D&D (2024) If short rest abilities become Prof # tiimes per day?

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Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
people have been saying this from start of 5E, maybe they will listen.

1hr short rest have no sense.

If you manage to make 1hr safe for rest, most of the time you can manage 8, so why not take the long rest instead.

But I believe that most stuff will be prof bonus/long rest, and short rest will be for HD spending and some recharge powers(ki pts, arcane recovery and similar)
And for our games I have a hard time seeing that perspective. We do a roll for wandering monsters every hour, unless you get to a location which is super secure. So we can manage a single hours, but 8 rolls for wandering monsters in a semi-secure location will almost certainly mean one or more interruptions.

And for our games I have a hard time seeing that perspective. We do a roll for wandering monsters every hour, unless you get to a location which is super secure. So we can manage a single hours, but 8 rolls for wandering monsters in a semi-secure location will almost certainly mean one or more interruptions.
but that is only wilderness right? like you aren't rolling down the block?

Changing the short rest to one hour really mucked things up, from my experience.

Things were relatively smooth in 4e, when it was assumed that everyone would just get their encounter powers back and eventually everyone would benefit from a long rest. Now, it's common for the party to argue about whether they need a rest because you have the warlock and fighter who need to stop for an hour, the rogue who's never spent a resource, and the sorcerer who might need 8 hours to benefit at all. Structuring short rest features around a 5 minute down time was so much easier to manage at the table because the one-hour time tax was a completely non-existent factor.

The solution proposed - a feature that recovers certain powers a number of times per day equal to PB - seems like an interesting way to meet in the middle. You can essentially bring back the 5 minute power recovery without changing the base assumption of an hour short rest. One side-effect of this however, is that you're going to have less folks burning hit dice and perhaps greater reliance on the cleric's spell slots after a fight. You'd also create a situation where there's a sort of brick wall that pops up once you've recovered your allotment of features for the day. At 3rd level, for instance, once you've refreshed your features twice, the party is going to very, very strongly encouraged to immediately long rest than in the current system. You'd also have higher level parties where the fighter or monk will seem full-powered long after the wizard has run dry.


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
I still don't want it and I like having different rest schedules. Though I get that balancing and managing that is somewhat tricky.

But if there were to be just one rest type, I absolutely would want it to be the short rest (that refreshes some fraction of your resources) rather than long rest (which refreshes all.) Full refresh nature of the long rest makes it annoying "all or nothing" option.
I concur!

If you eliminate short rest recharge you eliminate all of them.
Including Arachne recovery, channel divinity recovery, and superiority dice recovery.
but to replace them blindly by a pb Bonus per long rest may lead to a complete mess.
You redesign all classes, and thus the warlock and others may change completely.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
I don't think they have indicated that it is a special edition with errata. The vibe they have given is "new edition collating the evolutions of the past decade." I think that's why they started talking about a full 3 years early.
I’ve seen nothing at all that suggests new edition.


This is bloody good idea. I wouldn't personally use it, but it still is.

I like my eight hour long gritty short rests, and I've been worrying that the anniversary edition will do away with short rests altogether, and I really don't want that. But your suggestion pretty much perfectly solves the issue for those who feel it needs solving, whilst not getting rid of short rests and short rest based recharges. (y)
You could keep the spending of HD on the regular Short Rest schedule if you wished and just have the recharging thing be a 'breather'.

The solution proposed - a feature that recovers certain powers a number of times per day equal to PB - seems like an interesting way to meet in the middle. You can essentially bring back the 5 minute power recovery without changing the base assumption of an hour short rest. One side-effect of this however, is that you're going to have less folks burning hit dice and perhaps greater reliance on the cleric's spell slots after a fight. You'd also create a situation where there's a sort of brick wall that pops up once you've recovered your allotment of features for the day. At 3rd level, for instance, once you've refreshed your features twice, the party is going to very, very strongly encouraged to immediately long rest than in the current system. You'd also have higher level parties where the fighter or monk will seem full-powered long after the wizard has run dry.

It's something I threw out there pretty quick and dirty, so I didn't really consider EVERYTHING. Still, at 3rd level it's like getting 2 regular short rest per day, which is somewhat the expected schedule isn't it? usually after two fights. And as for high level... well the Fighter and Monk could use the boost anyway and it would make a Wizard's ability to do Rituals more valuable as it would expend their effectiveness in the day. Granted, we'd need more rituals.

Clerics need a Ritual where participants can spend hit dice to heal each other... that would be cool.


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
but that is only wilderness right? like you aren't rolling down the block?
No. Not just wilderness. We're in the ruins of Omu in one party, and rolling every hour. We're in Waterdeep in the midst of a war with Xanathar's Guild, and rolling every hour. When we enter dungeons in either city, every hour. Rolling for wandering encounters every hour is the norm for our campaigns, except when we get to extra secure locations. Even if we use Tiny Hut, if we're not doing it in a secure location we're going to end up with a large group of challenges outside it the moment we exit.

It's something I threw out there pretty quick and dirty, so I didn't really consider EVERYTHING. Still, at 3rd level it's like getting 2 regular short rest per day, which is somewhat the expected schedule isn't it? usually after two fights. And as for high level... well the Fighter and Monk could use the boost anyway and it would make a Wizard's ability to do Rituals more valuable as it would expend their effectiveness in the day. Granted, we'd need more rituals.

Clerics need a Ritual where participants can spend hit dice to heal each other... that would be cool.
I did a survey awhile back regarding the average number of combats per day and the those who said that their table averaged 3 or fewer combats per day were more than double those who said they averaged more than 3. Every other online discussion I've read regarding the number of combats that tables see lined up pretty well with those results. I'd say that across all of the tables I've played at, we average 2 fights per day and often none at all (while still blowing spells and resources). 2 refreshes per day would exactly meet the 3-combat-per-day average, so you're spot on.

When I first picked up 3.5, one thing that a realized early was that resources like the barbarian's rage that became more plentiful as levels progressed were awkwardly designed for actual games because of one emergent play reality: I saw that high level parties didn't actually engage in a greater number of combats per day than lower level ones, only higher scale ones. In theory, I like the idea of using PB to determine a recovery mechanic, but I feel that classes like the fighter, monk, and warlock are going to need a hard retune so that recovering twice per day when facing level-appropriate threats is balanced against recovering 6 times per day while likely facing the same number of challenges. It could be doable and is worth experimenting with but it's going to take some playtesting.

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