[IC] SWS/DnD5, Star Wars the Old Republic – A Gathering Darkness

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Kacela listened, a frown of concentrating darkening her features. So the Kwi had been enslaved and hadn't fought back, but then suddenly turned violent. What had they been waiting for? Had Czerka finally just pushed them too far? Or perhaps some taboo had been broken, or one of the Kwi had simply become a leader capable of galvanizing resistance?

Something had changed, and she felt that finding out what that was would be crucial to the situation on the planet.

Also, it was time.

"Vivian," said the Jedi. She waved the others nearer too so she wouldn't have to speak too loudly. "All of you. There is one more thing I must share before we do this."

"During the brief confrontation after we arrived, I felt a disturbance in the Force. A ripple of the Dark Side. It is too soon to say why, but we should be prepared. If any of you see or feel something you cannot explain, tell me or him at once." She nods at Reks. "Don't try to fight alone. An adept of the Dark Side can kill the untutored with a thought."

"I know the feeling you're referring to, I felt it as well." He nods at the other Jedi, and says "Don't worry, I have no plans to get into anything over my head."

Jihahna flicks her head to the right, the fews strands that fell in front of her eyes move again to the side. "I'm not calling you a drunk. I'm suggesting you sound just like the Czerka miners we bumped into. You sympathise with them, which is not unreasonable. I generalised by suggesting a bar would be the location someone might go to talk with them, but i did NOT try to belittle you or your ability.... That's not my style. I'll win or lose an argument fair and square WITHOUT taking cheap shots."

She took a couple of steps towards him, open palmed. "As for your conclusion.... Are you telling me that there is ABSOLUTELY NO chance that the Kwi are sentient? That updating Thirteen with advanced translation abilities is a COMPLETE waste of time?"

She steps closer still, looking him in the eyes, trying to get some summary of his issues. "Finally Keldo, you said it yourself", she jabs her finger at him with each syllable, "You're a God-damned scientist!" She puts her hands on her hips, "Wadda-you care if we try gathering data one last time? I don't have a theoretical background, but i KNOW science is about not making conclusions until you've exhausted all possible means of gathering accurate data".

url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=119303]_: 1D20+0 = [3]+0 = 3
_: 1D20 = [10] = 10


She steps back again, heads over to the speeder and waits beside it.
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The gand inquires as a quiet aside to Vivian Rell, guttural drone slur high-whirr click "This one would ask for toolkits that brakes may be cut." drone clacketty click jumble purr "And night-sight that one may sneak?"

To the medic amongst them she asks, not-that-idle curiosity in her posture: "Can Cal Domaru make laxatives?"

Cal nodded when Kacela mentioned ripples of the dark side. "I don't really know anything about the Force, but I noticed someone watching us while all the drama was going down at the spaceport. Whoever it was seemed like they were expecting it all. I only got a brief look at the being, skin the color of dead fish, dark clothes and a hooded cloak. I don't know if it has anything to do with what you felt, but either way, I got the feeling they did not intend good things for us."

Turning to the gand, patting his medpak he replied, "I should be able to, but it depends on the species."

Outside Kaldo huffs a bit but seems to calm down enough that he is not mad... right this minute. After a second he rubs the back of his neck and adds "OK you make some good points. And I have been hitting the bars a bit to much this last week or so. And maybe I have been drinking with some of the miners I guess..."

Inside, Vivian goes to a desk and grabs out a spare mechanics toolkit and hands it over to this Gand "Is this what you need? I don't really know anything about disabling vehicles I'm afraid. I don't think we have any night sights though, we never had need of them before... sorry."

"Oh one last thing" from the same desk she pulls out a small black-grey box and hands it over to this Gand "This medium range comlink will also allow you to link your short-range coms into it. With the satellite, you should be able to communicate with us here at Footfall even when you are out in the jungle. If conditions are right..."

Looking at everyone she adds "Well, you better get moving as I am not sure what the mercenaries are up to right now. No doubt, no good."

GM: This Gand can add a Toolkit (Mechanics) if he wants it and a Mid-range commlink with video capacity. The basic range under optimal conditions is 250km but with uplink farther. Wt. 1kg

Anything else? Otherwise moving forward :D

GM: If anyone has/had some final question I will still answer them but moving forward :)

Gathering their gear the team heads outside and piles into the landspeeder (with the droid Thirteen) to make their way back to the spaceport and bay 12. There they find a sullustan female named Mai jun, the pilot of all old Sorosuub ‘Colonial Hopper’ light Airtransport...

These vehicles have one pilot and can carry a dozen passengers and 5 tons are cargo internally and sling upto another 10 tons or cargo in an external net. The ship reach speeds of close to 1,000 km/h and have a range a a 1,500 km. They are VTOL and used for moving goods/poeple out on frontier worlds fast.

Mai jun shows the group where to stow the landspeeder, gets everyone to their seats and says "Best-is, straps in! Bumpy ride it be-is, don't want head injury you want-is-not" and then disappears into the pilot area (a small box like frame at the front of the vehicle). The ship starts to shake and then takes off very soon afterwards and within minutes is accelerating to cruising speed. In less then a half and hour, Mai jun's voice squaws over the intercom, "Here we be, prepare for landings you should-be"

Once the airhopper has settled for a landing the pilot appears again with a wide grin on her face "Fast and reliable I-is. Mention to Vivian you should all" and she helps you unload the landspeeder again.

As the doors to the hopper lower, the team is assaulted by the sounds from just outside. Hoots, cries, baying, and howls from a huge variety of animals steam in from the jungle. Bright light beams down onto the landing site and fog and mist slowly roll back onto the landing area. The thick jungle is less then a 200 meters cut back from the landing area and to the north is the mining camp...

[sblock=the Jungle]

A few beings dressed as supply personal approach the hopper and start unloading the goods the Mai jun brought up to the camp with the team. Otherwise there does not appear to be anyone here at the landing site. There are a few speeders and beings walking around up and among the mining camp buildings. Smoke is also poring for two of the processing stack buildings.

GM: There is no one to greet them here and so the team will have to decide which way they want to go, who they want to talk to, etc.
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Jihahna nods at Keldo one last time before leaving. "Anyone who can admit when they're wrong is always ok in my books. Listen Keldo, take care. I don't trust Czerka to play fair, they might come to you later to try and threaten you into supporting their cause, maybe bribe you. I say this as they noticed you when you came down before. I recommend carrying a recording device on you at all times, and a blaster, just agree to what they say at the time and record the conversation."

Jihahnas eyes narrow. "If the worst happened and they wiped you guys out, they'll need someone to pin the blame on. Just.... Take care."

With that, Jihahna jumped into the speeder with the others. On the way she discussed the exchange of communicator numbers and informed the team of her conversation with Keldo.

After reaching the airhopper, Jihahna made polite introductions with the sullustian and once the vehicle had landed, she replied, glancing at each of her companions. "I think we'll be sure to let Vivian know... Could we please grab your communicator number?" She says quizzically, her eyebrows furrowed in concentration.

Upon looking at the beauty of the Jungle, Jihahna is actually taken aback by it's beauty. She does not say anything, in fact, she will actively try to hide it from the others, but she is positively in love with at the greenery and the sound of life.

She turns briefly to Cal. "Ok, where are we headed according to your maps?"

Jihahna does NOT like flowers bluff.... :). Passive perception 9+ will tell you she is actively trying to hide her feelings of enjoyment...
http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=119468]_: 1D20 = [9] = 9
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"Gratitude," gestures the gand as she receives the tool kit. jumble drone mumble clacketty "Perhaps a sensor pack to help track the Kwi?"


At the landing site she seems to breathe easier, taller. He gestures towards the jungle, an invitation for them to sneak up on the camp proper and see what is to be seen?

OOC: Short on time today. Back tomorrow!

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