#001 The Crystal Shard by RA Salvatore (Icewind Dale Trilogy Book 1)
Read 2/8/19 to 5/8/19
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Yeah, I should have started with the Moonshae Trilogy but... I picked up all three of this series in a charity shop, and after reading this one the idea came about- don't stop here, read the lot, all of the Forgotten Realms novels.
Not a review but... Drizzt is as cool as everyone says, I so wanted to dislike him but alas, I do however now really want to find out how he escaped to the surface- what came before. Thanks Salvatore, first book and I'm hooked. Learned a lot about Icewind Dale and the Ten Towns, also lots of other good stuff about- Barbarians and their honour bound crazy ways, also nice power mad Wizard (being manipulated by the Crystal Shard), and plenty of other good stuff to recommend. Loved Bruenor (I heart Dwarves, what can I say- they're dependable) superb enemy- Errtu (the Balor).