[IC] Return of the Runelords

Deuce Traveler

"Thank you, Shendra. If it wasn't for you and that wand I wouldn't be able to go on," Michael says with all honesty as he fails to count how many times over he would have been dead right now.

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"Last one," Shendra mutters as she moves to open the final door on the upstairs floor. "At least until we pry open the door downstairs."


Guest 11456

The group lines up for the last door on this floor. Then Shendra opens the door. A moldering mattress lies amid a bowed wooden frame, flanked on either side by ruined tables. A dresser in the northwest corner of the room has seen most of its drawers pulled out and discarded on the floor. Remnants of moldy and animal-gnawed clothes spill from them. A hole has been hacked into the floor, near a long, slender wooden case that is open and tipped over on the floor.

OOC: Map

Deuce Traveler

"If we were looking for ruffians instead of clues, I'd agree with you. But unfortunately we might need things in here intact." Michael tells his niece before walking into the room and peering through the hole in the floor.

Map: ditzie


Guest 11456

Teodor follows Michael into the room. The hole looks like it might have held a case about the size of the one on the floor. As the two men examine the hole Roderic drains up from the floorboards once more. He looks different this time. Note bloated nor drenched like before. He turns to the two men and speaks. “My map. They took my map. It holds the key. To the vault. Baraket will control them. It will control you! I should have taken the gauntlets, but I fled. I was a coward. You must be brave. You must endure where I did not. The vault. It lies still in the vault. You must save my Cove. Save... My... Cove....”

OOC: Map


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Teea shudders. "Too many ghosts."
"Lets just get to the room with the throwing ghost and do a hit and run."


"Perhaps we should still keep that for after our investigation of downstairs," notes the oracle. "Sir Roderic has appeared to us in at least two identifiably different states. Perhaps the unseen ghost is merely another manifestation of his spirit."

Voidrunner's Codex

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