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Pathfinder 1E [IC] Pathfinder: Jade Regent


Guest 11456

The group cautiously begins searching the what little remains of this once-large ship. A careful search of the wreck reveals it to be of a similar style to the wrecked ship at the other location. It is Jakira that spots it first. He discovers a verdigris-encrusted nameplate that reads "Kaijitsu’s Blossom". Perhaps this was a sister ship of the "Kaijitsu Star". But this one was obviously bigger. After a thorough search, nothing further is found in the wreck.

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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Sachiko tugged on Fastus' arm. "Come on, we're going to explore the ship."
"Uh..." Fastus let himself be dragged along, glancing wistfully back at the abandoned skulls and things though. "Bet he's just playing POSSUM... Or resting?" He turned forward, moving on his own power now: "Hey, maybe it's like that place where the dead get reborn every morning or something?" Although it'd probably be every NIGHT for evil people, right?

Undead were WEIRD. THAT'S - sort of - what he was trying to say before.

Probably, right?


After the search, Fastus casually gestured up to the ship's mossy ribs above them. "Still want to race up?" he offered Sachiko -- and Elli too if she wanted.

If nothing else, the encounter seemed to have pumped him up for now, changed his focus.

That AND Sachiko's broad smile JUST before the skeletons appeared.

Oh yes!


Jariah Taliaferro, Human Female


Jariah closed up to the others investigating the wreck to check out the words. She brushed away some moss to get a better look and announced, "She was called the Kaijitsu’s Blossom. That is the second vessel to we have found out here bearing the same name as our friendly tavern keeper. We really should ask her about them. Surely there is a story behind these ships that she must know, yes?"

Jakira sat on his haunches as he waited, cleaning off a paw with his tongue. "She can tell us a storrry if I gets to eat at teh same time."

[sblock=Mini-stats]Jariah Taliaferro
Init: +5, Senses: Perception +7
AC: 17, Touch: 13, Flat-footed: 14 (chain shirt)
HP: 16 Current: 16
Fort: +1, Ref: +3, Will: +4
Summon Monster: 7/7 Remaining
1st Level Spells: 3/3 Remaining (Mage Armor, Lesser Rejuv, Unfetter)
Conditions: None

Weapon in Hand: Acid Flask

Init: +2, Senses: Perception +5, Darkvision
AC: 20/22 (Mage Armor), Touch: 12, Flat-footed: 18/20
HP: 22 Current: 22
Fort: +4, Ref: +5, Will: +0
Condition: Darkvision, Power Attack, Pounce, Evasion
Weapons in Hand: Claws & Bite[/sblock]



The young half elf walks with the others around and into the ruins of the ship. The name of the ship comes as no great surprise. As for its connection to Ameiko, that is a mystery.

"It may be just a coincidence or perhaps an ancestor of hers was in the shipping business?" she postulated.

Her mind was already feverously at work dreaming up massive conspiracies and stories of Ameiko's ancestors fleeing some great evil or oppressor.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Oh, oh!" Fastus held up a hand. "Maybe that's how ALL her ancestors came over? Just before they founded Sandpoint, right?"

He looked at the surrounding wreck with new-found wonder: WOW! This stuff had to be... THOUSANDS of years old! At least! Right? Sandpoint had been around FOREVER!

And that meant... "THESE guys might be some of her ancestors too!"

The young blacksmith trot-limped back to the skulls and things and triumphantly scooped one up, jawbone, bits of spine and all (the same he'd been 'questioning' before, actually): "Let's bring him back and have one of those SÉANCE-THINGS with Old Lady Koya, right?" he enthoused.

THAT'LL make that skull open up!


First Post
"These aren't that old," Sachiko opines. "Wood doesn't last that long. Not in this condition at least."

She rubs her chin thoughtfully.

"Lets find the other ship. This handful of skeletons couldn't have scared off the whole goblin village. There must be more. Whatever they took might be a clue to what the ships were here for!"

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Wood doesn't last that long. Not in this condition at least."
"Secret Tian woodworking technique," countered Fastus without even pausing.

He was grinning though -- strange counterpoint to the grinning skull now tucked under his arm.

OOC: I think the only thing left on the treasure map is the cliff-side cave, which is an hour away (it's around 5-5h30 right now according to TS). Fastus is game either way though. :)

[sblock=ACTUAL official founding date of the town of Sandpoint, for those in the know....]40 years ago! (p.10 of the Player's Guide)[/sblock]
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Jariah Taliaferro, Human Female


Jariah was puzzled at Sachiko's mention of another ship. "We have already looked at two. Was there a third one on the map, or are you suggesting we return to the first one?"

"But without anything further to find here, we should be moving along. Have we done a thorough search to satisfy everyone? It is not my sort of expertise, so I cannot be sure some of you are finished yet."

Jakira was a bit impatient. "I could use a brrreak to eat. When's dinnerrr? Those bones arrre not my thing."

Jariah chided, "Hush now. You will eat when it is time."

[sblock=Mini-stats]Jariah Taliaferro
Init: +5, Senses: Perception +7
AC: 17, Touch: 13, Flat-footed: 14 (chain shirt)
HP: 16 Current: 16
Fort: +1, Ref: +3, Will: +4
Summon Monster: 7/7 Remaining
1st Level Spells: 3/3 Remaining (Mage Armor, Lesser Rejuv, Unfetter)
Conditions: None

Weapon in Hand: Acid Flask

Init: +2, Senses: Perception +5, Darkvision
AC: 20/22 (Mage Armor), Touch: 12, Flat-footed: 18/20
HP: 22 Current: 22
Fort: +4, Ref: +5, Will: +0
Condition: Darkvision, Power Attack, Pounce, Evasion
Weapons in Hand: Claws & Bite[/sblock]

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"There MIGHT be a ship in the cave..." offered Fastus.

But then Jakira mentionned food and he immediately dropped shield and skull to start rooting in his shoulder pack... "Here," he offered, tossing the black panther a HUGE slice of the 12 pound ham he's been carrying around since yesterday. (He'd thought they could use it as bait in a goblin trap or something, right?)

While he was at it, he sat down on his shield and carved out a slice for himself... And offered the others one too, of course. "So where ARE we going next?" he asked, biting down.

A snack would perk them all up, he was pretty sure.

OOC: To the cave? Back to town? Camp out here and jump on them at dawn?


First Post
(OOC - lol...was this the second ship? I thought...oh boy, ok, I need to go back over the logs. I thought this was the first ship. Sorry for the senior moment. I'll fix this as soon as I get my head on straight!)

Voidrunner's Codex

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