D&D 5E (IC) Rise of the Dracolich


I forgot to move last round... I'm assuming that the dragon is out of sooty's echolocation too?
If I recall, you took cover at the corner there. In fact, Sooty can actually still see the dragon, if he's still alive. Did you ever roll for him? I don't see it. (It's in post #838: dc19 Dex Save (he's got advantage) from the Wing Buffet. 1 damage will kill him, and it's certainly more than that.)

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Western Lair

Primus took cover behind an ice-shelf, psychically healing his injuries. Primus could hear an undead troll below him in the fog, even as he sent his senses forward, creating a psychic eye that shimmered in the fog and allowed him to see the dracolich, who had flown low to keep in the thickest of the fog.

This caution proved to be a mistake, as Oggsbruff left his spiked club where it fell and climbed over the drowned troll he had been fighting. The undead raked him on his way past as he bellowed to the others, "I goddim! Nekkermunched dragoon iz king ovah berg no more! Oggsbruff rulez 'ere!"

The big armoured troll lunged into the air and managed to catch one of the dracolich's bony legs, and he yanked on it as the dragon beat him with its tail. "Eye holdem, yooz gettim! C'mon, gangz!" bellowed the troll in his low giant tongue. The undead troll was up now too, and it jumped on Oggsbruff's back, trying to wrestle him away from its master.

Kalorn could hear the yelling and growling, but he didn't understand most of it, and he couldn't see. He crept forward, wary of his leg and he found himself among the frozen bones that had been Sesto's kobolds.

OOC: I assume Kalorn won't risk attempting to slide to move further?

Primus moved to (AW37) & healed 6
Kalorn dashed (in difficult terrian) to (AW29)
Oggsbruff moved (provoking) to (AG37) & grappled IcyDeath
Skragg1 moved to (AI36) & did 12 damage to Oggsbruff
dashed to (BF38)
IcyDeath stayed (grappled) & did 16 damage to Oggsbruff


Slowly slaloming between the stalagtites, Lorenn looked down through the fog, trying to spot the dragon. He was ready. And when the big shadowy form appeared, he blew into his Valhalla Horn. The same horn he stole from another Dracolich. He wondered what treasure he'll loot on this one. But that's for later. Now he had to fly away and hide after having revealed his position.
OOC: Lorenn flies west and as soon as he got a target, he uses his horn to conjure
3D4+3 = [4, 3, 1]+3 = 11 Bersekers right on the back of the Dracolich.
Bonus Action: Stealth: 1D20+10 = [16]+10 = 26
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Prickly Pear

That dragon's breath is foul! Sesto cried out. He couldn't hear Loklafd anymore, and he was unsure if Alhana managed to avoid the dragon's fury.
The frozen air cleared and Sesto moves closer to the ice shelf. Once there, he reckoned he was close enough to all injured. Sesto lifted his shield high to present the holy symbol of Lathander. Strong energy surged through the symbol and the shield to reach out to all the injured friends around Sesto. The energy surge closed open cuts and thawed frozen limbs.
Sesto then moved closer to Loklafd to see how the old ice hunter fared. The dragon was close so Sesto called forth his spiritual mace near the dracolich and took a swipe at it.

OOC: Action: Channel Divinity: Preserve Life. Sesto can restore 40 HP divided between any numbers of creatures within 30 feet, to half their max HP. Sesto gains 8 HP, Primus can have 2 HP and Alhana and Loklafd can share the rest (depending on how Alhana rolls her Con save). If Sooty is within reach (which I doubt, but maybe he is falling into reach?) he can maybe be healed too. I leave it for @FitzTheRuke to decide how the 40HP can be divided.
Move: Closer to Loklafd after Channel Divinity.
Bonus Action: Sesto casts Spiritual weapon (60 feet reach) as 3rd level spell, 2d8+spell casting bonus.
If Sesto is close enough, Spiritual Weapon attack: 1d20+8 15
Spiritual Weapon attack (if disadvantaged): 1d20+8 9, missed if Sesto has disadvantage.
Spiritual Weapon damage: 2d8+5 9, if it hits. (Edit: Force damage)
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Eastern Lair

As the drowned trolls shuffled away, Mord shook his head as he watched all of his troll allies run after them, clawing and chasing with little to no tactics. Over the howling and scratching, Mord could hear someone speaking in the northern cavern, though he could not make out what was being said.

Meanwhile, Lorenn's owl flew off into the swirling mists as the sound of a Dragon roaring echoed through the chambers. Though the ground's trembling was not quite as bad as it had been, still the loose ice shook and scattered.

GM: Trolls gotta dash to keep up with the Skraggs, so Oodna couldn't have attacked.
I'll just use Prickly's extra rolls for the OppAttacks of the trolls who's players have yet to roll them.
Oodna did 12 (claw) damage (Resisted) to Skragg6 & dashed to (CP38)
Ooga did 13 (claw) damage (Resisted) to Skragg5 & dashed to (CK41)
Sarg missed & dashed to (CR39)
Eko dashed (flying) to (BW35)
Cultists moved


Western Lair

Lorenn blew his Horn and a battle-cry rose in response. At first it appeared to be far away, but it grew louder and louder until eleven raging Rehgedmen (a few were women) of various tribes appeared out of the air above the dragon. As soon as they appeared, they began to fall. A few of them dropped their weapons and tried to grab on to the dragon, while others recklessly swung axes as they fell. Most landed hard on the ice below the dragon, even as a few landed blows as they fell. One woman with a facial tattoo clung to the dragon's neck and kicked viciously at the dragon's partially-skeletal wing as it tried to knock her off.

The dragon tried to escape the onslaught, clawing unsuccessfully at Oggsbruff, who was holding its leg. Finally, it bit hard into the big troll, taking a huge chunk out of the troll's shoulder. Oggsbruff fell back - seemingly dead as the dragon beat its tail into the ice below, causing a nearby pool of freezing-cold, but still liquid sea-water, to double in size. Most of the Berserkers, who were trying to regain their feet after the fall, fell in the water as many of the others were knocked flat by the force of the dragon's beating wings. The dragon roared, and a feeling that ranged from a nervous unsettling to outright panic flowed through every living creature in the area.

Most of this went heard but unseen by those on the treasure-shelf (though Primus saw through his psychic eye). The unsettling feeling effected them anyway, and Sesto prayed to his God for protection and mercy as he moved toward the fallen Loklafd. Sesto took cover behind the outcropping of ice that he could see Alhana, lying frozen on its surface. As he prayed, his holy spirt-mace appeared behind the dragon, though he could not see it, and it began to swipe at the creature. His lighted shield glowed brightly, reflecting off of the thick fog. Alhana and Loklafd began to stir as Lathander healed much of their injuries.

Alhana was unconscious, but wakes with 15 HP, as does Loklafd
summoned Berserkers, moved (flying) to (K30) & hid (dc26)
Sesto moved to (AS33) & healed Sesto 8; Primus 2; Loklafd 15; & Alhana 15
& summoned Spiritual Weapon which missed.
Berserkers appeared & did 10 & 7 (axe) damage to IcyDeath & one grapple too.
IcyDeath stayed (grappled) & did 17 (bite) damage to Oggsbruff & did 18 (9 on a dc19 dex save, wing buffet) damage to Berserkers & Oggsbruff & knocked failed saves prone.
Dragonfear dc14 Wisdom save or Frightened for 10 rounds (Everyone must roll)
Lair did 8 cold damage to Ber1 to 6 (some saved for half. Failed took Exhaustion1)
Alhana Con Save. She was down.
Save: 1D20+5 = [11]+5 = 16
1D20+5 = [8]+5 = 13

How many berserkers attack? (the rest will grapple)
Attack: 1D12-1 = [8]-1 = 7
Berserker attacks! Recklessly!
Axe: 2D20.HIGH(1)+5 = [6, 6]+5 = 11; 1D12+3 = [12]+3 = 15
2D20.HIGH(1)+5 = [16, 17]+5 = 22; 1D12+3 = [7]+3 = 10
2D20.HIGH(1)+5 = [14, 13]+5 = 19; 1D12+3 = [1]+3 = 4
2D20.HIGH(1)+5 = [11, 11]+5 = 16; 1D12+3 = [11]+3 = 14
2D20.HIGH(1)+5 = [7, 10]+5 = 15; 1D12+3 = [8]+3 = 11
2D20.HIGH(1)+5 = [13, 6]+5 = 18; 1D12+3 = [4]+3 = 7
2D20.HIGH(1)+5 = [15, 4]+5 = 20; 1D12+3 = [4]+3 = 7

Berserkers vs Dragon grapple: Last one got him!
VS: 1D20+3 = [6]+3 = 9 vs 1D20+6 = [17]+6 = 23
1D20+3 = [12]+3 = 15 vs 1D20+6 = [19]+6 = 25
1D20+3 = [9]+3 = 12 vs 1D20+6 = [18]+6 = 24
1D20+3 = [6]+3 = 9 vs 1D20+6 = [14]+6 = 20
1D20+3 = [7]+3 = 10 vs 1D20+6 = [1]+6 = 7

10 Berzerkers fall 20 feet
Fall: 2D6 = [1, 6] = 7; 2D6 = [2, 1] = 3; 2D6 = [1, 6] = 7; 2D6 = [4, 1] = 5; 2D6 = [2, 5] = 7; 2D6 = [4, 4] = 8; 2D6 = [4, 3] = 7; 2D6 = [3, 2] = 5; 2D6 = [6, 5] = 11; 2D6 = [3, 2] = 5
Breath recharge? Nope.
Recharge: 1D6 = [4] = 4
IcyDeath vs Oggsbruff
Claw: 1D20+11 = [5]+11 = 16; 2D6+6 = [6, 1]+6 = 13
Claw: 1D20+11 = [5]+11 = 16; 2D6+6 = [4, 2]+6 = 12

Bite : 1D20+11 = [6]+11 = 17; 2D10+6 = [10, 1]+6 = 17
Berserkers Saves vs Wing Buffet (dc19) Last one made it! Still holding on!
Save: 1D20+1 = [14]+1 = 15; 1D20+1 = [1]+1 = 2; 1D20+1 = [17]+1 = 18; 1D20+1 = [11]+1 = 12; 1D20+1 = [17]+1 = 18; 1D20+1 = [4]+1 = 5; 1D20+1 = [3]+1 = 4; 1D20+1 = [19]+1 = 20; 1D20+1 = [6]+1 = 7; 1D20+1 = [18]+1 = 19; 1D20+1 = [18]+1 = 19
Oggsbruff save vs Wing Buffet:
Save: 1D20+1 = [6]+1 = 7
Buffet Damage: 2D6+6 = [5, 5]+6 = 16

Lair Icy Water: (failure = Exhaustion1)
Cold Damage: 3D6 = [3, 4, 1] = 8
dc12 Con Saves:
1D20+3 = [3]+3 = 6
; 1D20+3 = [8]+3 = 11; 1D20+3 = [3]+3 = 6; 1D20+3 = [19]+3 = 22; 1D20+3 = [1]+3 = 4; 1D20+3 = [14]+3 = 17
Dragonfear dc14 Wisdom Saves.
Oggsbruff: 1D20 = [10] = 10
Berserkers: 1D20 = [1] = 1
; 1D20 = [9] = 9; 1D20 = [12] = 12; 1D20 = [10] = 10; 1D20 = [15] = 15; 1D20 = [18] = 18; 1D20 = [8] = 8; 1D20 = [20] = 20; 1D20 = [6] = 6; 1D20 = [3] = 3; 1D20 = [6] = 6
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