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(IR) The 1st IC-thread of the 1st Turn of the 5th IR

Paxus Asclepius

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By allowing beings of Good into the cities his territory surrounds, the Wolf God has done everything he can. Given his alignment, and that of his society, any direct intervention would break the drow's sanities like so many matchsticks.

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Shortly after Iuz's escape in the Great City, the Tempest returned home, and now, a short while later, further trouble brewed beneath the earth. The Tempest sat by a campfire, watching images of the conflict play across a pool of water. A druid sat nearby, maintaining the spell.

The Tempest had sat by the pool for quite a while, ever since Eclavdra's Shout echoed through his head, silently watching and thinking. He almost didn't notice Warfather Aldar approach him and pitch a rock into the pool, ending the spell. The Tempest looked up at the warrior with a slightly annoyed glare.

"You've been thinking for too long. You're just rolling things over and over again in your head; that's no good. Act, or you're no man worthy of leading."

The Tempest stood and faced the warrior. "You may be right, but one day I'll kill you for acting like that."

The elder warrior stood unflinching. "Well then, at least you'll act on that day."

The Tempest allowed a slight smile, then had a servant fetch paper. He wrote a short order, sealed it, and handed it to Aldar. "Go on, don't waste time." The Warfather mounted his horse and rode off to carry out his king's order.

The Tempest sat again and motioned at the pool. "Cast it again." The druid complied, and began to chant.


[sblock] I stop influencing the drow I retrieved from the cities below my territories towards evil. I quarantine them and prepare to teleport them to the Great City when things have calmed down. I'm giving them back to Eclavdra to do with as she wishes. I'd actually give them back now, but things are a little hectic. As soon as things quiet down, and when you rule on all that's happening now, I'll send them. [/sblock]


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The Triumvirate, frankly, has found that when it messes around with Drow in the middle of Withdrawl, they usually become monstrous and evil beyond belief. And then we have to kill them.

So, um, we'll just stay back, if that's cool.


First Post
(OOC: Sorry I can't join you in the chatroom. I haven't got the plugin, and am unable to download it. Stupid Macintosh computers. : ( )

(What Eclavdra was looking for was a very forceful intervention, for the drow. An in your face affair, as it were. Al'Akbar preached personally to the stricken drow, and Serpenteye said this made a big difference. So Eclavdra was hoping Al'Akbar and other good demipowers would do some more personal preaching. For it seems the drow are very stubbornly evil, and to make them otherwise would take an equally stubborn effort.
As for Eclavdra, she sees what she is doing as wholly good and right. She believes that by forceful intervention, by demanding the drow sit up and heed her voice, they will respond and make it through. At least, more of them will.
Sort of like you're trying to lift a very heavy weight, and your gym teacher is shouting encouragement in your ear. Or think of Basic in the army, where the seargeant screams at the recruits to encourage them on.
Turning the race of drow to good is no easy thing, as Serpenteye said. It wouldn't be possible in canon, but it isn't easy even in an IR.)


If the sitaution in Rel Mord has calmed down then, Morwel will leave Eclavdra in the capable hands of Rhynnon and Murlynd and Zagyg. And personally visit each of the drow hospices held by powers willing to let her enter. She will speak no words but allow her love for freedom and free choice to flow over them, and she will attempt to remove any unnatural evil in them, but she will not force them towards good, if they are heading towards it she will help them through, with images of deeds done for good over the millenia and the feelings it inspires.

Good aligned Powers/Edena (Drow)
[sblock]If she feels it will help the drow and will not adversely affect her worshippers, Morwel will use up 1 Epic PL of her power (As if lost in battle) to aid the drow she visits.[/sblock]
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The Empire of Lynn will allow the clerics of Morwel tend to the drow embassy and the drow from the city below Lynn (which my elite PL earlier rescued while looting the city below the Empire of Lynn) to be released from stasis and treated. If their true alignment is Chaotic Good, logic follows that it would be wise to allow clerics of a deity of that alignment to treat them.


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(I couldn't get in to the ENWorld chatroom. I tried many times. Sorry. : ( )
(I can be contacted on AOL Instant Messenger. E-Mail me if you have that program and want my SN there.)


OOC - Serpenteye, can Demigods grant spells to those not usually of their clerical alignments if they want ?

[sblock]If so Morwel will extend her power to any good, and any non-lawful neutrals, amongst the drow and elves, she will still frown on lawful acts, and revoke access for evil ones. [/sblock]

Rikandur Azebol

First Post
Guilt Puppy said:
OOC: One note -- I had six epPL (including Abbon) in the battle, not five... As indicated by the "six figures appear"... Not sure where you get five from (assuming I didn't send in Abbon?). Anyway, if I understand the rules right (and it's becoming more and more clear that I don't) that would put the Elders at 5,8 PL, and Iuz at what, 0,6?

More or less clear. But, people of Empire are already hostile to Brotherhood. Brotherhood is outlaved here, don't You forget ? Greater Boneheart still listen to Iuz's orders. And he have more people who know how to speak to CE folks to spill here Iuz's wersion of Events. ;)

Okay, this is opportunity that Iuz wouldn't miss. He is aware of everything happening in his Land !

Melkor, I belive that forces that You gave at my disposal are still avaible ?

Serpenteye, Private:
[sblock]Since GP splits his forces so thin. All Iuz's Elite and Epic PLs will set a trap in second place they would visit. Because after the first visit Iuz will know it all. Melkor said he is lending me 3 epPLs and 15 elPls. If this is true, it will only easy down Iuz's work. I use them too, in the shape of Meliana Vampire Princess of the Veil. My trap is of course guarded against any Magical Escape attempt. And subdued, Yes, subdued brothers will became snacks for Iuz recovery.[/sblock]

Edena, Eclavdra will have to lie to Iuz that she is uncorrupted. ;) Or don't show any sign of weakness while around or his sympathy will vanish.

His Priests leave Great City without second word and Demons stopped transporting Drow wounded. They all vanished. Short note is send to Drow, that they are welcomed to became citizens of Empire if the will to leave Eclavdor. :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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