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In Defiance of Dragons: Young Rebels IC


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[sblock=DM, Akhara & Galdr]"Greetings Galdr. Good to see you. And greetings to you Akhara old friend." Bheazir welcomes his companions.

"I would invite you in for some tea and bread, but with the four of us, this small cottage will barely suffice."

Opening the door wide for Galdr and Akhara, Bheazir turns back to the kitchen. As he gathers some rations into the leather backpack made by his dragonborn friend and continues talking, he turns to his grandfather again. "Fortunately, we do have supplies to spare. It appears that the guardsman have - inexplicably - decided not to tribute us, of all the people."²

Turning to Akhara and Galdr again. "Anyhow, I think we could take a short walk for you to tell what brought both of you up here so close to sunset."

[sblock= ² OCC DM]
Wondering if Dhealain reacts... somehow unusual to this: Use insight vs. Dhealain (1d20+2=12)

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[sblock=Bheazir] Dhealain definitely reacts, with a guilty start and a glance toward an old trunk that stands in the corner of the room. You know the trunk well, as it is often referenced in your grandfather's tales of his past in Athelberg. It is where he has stored the few items that he kept from his adventuring days. [/sblock]


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[sblock=DM (Akhara and Galdr likely overhear I suppose)]Bheazir drops the half-packed backback as dreadful realization dawns on him.

"Or... no.. I am wrong, Dhealain. Am I not? Norsten did come to collect a tribute? Just not the gold and supplies he normally plunders?"

The young half-elf musters his grandfather carefully. "That is what lies at the heart of all this talk about the price of survival Dhealain, isn't it? Tell me! What was the price you paid Norsten so he would deign to let us live another day in the shadow of the Dragon? Tell me grandfather!"[/sblock]


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[sblock=Jaden & DM]
At the mention of his 'unique' skills, Corbin's face brightens up, even more than before, he always enjoyed feeling that he could contribute something.

"Jaden, your suggestion is sound, see you in an hour." Corbin replies, then turns and moves back to his place, the halfling's barely able to keep himself from running there, but he forces himself to his typically leisurely pace to avoid any suspicion.

Once home, Corbin proceeds to bolt his door and windows, just in case, and makes his way to the hollow floorboard under the bed. He gingerly lifts the board out of place, wincing when it groans in protest as the woods swelled slightly with the damp air. Pulling out the bundled package he places it on the bed and unrolls the blanket. Smiling as the meager light of his lamp dances across the cold steel of his tools, Corbin first picks up the thieves tools, checks to make sure all his picks are in the proper order and that his magnifying glasses are clean and ready to go. Setting that aside, he lifts one of the daggers, checks its balance and places it in a hidden sheath inside his clothes. Finally, he pulls out a half dozen of his shurikens, tests the point and thinks "Still sharp... perfect, this'll teach that scaly jerk if he gives us any trouble". Placing them in his pack, along with the tools and a sunrod, Corbin checks the straps, and stuffs some of his spare clothes and blanket in the bag to prevent the metal from clanking against itself.

Finally ready, Corbin travels to the appointed place to meet his co-conspirator.



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[sblock=Jaden and Corbin] The two halflings rejoin each other a short way from Skravress' home. It is a nice home for the village, a bit bigger and better cared for than most. Your knowledge of the dragonborn assures you that he does none of the work, but you are unaware of who or what takes care of it for him. The front door faces the road, and there are three windows. Two smaller ones face the main road through town, and a larger one faces the house next door.

It is broad daylight, and many people are going about their business. You realize that you have no easy way to sneak up to the door without curious passers-by wondering what you're doing. The fence is about waist high to Skravress, so chest high for the two of you. Not a difficult climb at all. The problem is going to be getting over it without drawing any attention. (see attached map) [/sblock]


  • Skravress' house.xls
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[sblock=Bheazir, Akhara and Galdr] Dhealain's eyes go blank and his face loses all color. "You don't know what you say, Bheazir. I fear that I fed you too much glorified nonsense about adventuring. People don't slay dragons in reality; dragons kill people." Here the pain in his voice becomes palpable.

"I watched a city burn, and I buried hundreds of bodies, many probably those of people I knew, though I couldn't tell for sure. Your grandmother's was only recognizable because of the magical ring I had given her, not that it did her any good. Some fights can't be won, boy, and it's time you learned that." Anger replaces the sorrow in his eys. "So what if the Bloodscale claimed my sword? He's welcome to it. It didn't prove any use against the Second Flight anyway. Maybe if we'd all offered up our blades back then there would be more survivors alive today." The old half-elf walks to the small room that holds his bed and lies down, all emotion drained by the tirade. [/sblock]

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
[sblock=DM, Bheazir, and Galdr]
Akhara hears voices inside, and waits until he is called. The door opens, but Akhara walks around to the front to greet Galdr, picking up the bag of scraps, but leaving the cap for Bheazir's grandfather.

He knows the Teifling slightly, but is uncertain about Galdr's understanding if Akhara's servitude. Akhara is embarrassed to have been caught speaking Draconic--he had thought he was alone--and he reverts to common, as he says,
"And greetings to you, Galdr. Our friend's cottage has become a major crossroads, it seems. I suspect we come on related business."

Akhara greets Bheazir, but says little more until they begin talking about the issue of the tribute, at which point he offers what details he can.



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[sblock=DM, Akhara, Galdr]
Bheazir demeanor turns mellow, embarrassed at having angered and strained the old man.
"Yaaraer Dhealain. I forget the pain of your memories too quickly. Forgive me."

Kneeling down beside the bed of his elder, the young Half-elf continues in a quiet tone.
"Many good men and women died in Athelberg. And many more in the other towns. But they fought the second flight. They fought it knowing what they'd face for they had seen the first."

Unsure on how to continue, Bheazir gazes at his two companions, and back towards his grandfather.
"We all miss sorely those who have fallen. But not only because we lament their death. We miss them, because their will for freedom seems to be slipping from these lands. I know that, because that defiant spirit is with you still. Your tales inspired me, that is true"

After a moment of silence, Bheazir falls into slow recitation of ancient elven words.
While yet a child
And ignorant of life,
I turned my wandering gaze
Up tow'rd the sun, as if with him
There were an ear to hear my wailings,
A heart, like mine,
To feel compassion for distress.

Standing up suddenly and returning to the Common of Evenfall, Bheazir proclaims with new determination.
"This is not about the Dragon. This is about Skravress exploiting fear and mistrust among these people. And about Norsten to afraid to confront his own wayward guards. There will not be ancient swords to give the next tribute season. And then? For us to survive, Evenfalls' people must find their courage now."

Gearing up his weapons and armour with routine efficiency, Bheazir heads for the door.
"I will not rouse a Dragon grandfather. I would never endanger the people of this town. Have faith in Yaaraer. You taught me better than you think."


Closing the door behind him and tightening up the last buckles of his equipment, he turns to Akhara and Galdr.
"I apologize you had to find my family in this moment of.... " Bheazirs voice tails of, lost for words.

Rousing himself with an impish smile, he adds.
"Anyway; I need to have a talk with the Bloodscale. You're coming?"[/sblock]


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[sblock=Corbin & DM]
His equipment safely recovered, Jaden arrived at the rendezvous spot with a little time to spare. He didn't even have to wait two minutes for Corbin to join him. The pair nodded at each other, both barely containing the mischievous grins adoring their faces.

As carefully as he could manage Jaden led the way around to the back of Skravress' house. His efforts seemed almost infantile as he accidentally tripped into the corner of the fence with a clatter. With a clumsy but sufficient tug Jaden manages to sling himself over the fence into the Bloodscale's yard, hoping the fence will conceal him from anyone whose attention is drawn by the noise he made against it.

Well this really sucked. Hope my descriptive flair is sufficient to represent these crappy, crappy rolls.

Stealth roll approaching Skravress's home at F2. (1d20+2=3)

Athletics check to hop the fence into Skravress' backyard. F2 to F3. (1d20+8=13)

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