[IC] Return of the Runelords

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Guest 11456

Taking the 9 gold bars and selling them provides 1800gp. Shendra does her best with the painting and gets it to good shape. She also determines that the slippers are a pair of feather step slippers. Asking around you find that Desil Marphan at the Lady’s Chapel might have a wand of cure light wounds for sale. Upon inquiring there you find that only one is available. There are 10 charges left on the one you received from Audrahni. What do you wish to do now?

Aura faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Slot feet; Price 2,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Once per day for 10 minutes, these fine silken slippers allow their wearer to ignore the adverse movement effects of difficult terrain as if subject to the feather step spell, including granting the ability to take 5-foot steps in difficult terrain.


When the oracle re-emerges from her room she is more herself once again, with the grime of the sinking house washed off and her hair combed to perfection once more. She confers briefly with her companions about what she learned about the slippers, and voices her support for the purchase of the available wand with the funds they had recovered. But before too long Shendra slips out of the Creekside Tavern and crosses the Circle to Cove Hall where she hopes she might catch the Port-Governor, Larenza Thort, to inquire about the painting she has restored.

I was looking briefly at equipment last night and I was also thinking about the efficacy of buying a healer's kit and a masterwork backpack, though I am not sure that in character Shendra would be in a big hurry to buy a fancy backpack just to be able to carry 6 lbs extra weight... (though I suppose she might appreciate if it looks nicer). But the only other 'big' item I wonder if would be useful for the party is a traveller's any-tool. But that is something we would probably want to wait 'til the next market day to find a deal on.
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Once settled in with a mug of ale Teodor considers his options. "With the spoils of our efforts so far I think it would be wise to invest in healing magic. Before this crisis is over there will be more fighting." He takes a sip and adds. "I'd like to get a crossbow as well. So a little shopping is in order."


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"I know the area well and I may be of some use as a guide. I'll let you kids shop around. Let me know when you're ready. Oh, and if you find a decent healers kit, consider buying it. I didn't find any in the market."
Old dwarf settles on the bench perfectly content to wait out the day.


Guest 11456

When Shendra checks in on the Port-Governor, there is note about some business that had to be attended to. She will be in her office tomorrow morning. Purchasing the wand leaves the group with 1050gp. It is late afternoon, now. Is there anything else you wish to accomplish today?


The set of Shendra's jaw as she struts back into the Creekside Tavern betrays some mild annoyance. The seer rejoins her companions at their table, crossing one leg over the other after sitting. "The Port-Governor is apparently otherwise engaged for the moment," she complains (in a most ladylike fashion). "Unless one of you has a more productive idea I was thinking, well, perhaps we might spoil ourselves just a little bit and dine at the Rampant Reefclaw tonight. We are, after all, working on behalf of the Cove, and I believe that means we ought to have a chance to sample the Cove's finest cuisine!"


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"If you will have me, I promise I will not embarass." grumbles the old dwarf heaving on his feet with a sigh.
"It seems I need to go shopping after all."


Teodor licks his lips in anticipation. "Sounds like a plan. If you give me a bit of my share I'd like to go purchase a crossbow."

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