D&D 5E (IC) Fitz's Folly

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
(Certainly 1 is preferable to 2, if only for positioning; and Miss I would not accept 4. Chrysagon is choosing 3, though! Yay for decisions!)

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Chrysagon led the way through the skull-pile wall, scattering skulls into a small chamber dominated by a carved stone font. A soft glow emanated from water that swirled within. The far side of the chamber had a short hallway that dead-ended in what was most likely the back of a secret door.



The water in the font swirled as Chrysagon peered into it, revealing an image that was black and white, with a tinge of red. Chrysagon's focus was drawn to it, and for a moment he felt if he were not standing over a pool, but in fact, seeing through another's eyes as if he were there. He stood next to an enormous object that looked something like a chariot, except made of a solid slab of green stone, with massive stone roller-wheels. Its weight must have been immense. Gauntlet-like hands appeared before him, as if they were his own, and they appeared to be working to secure this stone juggernaut in place, fixing vine-woven ropes to rings carved into its body (itself, intricately decorated with carvings in the Omuan style).

Suddenly, the arms stopped their work, and the eye-line moved upward and looked about a tight chamber, as if the figure were trying to see who was watching it, and from where.

OOC: Does Chrysagon want to break the connection by looking away from the pool?

Prickly Pear

Chrysagon jerked up and away from the images in the swirling font. That was very odd, Chrysagon said and relaid what he had seen. It was like watching through someone else's eye... but that one felt that I was there...


Chrysgon jerked his gaze away from the pool. The group began to move along, but suddenly, a gauntleted hand burst forth from the water, then another, and a hideous armoured form began to emerge from the font.

OOC: I'll post a round-roller in a second, but I'd like @Kobold Stew, @Neurotic and @MetaVoid to give me an idea of what you were doing while Chrysagon was looking in the water, so I can figure out where to put you.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
"Chrysagon, are you all right? asks Miss Imogen. When she gets no response, she surmises: "A scrying pool?" Deep breath. "Such things are of no use to us. This place was sealed for a reason. Let us..."

The sentence is left unfinished, because it is then that the hand begins to emerge from the water.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Myrral was just about to peer into the pool, being VERY careful not to touch it. It is bad enough with his fur intact, now with all that acid bathing...he shivers just thinking about it when suddenly a hand bursts from the pool.

His fur standing on ends making him look mad, hissing something in his own dialect he slaps at the hand looking nothing more than like a playful cat. He then retreats back toward the skull wall.

OOC: I was about to say we get to whatever's coming, but we're stuck now. Bestow curse on the emerging hand. Wisdom save. Concentration, 1 minute

Wanted effect:
  • While cursed, the target must make a Wisdom saving throw at the start of each of its turns. If it fails, it wastes its action that turn doing nothing.

Ussal comes forward to look into the pool. Looking at the water he is surprised with the arm coming out of it. He raises the shield and charges his gauntlet for the attack.


When Myrral slapped the hand, it lost its grip on the edge of the font and fell back under the water. For a brief moment, it seemed that it might not return, but then the water sloshed out and a creature rose up. It was similar to the thing that the Tomb Dwarves had been building in their strange Iron Maiden. A Tomb Guardian: a humanoid corpse built in to an armoured carapace. The thing bellowed a strangled howl as it emerged.

OOC: Myrral has bought everyone else a round of actions (in which there will be no targets to attack, but you can cast buffs, move, don shields, etc.)

Voidrunner's Codex

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