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D&D 5E (IC) Scourge of Daggerford

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
When called, Tommi pulls himself away from Sherren with a wink. "I guess I'm needed..." and as he heads for the boat he does a little skip that he hopes she sees.

The boat ride is uneventful, but as bows and crossbows are pulled out, Tommi feels distinctly outclassed. He looks down at his sling, though, and figures everything will be alright. The boat glides silently through the water, and as it approaches the shore, Tommi leaps out and quickly starts moving along the beach. He doesn't want to be seen as a target, and figures he can stay in the darkness effectively. (He's probably wrong about that.)

He knows he'll be most effective tossing in stones where there's a lead a fight happening, and then moving on. He'll not discriminate on targets: shoot and move, wherever he can upset the balance of power most.

OOC: Init: [roll0].

Move 30' along shore. Fire magic stone: if there's a target within range, he'll fire, preferring any target where the target is engaged (and so he'll get Sneak attack damage). If not target w/out disadvantage, he'll dash.

To hit: [roll1]; if a hit, damage = [roll2] bludgeoning, plus [roll3] sneak attack if relevant.

EDIT: it's not relevant...

HP 9, AC 14, Move 30.
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Angis Honack
Round 1

Initiative: 1D20+1 = [9]+1 = 10

Angis calmly reloaded his crossbow as he strode ahead toward the goblins. Let them come to him. He eyed the hobgoblin riverboat. It was still too far away, but he needed to stop them from loading those villagers aboard.

One thing at a time. There were plenty of goblins to go around. He fired his crossbow at the nearest goblin, but the bolt went skittering off amongst the stones.

[sblock=Angis’ Actions]
Move: To S25
Action: Heavy Crossbow attack and damage on nearest goblin: 1D20+3 = [4]+3 = 7
1D10+1 = [1]+1 = 2


[sblock=Mini Stats]
Initiative: +1
Perception: +4
Speed: 25
AC: 14
HP: 13/13 HD: 1/1d10

Bolts used: 2

Prepared Spells:

Spell Slots Remaining/Total

Tommi - human rogue urban bounty hunter
Lionel Hardcheese - halfling rogue folk hero, son of the local tavern owner (Happy Cow)
Dandin - halfling bard guild merchant
Snake of Trees - tabaxi sorcerer outlander
Enseth - warforged war cleric shield guardian
Angis Honack - dwarven ranger outlander merchant
Titus - human fighter waterdhavian noble
Drui Holderhock - dwarven cleric of Tempus soldier


Snake hissed quietly as the hairs along his spine stood on end. He followed Dandin, before the Halfling stopped to hide. Snake quickly jumped out and shot a bolt of fire at one of the goblins, Snakes tail raised as the bolt seemed to land, he jumped back behind the cover.

AC 16
HP 8/8
0 of 2 1st level spells used
Snake moves to 15 feet to L 30 shoots firebolt at the goblin in Z30 and then moves back to L28
Snake Initiative: 1d20+3 4
Firebolt to hit: 1d20+5 22
Firebolt Damage: 1d10 3


OOC: I'm going to do the write-ups in two groups by POV. One group is "Behind the Houses" (POV for Lionel) and the other group is "On The Beach" (POV for Tommi). I will switch-up POV as things go along, so everyone gets a turn. (If not in this fight, then in another.) Here's the whole map, for point of reference, but I'll zoom in for each write-up.



Location: Delimbiyr River South Bank (On the Bank)

Encounter: Goblin Raiding Party

Round One (Tommi's POV)

Tommi jumped out of the boat and ran along the rocky bank, his feet getting wet as he stepped in the water in the dark. He could feel his heart beating in his chest as he pulled out one of his special stones, loaded it into his sling, and released it hurtling toward a goblin. It sailed over the goblin's head, as a barely visible cloud of magical dust surrounded the group of goblins and they fell to the ground, sound asleep.

Tommi stayed low to the water, and he watched as goblins close to the newly-burning cottage scattered, firing their little bows at the big shining shield guardian. Their little arrows clattered on his shield and fell to the ground. The goblins yelped and ran between the cottages. Titus came alongside the cottage and shot a big hobgoblin with his crossbow. The quarrel buried itself into the creatures' leg, but it ran forward, only slightly limping.

The hobgoblin with the topnot yelled some sort of command to the others, and threw a javelin at Enseth, which likewise broke over his shield. Angis took cover at the corner of the cottage and fired his crossbow around the corner at the fleeing goblins, who ducked and tried to hide in the shadows between the buildings.

Tommi looked over his shoulder and found that Lionel, who he had thought was behind him, had disappeared. He saw that half of the boat's crew had stayed aboard, ready to shove back into the river if need be, but the others had followed. Some ran off into the dark behind the furthest cottage, but two were following Titus. They had knives in their hands to defend themselves and had picked up large river-rocks to throw at the goblins.

He could see a goblin dragging a struggling woman out from behind the newly-burning cottage, and glancing toward the goblin's raiding boat, he could see a goblin shoving a beaten old man aboard while a hobgoblin fired a longbow. He was able to track the arrow as it flew through the light from Enseth's head-lamp. He saw it arc, and come down toward the shield guardian, but the Dwarf Cleric, Drui was coming up beside the shield guardian, and the arrow fell, landing on the Dwarf's left arm, burying itself deep into his flesh.

GM: I have a tendency to resolve everyone's movements out of Init order by accident. It may cause some things to seem weird if you're trying to follow what happened on a turn-by-turn basis. I'll try to cut it out. Other group to follow soon.
(Now in order of Initiative.)
Name * Init * "HP" * (Space) * Actions * (Results)

Tommi 19 "9" (to T18) Sling 6 vs G2 (Miss)
Dandin 18 "8" (to M25 then M29) Sleep 34 vs G4, G5, G6, & HG2
Goblin1 15 "?-10" (W25) Dead
Goblin2 15 "?" (to S28) Bow 6 vs Enseth (Miss)
Goblin3 15 "?" (to S27) Bow 8 vs Enseth (Miss)
Titus 14 "12" (to Q24) Crossbow 16 vs HG1 (Hit for 6)
Goblin4 14 "?" (AC22) Asleep
Goblin5 14 "?" (AD24) Asleep
Goblin6 14 "?" (AE23) Asleep
HobgoblinBoss 13 "?" (to Z22) Javelin 17 vs Enseth (Miss)
Angis 10 "13" (to S25) Crossbow 7 vs G2 (Miss)
Drui 9 "11-6" (K20) Shield of Faith, Dodge
Crew1 8 "5" (to O24)
Crew2 8 "5" (to N24)
Goblin7 7 "?" (AU19) Shoves old man into boat
Goblin9 7 "?-5" (to AD28) Drags woman away
Hobgoblin1 4 "?-6" (to U22) Sword 9 vs Enseth (Miss)
Hobgoblin2 4 "?" (AF24) Asleep
Hobgoblin3 4 "?" (to AV26) Bow 17 vs Drui (Hit for 6)
Enseth 3 "9" (L6) Dodge

Drui & Titus
Init: 1D20 = [9] = 9
1D20 = [14] = 14

Init: 1D20 = [8] = 8

Init: 1D20+2 = [11]+2 = 13
Attack: 2D20.LOW(1)+4 = [13, 19]+4 = 17
1D6+2 = [3]+2 = 5

Init: 1D20+2 = [13]+2 = 15
1D20+2 = [12]+2 = 14
1D20+2 = [5]+2 = 7
1D20+2 = [15]+2 = 17
(Four groups of three)
Attack: 2D20.LOW(1)+4 = [2, 18]+4 = 6
1D6+2 = [1]+2 = 3
2D20.LOW(1)+4 = [4, 19]+4 = 8
1D6+2 = [6]+2 = 8
vs Enseth

Init: 1D20+1 = [3]+1 = 4
Attack: 2D20.LOW(1)+3 = [13, 6]+3 = 9
1D10+1 = [2]+1 = 3
vs Enseth
Attack: 2D20.LOW(1)+3 = [15, 14]+3 = 17
1D8+1 = [5]+1 = 6
vs Drui

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Location: Delimbiyr River South Bank (Behind the Cottages)

Encounter: Goblin Raiding Party

Round One (Lionel's POV)

Lionel jumped off the boat, intending to follow his friend Tommi, but he had quickly lost him in the dark. Everyone was running everywhere, and he could make out the back-lit shadow of a cottage, so he ran that way, looking for something to hide behind while he got his bearings.

In the dark behind the cottage, he heard a scream. He peeked around the back and saw a woman being dragged off by goblins. He had spent quite a lot of time flipping his knives. Juggling them while he was cooking, throwing his not-so-good ones into targets. He had never thrown them at a living creature before, but he had gutted fish and broke-down many four-legged animals. He threw his knife as hard as he could from far away from the goblin, and he heard the creature yelp as it thudded home, just under it's collar-bone.

Then someone was behind him and he turned quickly to find that it was Dandin, chuckling to himself for reasons unknown to Lionel (it was for having put so many goblins to sleep). Snake was there also, a shadowy form barely visible. Then, from somewhere in the tall grass of the hill above them, a rain of arrows descended upon the little group. Snake rolled and was missed, Dandin was just lucky as the arrow missed him by an inch, but Lionel felt a sharp pain in his leg and looked down to see the shaft protruding from his leg.

I've been shot! him mind raced, What will mother say? She told me to go find a nice girl, and instead I got myself killed fighting goblins. She'll think it was Tommi's idea and blame him, again.

He couldn't see the goblin who shot him, hidden as it was in the tall grass, but another goblin that was behind the newly-burning cottage was drawing an arrow as the one he had injured with his knife dragged the woman around the corner and away from him. He pressed himself up against the cottage's wall, behind the back steps, and closed his eyes, hoping that this was not the end.

He heard a thud and opened his eyes to see one of the crewmen from their boat, fall to the ground. Janos the riverman was leading a couple of the crew up the hill in the dark, calling out to his wife, "Marta! Stay where you are, I'm comin' for you!" The goblin had picked-off one of his men. The goblin ran back around the corner of the cottage.

Snake leaped out and send a bolt of flame up the hill and somewhere in the grass, a goblin yelped in pain. Lionel couldn't tell how Snake could tell where the goblins were. It must be those cat's eyes...

GM: I should point out that while this area is in Darkness (aside from right over near the burning cottage) it's not so dark you can't basically tell where you are. In other words, all the penalties of Darkness, but you can move about without tripping over your own feet or bashing into walls.
Name * Init * "HP" * (Space) * Actions * (Results)

Lionel 18 "11-5"(to M30) Dagger 22 vs G9 (Hit for 5)
Dandin 18 "8" (to M25 then M29) Sleep 34 vs G4, G5, G6, & HG2
Goblin10 17 "?" (to L39 then M41) Bow 22 vs Lionel (Hit for 5)
Goblin11 17 "?" (to P39 then N41) Bow 13 vs Dandin (Miss)
Goblin12 17 "?-3" (to Q39 then M40) Bow 7 vs Snake (Miss)
Janos 10 "9" (to L32) Dash
Crew3 8 "5-8" (to L31) Dash; Dead
Crew4 8 "5" (to L30) Dash
Goblin9 7 "?-5" (to AD28) Drags woman away
Snake 4 "8" (to L30 then L28) Firebolt 22 vs G12 (Hit for 3 fire)
Init: 1D20+1 = [9]+1 = 10

Init: 1D20 = [8] = 8

Attack: 2D20.HIGH(1)+4 = [18, 8]+4 = 22
1D6+2 = [3]+2 = 5
2D20.HIGH(1)+4 = [9, 1]+4 = 13
1D6+2 = [1]+2 = 3
vs Lionel & Dandin
Attack: 1D20+4 = [3]+4 = 7
1D6+2 = [6]+2 = 8
vs Snake
Check: 1D20+6 = [6]+6 = 12
1D20+6 = [14]+6 = 20
1D20+6 = [4]+6 = 10
G10,G11,G12 Bonus Action Hide
(Two out of three can be heard, but the Halflings can't see them anyway in the dark)
Attack: 1D20+4 = [19]+4 = 23
1D6+2 = [6]+2 = 8
vs Crew3 (Oh no!)

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Dandin's chortle was cut short as an arrow zoomed past him and Tommi took one. Suddenly the danger was very real and his friend was hurt. Then one of the rivermen fell with an arrow in him as well. Realizing he wasn't as hidden as he'd assumed, Dandin decided to take a risk. Then he saw a flash of light on the hill and heard a goblin crying out in pain. He did his best to target the same area and cast another spell, hoping to knock out whatever was up there as well. Then he called out to the riverine. "Go get them Janos! We've got your back!"

[sblock]Action: Casting sleep "hopefully at N41, will roll for it if necessary due to darkness"
Sleep Spell:: 5D8 = [3, 6, 2, 2, 7] = 20

Move: none
BA: Inspire Janos +1d6

Spells available: 1st(0/2)

Squirrels are evil!



Angis Honack
Round 2

Angis calmly strode forward and stood over the corpse of the goblin he had just killed. He was still to far away to effectively hit the goblins at the boat with the villagers, so he turned his next shot onto the closest goblin -- the hobgoblin with the topknot shouting orders.

OOC: Heh. Here I just see a dwarf calmly and determinedly walking through the chaos with a shotgun at his hip just silently blasting bad guys as they run at him LOL

[sblock=Angis’ Actions]
Move: To W25
Action: Heavy crossbow attack on hobgoblin leader: 1D20+3 = [14]+3 = 17
1D10+1 = [5]+1 = 6


[sblock=Mini Stats]
Initiative: +1
Perception: +4
Speed: 25
AC: 14
HP: 13/13 HD: 1/1d10

Bolts used: 3

Prepared Spells:

Spell Slots Remaining/Total

Tommi - human rogue urban bounty hunter
Lionel Hardcheese - halfling rogue folk hero, son of the local tavern owner (Happy Cow)
Dandin - halfling bard guild merchant
Snake of Trees - tabaxi sorcerer outlander
Enseth - warforged war cleric shield guardian
Angis Honack - dwarven ranger outlander merchant
Titus - human fighter waterdhavian noble
Drui Holderhock - dwarven cleric of Tempus soldier


Snake hisses again as the arrows fly by and he sees Lionel get hit, goblins were especially dangerous in the dark. As Dandin cast an enchantment Snake readies another fire bolt.

If there are any goblin’s that did not fall under Dandin’s sleep spell in that group of three, Snake will cast fire bolt at them.
Otherwise he will take the dodge action.
Fire bolt at Goblin's: 1d20+5 10
Firebolt Damage if hit: 1d10 4
AC 16
Battle Round 2
HP 8/8
0 of 2 1st level spell slots used



Unlike everyone else there, Angis could understand the goblin language. He had learned it many years ago from a scout who had spent years as a prisoner of the creatures. Knowing how to speak to and understand your enemies was a useful skill, he had thought at the time, and was right.

Angis had rarely had cause to use it, and he was rusty, but he clearly understood the Hobgoblin-with-the-topknot as it yelled orders to the rest: "Break the shiny one! Take the rest alive! You! Wake the forced-lazy ones! Argh! Maybe kill that dwarf, they make bad slaves, anyway!"
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