful not to be excluded from anything simply because if there is power at the end of it, wizards aren't the ones that should get it unfettered."

Myrral is cautiosly friendly with the orc, offering him food and even healing, mostly through poultices and simple jungle remedies for any festering injuries. Magic he will use only if everyone else is at his/her best. And never in front of the orc.


The orc silently took whatever was offered to him, appearing outwardly indifferent. While it would have been easy to write him off as just a stoic slave, with all personality gone to whatever horrors were involved in his training, his eyes held a keen sharpness.

Prickly Pear

Chrysagon followed the Thayan Orc with his eyes. I wonder what he will do when he discovers that the cubes has disappeared from the makeshift sack, he thought to himself. Probably best if he discovers it before we reach the Red Wizards...

In the morning, Chrysagon answered the Captain that Well, yes. There is no need to aggrevate the Red Wizards unnecessary, is there? He looked around the group and said; I will follow the Thayan Orc back to his camp. We don't want anything to happen to him. Does anyone else care to join us?

Voidrunner's Codex

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