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(IR) Announcing a New Strategic Roleplaying Campaign of Epic Proportions!

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Zelda Themelin

First Post
Yep, it would be kind of over my talents to play three major factions. Though since I know very little of that far land some of them might not be major except in the sense that they got a lot of empty wilderness. Big doesn't always make great.

That aside. Oriental-esque is not really my thing.
Since I am considering joining forces with Airwhale, it might still be interesting to have more than one land between two players. Not that they have to be both major. Just kind of being more safe than sorry. Other players might chime in and grab all that's left.

I am not so much into spelljamming either. I found it kind of confusing during my 2nd edition days. But both might work pretty well with Airwhale, dunno that.

I am not really very bright what comes to strategic gaming, never played risk or much civilization for that matter. It would be interesting to give this a try.
I still have most of the rules to read too. :)

And Edena, hehe, my English is far from good.

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Edena_of_Neith said:
Not at all, Creamsteak.
I just decided safe was better than sorry. I didn't want to offend anyone, so I totally deleted the e-mails. I will put them back on a permission basis, case by case.
I have an almost complete list in my private word processor, and intend to send the list to Serpenteye as soon as he PMs me on Nutkinland and enables me to do so.
Or, I could PM the list to you and you could send it to him (in which case, please post to my thread in Traditional Games in Nothingland, and I'll PM you based on that, and then you can e-mail it to Serpenteye.) Because Serpenteye has requested I get it to him ASAP.
Just trying to help here. And to be careful not to offend or break any rules I didn't know about.

In fact, I'll go to Nothingland now, and attempt to find your SN, and PM you with the list. I want to get that list to Serpenteye ASAP. I'm just trying to help Serpenteye however I can (feebly as that may be, I fear.)

You don't comprehend what I'm saying (in the form of text).

Why are you unable to attain an email address. Why are you unable to find an email address that you can connect to through the internet.

Thomas Hobbes

First Post
Now, I've got to go back and read the rules on page 13 again. (and again, and again, until I understand them. I won't totally understand them, and I will learn my mistakes soon enough, in the actual game! And that's ok, and how it should be. Or, at least, how it always is, with a new game! (sheepish look))

Now, I've got to reread the rules too. Because it's all Greek to me, and I barely speak Frat.

I think I've got a pretty good handle on the rules, for the most part (this is not surprising, as I seem to have a strange ability to learn game systems really quickly. Which is why I gotta ask: How come I'm no good at math, memorizing dates, or languages? :mad: ). If it's OK with serpenteye, I (or anyone else who thinks they understand) could field questions; the worst that happens is that we get it wrong and Serpenteye has to answer anyway, and if we're right or even mostly right it'll save him some work. :)

In that spirit, Creamsteak, I'll answer your question:

Second, would there be any benefits to attaining both 10th level magic AND psionics?

Serpenteye said:
Psionics have a similar role as arcane magics and the two are therefore technically interchangable with each other, a matter or role-playing of no concern to the rules.

by saying that since, in all other aspects, Psionics and Magic are different only in flavor, I'd assume this extends to high level magics of either kind. Spending PL to research "Magic" is the same as doing so for Psionics.

*takes off All Knowing Hat, which is oddly conical...*

I do have a question/suggestion of my own, though:
(I put the below in sblock so people won't have to scroll through it unless they want rules wonk discussion. :))

The one thing I'm a little fuzzy on is nature of PL's. I think there are some slight gaps in the rules that need to be filled in, but it's easily enough done.

If I've got it right:

At the beginning of a turn, we get a certain number of PP's, as determined by how developed our territories are and how much control we have over them, as capped by our tech level and the population. Also at the beginning of the turn, we earmark things for certain uses, those being:

Military: You can use PPs to convert your population into Regular units.
Industrialization: You can use PPs to increase production in your territories.
Tech: You can use PPs to increase your tech level.

Once this is done, the turn proper commences. This is where things start to get fuzzy. You talk about "spending" PL's of various levels (you spend PL's to infiltrate a faction, Regular PLs to create Elite PLs, Elite PLs to create Epic PLs, and epic PLs to research magic). But these PL's refer to people. In terms of magic, as you've explained, this makes sense: the people in question are killed or seriously injured in the researching. But what about when upgrading military units? Does it really kill off, or cause the disbandment of, the other 9 units of 2-6 level people to get the one unit of 7-16 level people? That's one hell of a training regimen :p. What about infiltration? Do you sacrifice regular military units in order to send spies in?

PLs make sense when they mean something other than military units, but the only point in the process that you've listed to turn PPs into PLs is when you recruit some of your populace to become professional soldiers. Really, it seems to me not so much a point of confusion about how the rules work as noticing that you seem to have forgotten a passage. :) You even wrote later:

This time around PLs is a measure of disposable power that can be used at an immediate notice during the Turn. It represents your armies, magical items and cold hard cash. It's not tied to the territories, but to your faction as a whole.


(That's a new thought for me. Using regular PLs for Infiltration would simplify the system considerably. No longer need you put specific PPts in reserve for Infiltration... Regular PLs, as the two other kinds of PL, can represent various kinds of currency (magical and otherwise), that in turn can be used to bribe and manipulate. In essence you spend "money" to infiltrate.)

I wrote the first part of this post before I went back and read this one of yours. :eek: So the wording above may be a little off, but I think the idea it may bear returning to. As is, PLs represent People as well as Resources, which means it's a little wonky to "spend" them at a rate of 10-to-1 in order to get better people or spies. :) I'm trying to think of a way to tweak this (although you may disagree about the need to tweak it) that's elegant. Would it be too complex to be able to "stockpile," converting PP into the "magic items and hard cash" form of PL without throwing population into the mix?

Or perhaps that's what you do every time you create a PL (which is to say, you create some form of useful material wealth) and making regular armies is in fact the process of combining a PL and some population (whatever it is, magic item or gold, it's sold and the money used to make weapons). Of course, when the population is destroyed (i.e, killed in battle) the PL is lost because the equipment is destroyed too. I think I like this best.

The way things would work under this system:

Replace the "military" step of the before-the-turn actions with the "stockpile" step. PPs are converted into PLs as usual. People have a certain amount of PL hanging around as a matter of course. Still at the beginning of the turn, you earmark some of your PL to be wed to some of your population to create military units. Like before when you could spend PP to get regular PLs, you can only do this at the beginning of your turn. Any other PLs you keep.

If you disband a military unit, the PL remains. To convert a low-level military unit to a higher-level military unit, you spend unwed PL's. You would spend 9 PLs to turn a Regular "unit" (which replaces PL when referring to armies) into an Elite unit (for a total cost of 10) and you would spend 90 PLs to turn an elite unit into an Epic unit (totalling 100 PL). This represents spending money on training as much as anything else, which is why you can't just disband an epic unit and get the PLs back (at least until you research a spell to turn their XP into GP :p). Infiltration requires a similar expenditure of loose PLs.

Magic costs loose PLs for research costs, and should require the presence of Epic units (you need to have 1 epic unit for each 100 PL you want to spend in a turn), and maybe a lesser expenditure thereof. For example, say expenditure is 90% PL, 10% Epic unit. Reaching the 10th level mark still costs 5000 PLs worth of effort, but that's 4,000 PL spent and 10 Epic units sacrificed to accidents.[/sblock]

On another note:

Researcher trait: I think that might be a bit too scary, seeing how (as I understand it) certain nations will already be getting bonuses to their magic of various flavors thanks to the Arcane or Clerical (or did I misread/misremember?) traits. Stacking something like that would be obscene, though I think that there should be corresponding (but rare, who on Oerth has it besides Murlynd?) trait for technology.

You misread, a little. There are no Arcane or Clerical traits. Everyone has arcane magic (0-9th), but/so it doesn't give any bonuses. Not everyone has divine magic, so it gives a +1 bonus to Militia, Regular, and Elite PLs and a +2 bonus to epic PLs. And possesing epic spells, or having a Diety on your side, gives combat bonuses.

What I was preposing (or reminding the DM about his own proposal for) was making it slightly easier for some factions to research Magic. Perhaps they get a 10% discount on research (requiring only 4,500 PLs to get 10th level spells) or perhaps there could be another trait called Arcane Might which means you count as having more Epic units then you do when casting 10th+ level spells (although since this wouldn't become relevant until you can actually cast them, it'd be useless for a loong time and best combined with the research trait)

Just tossing out ideas to make small mage-based factions viable in the same way Infiltrator makes other smaller factions viable. None of these may be needed, depending on how Serpenteye "stats them out". :)

I just decided safe was better than sorry. I didn't want to offend anyone, so I totally deleted the e-mails. I will put them back on a permission basis, case by case.

Edena, all the e-mails on my list (which is, I assume, where you got yours) were posted on this thread when asked for contact. I assume you've got permission to repost them on the same thread- or at least, I hope so, 'cause I sure did. :)


First Post
My last post of the night: I am really tired. It's 2 in the morning, and I should have been in bed 3 hours ago.

James, thanks again for the gmail offer. I may take you up on it. Let me see if I can establish my own e-mail address tomorrow. I appreciate your offer! I may yet use it! Tomorrow will decide it: tomorrow I will attempt to create a standard e-mail address with my local ISRP.

Creamsteak, I simply do not have an e-mail address. I never created a new one after moving into temporary quarters before moving to Florida.
As I just told James, I will rectify that tomorrow. Dealing with the local ISRP will be most annoying, but I think I can manage it. I hope!

I'm very fearful, folks, that Serpenteye will be overwhelmed and burn out. I (and Creamsteak) appreciate the overwhelming challenge of running an IR, and I am trying to give all the support I can to Serpenteye, in the form of direct information and indirect support in trying to help other players. I can't do much, but I can try, and every little bit helps.

William has stated he can be there, to a limited extent, for Serpenteye.
William says he will be glad to be a source of campaign information for the setting for Serpenteye, should Serpenteye have any questions on Greyhawk names, places, and history. William has a real knack for history and names!!!
William is also very worried that Serpenteye will be whelmed and burn out, and wants to give what support he can.

Could one of you relate that William wants to be supportive in this way to Serpenteye, so Serpenteye will know he has some backing there, and help there?

Both I and William really want to make this thing work. We know you do also. So, we are just doing our best to try and help, in what little ways we can.
It's already taking it out of me - you might note my posts tonight are febrile, because I am very stressed out and tired and somewhat rattled - but I will stay in there and plug for Serpenteye and this IR, and fight to make it work and be fun for all of us.
Even if I cannot figure out the rules, make a total embarrassment of myself on Turn 1, and get squashed into red goo!!

Please remember all those powers yet unclaimed:

The Kevellond League (Good)
Nyrond-Urnst-Iron League Alliance (Good)
Lortmil Alliance (Good)
Ulek League (Good)
Zingia (Unknown, off-map to the south)
The Solistarim (Evil, northwesternmost part of map)
All those others given by Serpenteye, such as Lynn (spelled it right this time, I hope.)

I think, and this is just my opinion, that the more the merrier. And it would enhance the IR if the remaining on-map powers were claimed.
I have already claimed the drow, so I can't claim another power. It wouldn't make sense for me to claim practically any other power anyways, since the drow are opposed to most other factions. So, I'm sticking with the drow.

Good night, everyone. See you in the afternoon my time, tomorrow!


William Ronald

Some observations and comments

Hello, everyone:

I have been busy contacting people, and e-mailed everyone I could from the previous IRs. While I don't know if I have recruited anymore players, one former IR player of note let me know he will try to stop by. (I am not revealing whom, but I think all the old IR players will recognize this mover and shaker.)

Airwhale and Zelda: You might want to share a faction or two on the map. If I can help with any questions, e-mail me at williamwronald@aol.com.

Edena of Neith originally posted:

This is a major issue. If Serpenteye wants, I could play those factions for a shortwhile. However, it would be very tiring after a while. (For a while in the 3rd IR, I was running multiple factions while people were elsewhere. It was tiring.)

Also, while we are fine tuning things, we could make claims on behalf of future players. I suspect if we wait another week, which seems to be the case, we will likely have more people show up. (In the build up to the 3rd IR, I held onto a few things just for new people. As I recall, Sollir Furryfoot and Uvenelei ended up gaining a lot of those territories.) So, hopefully a few more people will show up before we start. (Creamsteak has finals, and we can probably use a little more time to fine tune things. Plus, I want to make sure that Serpenteye has the time he needs. I don't want anyone to burn out.)

Thomas Hobbes: As you already have some elven factions, you might consider taking Celene and the Ulek states.

James Heard: You might be interested in claiming some more terri

Xael: You might want to claim Perrenland, as it borders the Yatils.

Guilt_Puppy: The map is incredible!!! Also, as I used orange last time, I can use orange again.

A question for Serpenteye on quasi-deities and demi-deities. Are they available for players to claim, as there is one on the map already? There is one Baklunish demi-deity who might be appropriate to claim. If not, no great deal.

Also, is the nation of Esmerin (giants and halflings, mentioned briefly in the LGG) available? Darkness had it in his Baklunish Confederation, which was kind of a neutral to good faction.

It also might be a good idea to have a preliminary PL list, and have an upper starting limit like Edena did in the 3rd IR. (Under Edena's system, I think the upper limit in turn 1 was about 100 -120 PLs.) Some small factions, like Rhialto's Black Brotherhood, were very effective with low PLs. So, I think the infiltrator organizations will have a role to play -- they may well have very different agendas from each other and perhaps some professional rivalry. (In Eberron, the House that controls espionage split into two.)

I expect Serpenteye's Vecna to be quite terrifying. And I am looking forward to it.

Also, here is a website for Greyhawk fans. The Living Greyhawk Homepage can be a great resource for learning about the Flanaess.

So, should I recap the events of the Greyhawk Wars up to the year 591 CY? (If this opens 20 years after the end of the Greyhawk Wars, the game will start in Common Year 604.) Everyone, try to recruit someone.

Also, from reading the rules (which may require a little more tinkering) I would like to propose that the unofficial motto of the IR could well be: Ad astra, per aspera. (Latin: To the stars, through difficulty. Or loosely translated, if you want something great, expect to work hard for it -- one way or another.)

William Ronald

Some observations and comments

Hello, everyone:

I have been busy contacting people, and e-mailed everyone I could from the previous IRs. While I don't know if I have recruited anymore players, one former IR player of note let me know he will try to stop by. (I am not revealing whom, but I think all the old IR players will recognize this mover and shaker.)

Airwhale and Zelda: You might want to share a faction or two on the map. If I can help with any questions, e-mail me at williamwronald@aol.com.

Edena of Neith originally posted:

This is a major issue. If Serpenteye wants, I could play those factions for a shortwhile. However, it would be very tiring after a while. (For a while in the 3rd IR, I was running multiple factions while people were elsewhere. It was tiring.)

Also, while we are fine tuning things, we could make claims on behalf of future players. I suspect if we wait another week, which seems to be the case, we will likely have more people show up. (In the build up to the 3rd IR, I held onto a few things just for new people. As I recall, Sollir Furryfoot and Uvenelei ended up gaining a lot of those territories.) So, hopefully a few more people will show up before we start. (Creamsteak has finals, and we can probably use a little more time to fine tune things. Plus, I want to make sure that Serpenteye has the time he needs. I don't want anyone to burn out.)

Thomas Hobbes: As you already have some elven factions, you might consider taking Celene and the Ulek states.

James Heard: You might be interested in claiming some more terri

Xael: You might want to claim Perrenland, as it borders the Yatils.

Guilt_Puppy: The map is incredible!!! Also, as I used orange last time, I can use orange again.

A question for Serpenteye on quasi-deities and demi-deities. Are they available for players to claim, as there is one on the map already? There is one Baklunish demi-deity who might be appropriate to claim. If not, no great deal.

Also, is the nation of Esmerin (giants and halflings, mentioned briefly in the LGG) available? Darkness had it in his Baklunish Confederation, which was kind of a neutral to good faction.

It also might be a good idea to have a preliminary PL list, and have an upper starting limit like Edena did in the 3rd IR. (Under Edena's system, I think the upper limit in turn 1 was about 100 -120 PLs.) Some small factions, like Rhialto's Black Brotherhood, were very effective with low PLs. So, I think the infiltrator organizations will have a role to play -- they may well have very different agendas from each other and perhaps some professional rivalry. (In Eberron, the House that controls espionage split into two.)

On another matter, I think there should be some in game benefit to having trade relations with other powers. (The Baklunish do have a huge trading organization that operates in many states.) I will leave it to Serpenteye to decide what those benefits might be. Perhaps just significant enough to make trade useful between two parties.

I expect Serpenteye's Vecna to be quite terrifying. And I am looking forward to it.

Also, here is a website for Greyhawk fans., from the RPGA's own Living Greyhawk Campaign. The Living Greyhawk Homepage can be a great resource for learning about the Flanaess. (Different real world regions and countries run parts of the Flanaess, so you may have to hunt around to read up on your faction's country.) I also made a few changes to the Campaign Maps and Other Resources link in my thread. Some links I quickly checked no longer worked, but I added some new non-Greyhawk resources.

So, should I recap the events of the Greyhawk Wars up to the year 591 CY? (If this opens 20 years after the end of the Greyhawk Wars, the game will start in Common Year 604.) Everyone, try to recruit someone.

Also, from reading the rules (which may require a little more tinkering) I would like to propose that the unofficial motto of the IR could well be: Ad astra, per aspera. (Latin: To the stars, through difficulty. Or loosely translated, if you want something great, expect to work hard for it -- one way or another.)
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Thomas Hobbes

First Post
I just (via e-mail) tried to enticed a player of mine to join through a combination of threatening to break his knees and offering him XP. I promise to not use these to influence him if he actually plays. :p He loves Machiavelli, which means he's a good bet to play, although he make take some persuading to play any of the large good leagues ;). Maybe he'll grab a neutral one.


Thomas Hobbes: As you already have some elven factions, you might consider taking Celene and the Ulek states.

I already have Celene; if I had known the Ulek states were elven, I would've offered already. :eek: Apparently, I need to research more. If nobody else wants them, consider them claimed.

So, should I recap the events of the Greyhawk Wars up to the year 591 CY?

Can't hurt and will almost definitely help. :)

Thanks again to Edena, doghead, WR, others, and most of all Serpenteye who are doing lots to get this thing to work. :)
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William Ronald

Thomas Hobbes said:
I just (via e-mail) tried to enticed a player of mine to join through a combination of threatening to break his knees and offering him XP. I promise to not use these to influence him if he actually plays. :p He loves Machiavelli, which means he's a good bet to play, although he make take some persuading to play any of the large good leagues ;). Maybe he'll grab a neutral one.


I already have Celene; if I had known the Ulek states were elven, I would've offered already. :eek: Apparently, I need to research more. If nobody else wants them, consider them claimed.

Can't hurt and will almost definitely help. :)

Thanks again to Edena, doghead, WR, others, and most of all Serpenteye who are doing lots to get this thing to work. :)

Tell your friend that the good aligned powers can still be sneaky and make a decent living. Good is not stupid. Just have him read the 3rd IR for some of the stuff that the good and neutral parties pulled on their adversaries. (Nyrond and the Urnst states are good and neutral for the most part.)

There are elves, dwarves, and gnomes in the Ulek States. They also border Celene and can help in any war against the Pomarj. If you follow the Living Greyhawk link above, you can read up on them. As can everyone else. Remember, things will be somewhat different in this IR, but the link can take you to specific regions. You just have to look for your country a little (I am more or less resigned to the thought that I am not going to dramatically boost sales of the Living Greyhawk Gazeteer.)

I also added a link to this thread in my sig. So, hopefully, that will help with recruiting as well.


First Post
Lots of posts here. Okay:

1. I have practically no knowledge of the world of Greyhawk or the Circle of Eight (other than there's actually 9 of them, and there's Mordenkainen etc.). Don't know if I'm supposed to stat them or list their levels or something (some people seemed to do this). Or make/choose on as a PC (like Iuz). I'm pretty sure that they're epic though...

2. I'm somewhat confused about the rules, but I think I got the general idea. So one needs to sacrifice epic PLs (=units/characters) to research 10th level magic? Not good, I need to whip up some disposable armies. No way I'm changing the faction name to "The Circle of Three" or something after the first turn. :)

3. You can present my e-mail in the real format.

William Ronald said:
Xael: You might want to claim Perrenland, as it borders the Yatils.
Well, If I can go just claiming areas and it's close, then I quess I could claim it. Especially since there seem to be drow hanging around my mountains...
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Thomas Hobbes

First Post
William Ronald said:
There are elves, dwarves, and gnomes in the Ulek States. They also border Celene and can help in any war against the Pomarj.

Sounds good!

If you follow the Living Greyhawk link above, you can read up on them. As can everyone else. Remember, things will be somewhat different in this IR, but the link can take you to specific regions. You just have to look for your country a little.

The other place I'm looking is Canonfire, but that seems to be a TON of info which you have to sift through. here is something that looks useful (it's a map, and overview of the history of, the entirity of Oerth!), and what it says about the Flanaess fits with what I knew, which seems to indicate it's up to date. What it says about the far, far, far west, though, has little or no relation to the map with the Maer Mysticum. Hmm. Those who want to play in that area, take a look; it may give you ideas, and it may be the map, rather than the text I just linked to, is the outdated/innaccurate thing. Or perhaps one talks about more small nations, while the text is explicitly an overview. I dunno. Since we're not sticking 100% to cannon, it's not a killer issue, and anyway, someone asked for info....

EDIT: The map/info above, or those parts of it east of the Flannaes, is based at least partially on decidedly non-canon stuff. Oh well.

(I am more or less resigned to the thought that I am not going to dramatically boost sales of the Living Greyhawk Gazeteer.)

I often have trouble thinking of what to ask for for christmas, since my material needs are slim (or at least, my desire for "stuff" tends to be limited to internet access, and books, which for the most part can be got from the library). This may well make the list, if only as a study guide for Liberation of Tenh story hour. :p
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