D&D 5E (IC) Fitz's Folly


The group watched as Fradak's glowing coin sank into the dark water of the river. It passed slowly under the canoe, following the current. Eventually only a slight glow in the water could be seen, about ten feet away and behind the canoe. After a moment, a humanoid shadow could be seen, tumbling along the bottom, rolling helplessly with the current.

"Can't swim." shrugged Qawasha, "It is one of the reasons that I suggested the island."

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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Miss Imogen wants to pick up her bow, get ready to fire at whatever horrors emerge from the river's bed. But she has the paddle, still. She drives hard and hopes to reach the island soon.

(if there's an athletics check, maybe the rear paddler can make it with advantage, with Miss Imogen helping?)


Dusty Dragon
Rodrigo frowned, and lowered his crossbow a tad - he had almost fired at the thing.

"Well that was... illuminating. Let's hope that the current batters it to pieces. Did anyone recognize the tabard? The canoe may have some valuables, or clues - or perhaps itself could be rescued. It may prove useful?"


"We may be in unnecessary danger here. There may be others about, and this canoe would not make a stable platform for a fight."

Harb showed little emotion for the walking corpse aside from a slight frown of dissapointment. He kept the course for the moment, but would acquiesce to any insistence on inspecting the other canoe.


Dellrak took his cue from Miss Imogen and paddled for the canoe quickly before it sinks and is carried away also.

OOC: Athletics:
[roll1] if advantage
EDIT: And if there is advantage than I wasted another 20, lol
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Dellrak paddled the canoe around the fallen tree to where the other canoe was stuck in its branches, with Harb steering and Miss Imogen fending off the branches with her oar. The second canoe was in reasonable repair, though deeply filled with rainwater. It had only one paddle resting inside (with the symbol of the Order of the Gauntlet branded upon it), as well as a large soggy satchel of hastily packed supplies: A healing potion, mess kit, crossbow, 12 quarrels, a hammer, a hatchet, and a sack of spoiled rations. At the other end, the canoe held a large waterskin, sealed and clean.


"Two kay-news now? We gonna be taken it wit' us?" Dellrak asks keeping an eye out for trouble.

OOC: No blood or eyeball about? Also I'll add any gear no one wants to the supplies, just let me know what everyone wants to keep on their person.

Perception: [roll0]
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Dusty Dragon
We should take that stuff and move to the island... hopefully we'll do better than the previous owner. I think we just discovered what happened to the previous expedition... lords they didn't make it far!

OOC: would it be practical to tow the other canoe behind us?

Rodrigo looked around, looking for clues and foes both, but found it hard to focus properly

Perception near 2nd canoe: 1D20+4 = [6]+4 = 10

Voidrunner's Codex

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