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In Defiance of Dragons: Young Rebels IC


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At the words of his elder, Bheazir clenches his teeth with surpressed frustration. "I.. We owe Norsten NOTHI.."

Taking a long sip of tea, he calms himself and steadies his words.

"Survived, alright. We have survived. But not because of Norsten or his deeds, but inspite of them! That worm is thriving on the misery of others, cloaking himself in the fear of a greater evil to exploit, rule and bully the people of this town."

Bheazir thuds the mug down more heavily than he intended; watery tea spilling over the table.

"It is not Norsten's merit that we survive, but that of the people of Evenfall, who toil and labour on, day after day, despite this injustice. It is the people of Evenfall who save themselves and the lives of their oppressors because that, to them, appears to be the price of survival. But they are wrong!"

No longer able to restrain himself, Bheazir pushes from his chair. Crossing back and forth in the tiny cabin, his fists clenched and knuckles white, he challenges his grandfather with defiant words.

'You have never told me much of anything about your ways with Athelberg... the time.. well... before. What was so special about Athelberg anyhow? If he was anywhere the man deserving his reputation, not to mention your reverence, I'd think he would have known that it is not the banners or the glory of defiance against the impossible that counts, but the unity of mind, of purpose and of heart."

Taking a long breath, cooling himself, he stops his back and forth in the middle of the room.

"When I see good folk like Hazel turning suspicious and forbidding towards people they've known all their life. When I see mistrust and fear everywhere I turn, than I do not see a town that is surviving."

And, with short pause and sigh, half bitter, half mourning Bheazir adds. "I see a town that is dying. "[/sblock]
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[sblock=Corbin] Otram nods sadly as Corbin leaves. "Aye, that's the problem, lad. What choice do we have?

Corbin emerges from the shop just in time to see Jaden talking to Hazel, the halfling herbalist whose shop is just across from Otram's. [/sblock]

[sblock=Akhara] Akhara looks for Bheazir, but nobody has seen him yet today. Akhara knows from past experience that that means he's likely still at home, stewing about something. [/sblock]

[sblock=Galdr and Bheazir] Dhealain's expression is one of sorrow and concern. "You are too hot-headed, my boy. Be careful about that Norsten, and especially the Bloodscale. They're not to be trifled with. Athelberg was a fair city, and a stronghold of the light, but it was still made up of individuals, with individual motivations. No lord could have controlled that."

As he pauses, there is a knock at the door. [/sblock]

[sblock=Jaden] Jaden spends some time talking to those he sees on a daily basis. Few people will speak about the tribute, and those who do seem to guard their reactions. His final stop is at the small herbal shop run by Hazel, a fellow halfling. She has little to tell him, but she says that she sometimes stops at some of the outlying settlements when she is in the forest, and that the people there have been hit even harder by the increases in tribute.

As Jaden leaves the shop, he sees Corbin emerging from Otram's home across the street, where the jeweler does his business.[/sblock]


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[sblock=DM & Galdr]

"Careful? Yes, I am careful. More so than ever. Not only because of Norsten or that simpleton brute Bloodscale!" Bheazir responds, struggling to not add too disdainful a sneer. "More so I am careful because the ol'Wyrm seems more restless than ever this season. I'm sure you heard about the halfling hamlet out west, didn't you? Likely more again than your telling I figure?" he adds with a more sober tone.

Stepping towards the entrance Bheazir opens the door at the knock, not without routinely putting his hand on the hilt of his sword, hidden by the opend door.

"'Quel undome². Who is it?"

² "Good evening" in elven

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[sblock=Jaden & DM]
Corbin's mood brighten's somewhat as he sees Jaden across the way. He waits until Jaden finishes his business with Hazel before moving up to talk to his fellow halfling.

"Jaden, it's good to see you, I've been looking all over for you. I was back at the villiage earlier today and noticed that someone or something was digging around there. You ain't heard nothing have you?" Corbin says with a touch of anger in his voice

"Oh yeah, whattya need from Hazel? Not feeling good? Corbin asks offhandedly

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Failing to find Bheazir in town, Akhara makes his way to the cottage at the edge of Evenfall where Bheazir lives. He leaves his bag of leather scraps on the small table and approaches the door, but removes one small rounded piece. The area seems deserted.

Akhara speaks out in simple and unaccented draconic, employing vocabulary as a continuation of a lesson begun the previous week:

"Manelf, you are about-to-welcome a visitor known-to-you. Do you welcome him freely? I wish to-be-welcomed though my guest-gifts are meagre, a skullcap for your sire's sire."


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[sblock=Corbin and DM]
Jaden's frustration built quietly as he made the rounds about town. If anyone knew what the Bloodscale was up to no one let on about it. Everyone seemed oblivious as a corpse. He doubted that many people were good at acting so whatever the walking snake was up to he was keeping a tight lid on it.

His last hope of digging up something lay with Hazel, the halfling herbalist. She didn't seem to have heard anything either. And as hope seemed to fade from his heart, fate intervened. The second he walked away from Hazel none other than Corbin Tallfellow caught him up. Jaden could think of no one better to help him with his next plan of action.

"Jaden, it's good to see you, I've been looking all over for you. I was back at the village earlier today and noticed that someone or something was digging around there. You ain't heard nothing have you?" Corbin asked curiously. "Oh yeah, whattya need from Hazel? Not feeling good?"

"Just the halfling I needed to see," Jaden smiled. "I'm sorry but I don't know anything about it. Neither does anyone else here I'd wager. Well, none of the decent folk anyways. I wanted to ask you something, too. Follow me."

Jaden's old mischievous smile crept across his face. Almost instantly Corbin could probably tell that Jaden was about to be up to some trouble or other. He led the two of them around the corner and then through a broken slat to cut through the small back alley. Once he was certain no one was able to see or hear them Jaden stopped and motioned for Corbin to come in close.

"Listen. Skravress is up to something. Something new. He's been collecting up just about every weapon in town what doesn't belong to the guard and he's been seeming mighty pleased with himself about something for a few days. He's up to something foul, I can smell it. I can't figure out what, though, and no one seems to have noticed or heard anything," Jaden whispered cautiously. "Way I figure it, someone's got to dig up proof to whatever scheme the Bloodscale has going and since this town is a little short on volunteers to stand up to the walking snake I figure that's me. The short of it is, I was wondering if you might help me break into his place to see what we can dig up? I'm sorry to be dragging you into trouble but I can't think of anyone who'd be better for it. Promise I'll take all the blame if we get caught. I've been in enough trouble I'm sure everyone would believe you're innocent as daisies next to me. Whattya say Corbin? Can you help?"


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[sblock=Jaden & DM]

Corbin listens to Jaden, initially crestfallen that his fellow halfling knows nothing of the goings on at the ruins and lack of interest in solving that mystery. However once Corbin saw his old friends smile he knew that Jaden had something more interesting planned.

Corbin's interest is piqued by the actions of Skravress and a glint of excitement enters his eyes at the thought of doing something, anything, with more meaning than running errands for Otram.

"Well, my friend, it appears that you'll be owing me one after this, although I'm guessing if we add everything up I'm still owing you more than that. Alright, I'm with you. I've got to run home and get my tools, got'im through Otram's contacts, I convinced them that they were for the jeweler. When's the best time to go, night or day?" Corbin says excitedly.

Corbin thinks to himself "It's a good thing I keep my weapons hidden underneath that floorboard under the bed. Wouldn't want to be missing my only tie to home."


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[sblock=Bheazir & Redclaw]
In response to the challenge, Galdr replies "It is I."

If the response is favorable, he will enter.


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[sblock=Bheazir, Galdr and Akhara] Even as Bheazir opens the door for Galdr, Akhara's call comes from the back door.

"My boy, you seem to be attracting all manner of attention," Dhealain observes dryly. "I hope you have chosen your confidants wisely, as I know you're no good at watching what you say once you've started." [/sblock]


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[sblock=Corbin & DM]
For a moment Jaden felt nervous about asking his friend to join in his less than legal misadventures but the second Corbin's mischievous grin matched his the fleeting emotion passed. Of course, they still actually had to do the deed and in a small town it was never easy to do this kind of thing.

"Right. Can't say how much I appreciate the help. I think it'd be best to do it while Skravress is on duty making collections for the tribute. Best way to make sure he won't be around. It means breakin in in daylight but he has a fenced yard so we should be able to get in unnoticed if you can jimmy the lock without noise or a fuss at the door. Of course, someone with your skill should have no trouble," Jaden winked before hesitating for a moment. "Guess I'll need to grab a couple things too. What say we meet back in the alley half a block down from his place in an hour? I can't thank you enough for agreeing to help. Oh......and when we're done, what say we make plans to head up the river tomorrow. Maybe with both of us poking around up at the hamlet we'll come across something you missed the first time. It doesn't fit right anyone taking something from there what didn't have family there when Rhix torched it. We should find that grave robbing thief and give him a good thumping for his trouble. Right after we expose the Bloodscale!"

Jaden's mischievous grin grows to dangerous proportion. Anyone who could see him could tell he was a boy about to be up to serious mischief. He waited long enough for Corbin's reply and then left with another thanks and a wink. He had to get home and grab a blanket and his backpack. Then he had to get back out of town and bundle up his sword. He felt it wasn't prudent to go into Skravress' without a means to defend himself. Not after almost getting caught the first time. Of course, he couldn't just walk through town with it so he would have to bundle it up in the blanket and tuck it on his back between the him and the backpack. The straps would be a bit uncomfortable that tight but he'd rather have his sword than not if the worst came of Corbin and his excursion.[/sblock]

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