D&D (2024) I'm a longtime player and there really is only one thing that will stop me from switching to 5.X


We worked around the minis thing in 4E by me buying a 1" hole punch (admittedly I did have to go to a very silly shop to find this, but it was kinda near Orc's Nest) and a few sheets of coloured cardboard, total price under £10, and a got a fairly large remaindered misaligned Chessex wipe-clean grid map thing (which was like, £30 or something), and yes I was being cheap on purpose because I was offended by the notion of minis. Then I just glued 1p coins to the back of the 1" circles and wrote monster indicators on the circles (like K1 for Kobold 1 but of course it could also be Kenku 1 or whatever).
I did pretty much the same thing as you with the hole punch and 1p coins but I wanted something more colourful than just plain card so I used all my Magic the Gathering cards for monster tokens and they looked awesome.

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Li Shenron

Here's what would stop me....

3. No "significant" changes/improvement to what I've already got.
Mmm... I know I'm being off-topic here but, IMO every edition change or revision always HAD significant changes and NO significant improvements. People think every new edition is a factual improvement but it's not, it's just another variant, so at best the improvement is in having one more variant available. The game simply can be just as fun in every edition, only in different ways. And all the serious problems you might encounter are not really caused by the game but by the people who play it, and no edition will ever get rid of that.

I did pretty much the same thing as you with the hole punch and 1p coins but I wanted something more colourful than just plain card so I used all my Magic the Gathering cards for monster tokens and they looked awesome.
That's a cool idea - I only got into MtG briefly when it started (I do have an original-run Serra Angel somewhere, haven't seen it for years, otherwise I'd have sold it lol) so I wouldn't have had enough to do that, but like, I have friends with boxes of thousands of cards they don't even care about and that would be great for them. I suspect I would still have written identifiers on them with silver pen though.

Tony Vargas

Mmm... I know I'm being off-topic here but, IMO every edition change or revision always HAD significant changes and NO significant improvements.
IMHO, every edition/prong of the TSR era had no significant changes relative to the others.
3.0 significantly changed D&D, and it significantly improved it in many ways, while breaking it in others, yet leaving the overall experience still recognizably D&D.
4e significantly changed & improved D&D - so significantly it didn't feel like D&D anymore.
5e significantly changed D&D and made it significantly worse (relative to 4e) or arguably improved over 3e, if we omit 4e from consideration as not-D&D.

Really, the only instance of clear significant changes but no significant improvements in D&D history, IMX, was 3.0 to 3.5 🤷
it was a very dramatic and memorable instance, tho


I’ve bought every edition and half-edition of D&D thus far. I’m sure I’ll buy this one.

(If Wizards had blown up the OGL, I would’ve skipped their new edition and gone with Tales of the Valiant. Which I also bought.)

Really, the only instance of clear significant changes but no significant improvements in D&D history, IMX, was 3.0 to 3.5 🤷
3.5e was GREAT!
It gave my Ranger 6 skill points per level!! ❤️

Lack of digital platform support. If I can't play it on Roll20 or Foundry, it won't get adopted by my group. Also, full 5E compatibility: my group has informed me on no uncertain terms, that they will not be changing game systems.
Could you explain this? Do you mean your online group will refuse to switch to D&D's digital table top or that the books of 5.5 need to be incorporated in Roll20?
Deciding that the 3D VTT is the future and all design efforts should center around that. Unfortunately I feel like this decision may already have been made by WotC high-ups even if 5E's designers don't yet have that memo.
This. ☝️ For so many reasons. I feel like when they designed 5e, and one of its main reasons for success, was because they designed it around a feeling, specifically, the feeling of old-school tabletop gaming. Redesigning around a virtual tabletop might change the feeling drastically. And, in fact, I do not even see how it can be done.


It not being compatible with Roll20 or Foundry, and not working with my back catalogue of Roll20 modules of which I have many.

This is a deal breaker for me. I’ve spent too much on those systems to switch on a whim.

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